"Master's child is too good, isn't it? He broke through to the Quasi-Emperor Realm before he was even born!"

"I wonder if my and Master's children will be that good... No, I haven't even figured out my horoscope yet. What am I thinking about?"

Outside the room, Lin Kexin and others were all there.

Bai Ling was also thoughtful.

She thought in her mind that she would work hard, learn all the experiences and gestures taught by her mother, and strive to become the second woman to give birth to a child for the Immortal Monarch.

"Junior brother, junior sister!"

Xiao Huo walked over quickly and looked at the room anxiously.

He really wanted to know if it was the young master who was making the breakthrough, because this aura contained a powerful force of blood, and even his Chaos Sword Body would tremble!


"Senior brother??"

After hearing the sound, Shi Tian was overjoyed.

Senior brother actually came back safely? ?

Master is really good at predicting things!

"Brother, are you okay?"

Shi Tian came to Xiao Huo and asked with concern.

Xiao Huo waved his hand, "What can happen to me? Don't worry."

"Brother, how did you get rid of that crazy woman?" Shi Tian asked curiously.

Hearing this, Xiao Huo didn't know how to answer for a while.

He has not gotten rid of Jiang Qingxia, and he is still entangled with Jiang Qingxia...

There is no way, love is so wonderful, sometimes it comes like a tornado, and it is not something that a straight man like Shi Tian can understand.

"Junior brother, I'll tell you about this later."

"Who is breaking through in the room?"

Xiao Huo asked impatiently.

"Our little young master who is not yet born!" Shi Tian replied with a proud look on his face.

Their little master broke through to Quasi-Emperor before he was even born, which is simply unbelievable.

"Holy shit!"

"What a young master!"

Even though he had already made some guesses, Xiao Huo still felt extremely shocked after receiving the affirmative answer.

"There is a terrifying power of blood in this breath. Junior brother, have you ever felt it?"

Xiao Huo continued to ask.

Shi Tian nodded, "Yes, I feel it too. Could it be that the young master has inherited the master's special bloodline?"

"When did master have a special bloodline?"

Xiao Huo frowned.

Ye Qingyun only got the Pangu bloodline after they went to the Central Territory, so it was normal that they didn't know about it.

"Isn't the young master my master..."

"Ahem, Shi Tian, ​​is this allowed to be said?"

Xiao Huo quickly stopped Shi Tian, ​​fearing that this guy would say something treacherous.

The Master’s Wife is a majestic empress. Except for the master who can conquer her, it is impossible for anyone to get close to the Master’s Wife...

Therefore, the fetus in Master’s wife’s belly must have been born by Master.

As for the power of blood, it is probably the master's method.

After all, Master has too many secrets.


The door was pushed open, and Ye Qingyun supported Ji Ningshuang and walked slowly.

"Greetings to Master, Master Wife!"

Everyone saluted quickly.

Lin Kexin and Bai Ling looked at their master's wife with envy, thinking how great it would be if they could be pregnant with their master's child.

These days, they can only solve their problems by holding the clothes worn by their master late at night...

"Xiao Huo, you are back."

Ye Qingyun asked with a smile.

With his old-fashioned sense of smell, he immediately smelled the feminine scent of Xiao Huo.

Good guy, it seems that Xiao Huo really captured Jiang Qingxia.

"It makes Master and Mistress worried."

"My disciple is fine."

Xiao Huo cupped his hands and replied.

Long Jinze, who was behind him, almost told his master about taking Jiang Qingxia, but he was afraid of being stewed into dragon soup...

"That's good."

Ye Qingyun nodded happily.

"Master, has the young master broken through to Quasi-Emperor?"

Xiao Huo and others asked.


"This kid has lived up to his father's reputation."

Ye Qingyun smiled with satisfaction and showed off to everyone.

"Shameless, it's obviously due to this emperor." Ji Ningshuang rolled her eyes at Ye Qingyun, and then said arrogantly.

Seeing this, several singles were already abused to the point of scolding their mothers.

I don’t know when the empress, who had a cold personality, became arrogant and girlish.

"Yes, yes, it's all my wife's credit."

Ye Qingyun shook his head and said dotingly.

"Wow, Immortal Monarch is so handsome, so strong, and he dotes on his wife so much. How can there be such a perfect man in this world?"

Bai Ling looked at Ye Qingyun with admiration, and the girl's heart almost overflowed.

In the following days, Xiao Huo and others entered the Hongmeng Cultivation Tower for retreat.

Especially Xiao Huo, he wants to become stronger quickly.

Because there is a woman waiting for him.

He has been attracted to two women in total in his life.

The first woman is Ning Caiwei.

But that green tea bitch didn't deserve his love at all, and she had been killed by his own hands.

Now that he met Jiang Qingxia, he vowed to protect her and never let her be harmed in the slightest.

And only by becoming the supreme strong man can one be free from the constraints of the world. Even if the two ancestors of Zixiao Palace return, they will not object to the marriage between him and Jiang Qingxia.

If Xiao Huo learns that the two ancestors of Zixiao Palace are in Lingxiao Peak and are also toilet directors, he will probably be shocked, right?

About three months later, a strong man from the Central Territory quietly arrived.

He comes from Shengxu Mountain and came to Eastern Domain this time to deliver the invitation to the "Peach Prodigy Banquet".

On the Shengxu Mountain, there is a million-year-old flat peach tree that will bear six peaches every hundred years. Therefore, it has attracted the covetousness of all major forces. In order to preserve the peach tree, the Shengxu Mountain was forced to take out three of the peaches. Then the "Peach Genius Banquet" will be held, and the mainland geniuses will be invited to the banquet for a competition. The top three will be rewarded with flat peaches.

Each time, the Eastern Domain would be allocated a quota, but it would be monopolized by the Martial Emperor.

Now that the Martial Emperor has been destroyed, Flowing Cloud Sect has become the undisputed dominant force in the Eastern Domain. This spot naturally belongs to Flowing Cloud Sect.

"Peach Tianjiao Banquet?"

"A million-year-old quality flat peach?"

Ye Qingyun looked at the invitation in his hand, with a touch of fire in his eyes.

The Peach Tree and the Enlightenment Tea Tree both have Innate Spirit Root.

Although the flat peach tree on Shengxu Mountain is a bit stretched, only six flat peaches can be produced in a hundred years, but if you can get one to refine for your unborn child, then the child is expected to break through to the Great Emperor Realm!

[Ding ]

[Ask the host to take his disciples to Shengxu Mountain, sweep away all the geniuses, and win the first place in the Peach Feast]

[Rewards: Five thousand years of cultivation value, a billion-year-old peach tree, Innate liquid x999, Spirit Level elixir x999, various Supreme Grade imperial weapons x999, various Emperor Rank skills and martial arts x999]

Suddenly, the system released a task.

"A peach tree with hundreds of millions of years of quality??"

Ye Qingyun was dumbfounded.

Good guy, the system is really going to be strong in a lifetime!

There is a million-year-old flat peach tree in Shengxu Mountain, and then he backhandedly rewarded a billion-year-old flat peach tree! !

If this billion-year-old peach tree bears fruit, the child will definitely benefit immensely after refining it! !

“First place in the Peach Feast, I’ve made a reservation for the Flowing Cloud Sect.”

Ye Qingyun murmured firmly.

For the sake of his children, he was really worried!


Thanks to "Zhuxiandong Bus Bus Sun" for the reward [Master Certification], thank you to my good brother, it is enough for the heating bill for a week at most. Thank you very much. I write free novels and I am satisfied with the heating bill~

Thanks to "Zhaotian Gang Patriarch Zha Tiandi" for the reward [Explosive Spreading Flowers]. Sure enough, the Zhaotian Gang is everywhere. Thank you, good brother, for the refill~

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