"Son, did you see that? There is someone who has less time than dad."

In the void, Long Aotian felt proud and proud in this aspect for the first time.

Long Jinze rolled his eyes and said, "Dad, don't laugh at the fifty steps and laugh at the hundred steps. If you are really good... I won't be the only one."

"Why are you kid..." Long Aotian's old face turned red, and his self-esteem was hit.

This traitor knows how to reveal his "scars" day by day.

"Slut, what did you do to our third senior sister?!"

"It's pitiful that Third Senior Sister's innocence has been tainted by you!"

"I, Zixiao Palace, swear to fight you till death!"

The disciples of Zixiao Palace roared with anger.

Xiao Huo frowned, feeling very wronged in his heart.

He really didn't do anything!

Just put away the jade bed.

But in the eyes of everyone, he has become an old prostitute?

The most outrageous thing is that the junior brother actually thought that he only had two minutes, and even advised him not to feel inferior, why early detection and early treatment... what the hell is this horse riding!

How could he only have two minutes when he is brave and knowledgeable? Two hours is not enough for him to perform well!

Xiao Huo thought it would be better to explain.

Otherwise, your image will be completely ruined.

However, at this moment, Yang Wanqing walked out, with tears still hanging from the corners of her eyes, as if she had been greatly wronged.

"Third Senior Sister?"

"Third Senior Sister, are you okay? Did this pervert bully you?"

Seeing this, the disciples from Zixiao Palace quickly stepped forward to ask.

Because Yang Wanqing's pitiful appearance can easily make people think that she was bullied by Xiao Huo?

Xiao Huo was confused.

I wonder why this girl is still wronged?

He just took away the jade bed and didn't do anything to Yang Wanqing!

"let's go!"

Yang Wanqing did not answer, but left decisively.

She felt defeated.

Even the soul suffered huge trauma.

As a woman, in Xiao Huo's eyes, a bed is not as important to her...

Seeing the appearance of Third Senior Sister, everyone shook their heads and sighed, and then looked at Xiao Huo with hatred.

"You thief, just wait, our Zixiao Palace will never let you go!"

Several male disciples said harsh words and then hurriedly left with Yang Wanqing.

"What kind of thief do I think I am when I step on a horse?"

Xiao Huo said with an innocent look.

Now even if he really jumped into the Yellow River, he wouldn't be able to clean himself!

Shi Tian on the side was very happy.

The jade bed found in Zixiao Palace was taken away by them.

Even the third senior sister of Zixiao Palace has now been captured by his senior brother!

This trip was so profitable!

"Junior brother, things are not what you think."

Xiao Huo wanted to explain things clearly.

"Senior brother, I understand everything. You don't need to explain. I heard that the first time is relatively short, two minutes...it's not bad. Senior brother, don't feel inferior."

Shi Tian immediately comforted Xiao Huo.

Xiao Huo really wanted to slap him.

Why don't you step on your horse and make a move?

His image of being a heroic and upright gentleman was completely ruined.

"That's all, let's continue looking for the target."

Xiao Huo was already numb, so he just chose to show off.

The lively scene in the Netherworld Forbidden Land lasted for half a year.

It is rumored that some people have obtained the Supreme Grade Imperial Artifact, while others have obtained the Heavenly Spirit Fruit, as well as powerful techniques and martial arts...

But in the end, most of these opportunities were taken away by two "robbers" who didn't want Bilian.

These two "robbers" appeared out of nowhere and had never been heard of before.

They actually don't even let the geniuses of the first-rate forces go. As long as you are targeted by them, no matter who you are, all your treasures will be looted.

This also successfully angered those first-rate forces, who sent strong men one after another to bring the two "robbers" to justice.

Of course, Xiao Huo and Shi Tian had already left the Netherworld Forbidden Land. They had gained a lot from this trip and it was already a worthwhile trip.

However, they did not return to the Eastern Domain immediately, but prepared to practice in the Central Domain for a while.

"Green Ant City?"

"It is rumored that there is a unique wine in the Central Region called Green Ant Wine. Could it be produced here?"

Xiao Huo and Shi Tian came to a small town.

There was a refreshing scent of wine in their noses, touching their taste buds.

"Master likes to drink. Since we are all passing by here, let's get him a pot of green ant wine and take it back."

After Xiao Huo and Shi Tian took notice, they disguised themselves before entering the Green Ant City.

Now the streets are full of wanted posters for the two of them. It is really difficult to enter the city without concealing their true appearance.

The two followed the smell of wine and came to a tavern.

They ordered a table of delicacies, all of which were local specialties, and paired with green ant wine, the taste was simply amazing.

After eating and drinking, Xiao Huo made a few more bottles of green ant wine and prepared to take it back to his master.

As soon as they walked out of the tavern, they met a woman in a green shirt.

She has a delicate face and a pair of peach blossom eyes, which can be said to be stunning, attracting everyone's attention for a while.

Xiao Huo raised his eyes and happened to look into the eyes of the woman in green shirt.

An invisible coercion filled the air, causing the space to begin to distort? !

"not good!!"

Xiao Huo and Shi Tian frowned, and their expressions instantly became serious.

This woman in green shirt is actually a powerful person above the Great Emperor?

And it’s for them!

"Are you the pervert who bullied Wanqing?"

The woman in green clothes narrowed her peach blossom eyes, and then the power of Saint Emperor burst out from her body, shattering the void for hundreds of miles around, and suppressed Xiao Huo and Shi Tian! !

Is this woman so cruel? Don't give them any time to react!

"Palace Master of Zixiao Palace, Jiang Qingxia who ranks first on the rouge list?!"

Xiao Huo quickly guessed the identity of the woman in green shirt.

Unexpectedly, the palace owner of Zixiao Palace came to him personally to settle the score?

Didn't Yang Wanqing explain it clearly to everyone after returning to Zixiao Palace?

This is about innocence. What on earth is Yang Wanqing thinking?

But even if Yang Wanqing explained it, no one would believe it...

"Palace Master Jiang, this is all a misunderstanding!!"

Xiao Huo suddenly pulled out the Xuan Zhong Ruler, and then used all the strength in his body. Chaos Sword Qi exploded, and the flaming sword slashed out. While resisting Jiang Qingxia's pressure, he explained loudly.

Shi Tian directly activated the Supreme Divine Body and Supreme Bone, and then gathered the power of the two Dao Treasure techniques to use the "Hand of God" to break through Jiang Qingxia's pressure!

Although the two of them only had Quasi-Emperor cultivation, they exploded with power that was not inferior to that of the Great Emperor. They clashed with Jiang Qingxia's coercion, forming a terrifying offensive!


"Tap tap tap tap...puff!!"

Xiao Huo and Shi Tian retreated one after another, their faces slightly pale, and there were blood stains on the corners of their mouths.

The strong Saint Emperor is indeed terrifying.

Xiao Huo and Shi Tian were able to leapfrog and deal with the powerful Great Emperor, but they felt very powerless against the powerful Saint Emperor.


There was a flash of surprise in Jiang Qingxia's beautiful eyes, which could even be said to be panic.

In the face of her coercion, these two young men were not directly killed?

Moreover, they all possess special physiques, capable of bursting out with power that rivals or even crushes the Great Emperor!

If they wait until the moment they realize the Great Emperor, wouldn't they all be able to fight against the powerful Saint Emperor?

No wonder the two of them dared to rob the genius of a first-rate force!

But Jiang Qingxia was very curious, where did these two monsters come from? Why have you never heard of it before?

But that doesn't matter anymore.

This lewd thief must die if he dares to taint their Zixiao Palace disciples!

Ever since the two ancestors disappeared, Zixiao Palace has been going downhill, but even so, no one can bully anyone who wants to!

Yang Wanqing is the third senior sister of Zixiao Palace and the biological sister of Saint Child Yang Chongming. As the palace master, how can Jiang Qingxia let the adulterer go unpunished? It must be killed today!


I haven't recovered from my cold yet, and my head feels dizzy. I lay down all day today, and forced myself to get up at eight o'clock in the evening to type. So far I have written this chapter. Alas, my brain can't move at all. Let's just make do with it. Look, I’ll give you a good update when things are restored tomorrow.

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