Taking Advantage Of The Empress' Innocence, She Tricked Her Into Practicing Together.

Chapter 112 Chopped Pepper Faucet? Well... Is It Too Late To Be Your Mount Now?

Long Jianhao: "???"

Long Jianqi: "???"

In the valley, the two ancestors had questions on their faces.

What follows is endless anger!

Is this Long Aotian crazy? Not only bring humans into the valley, but also find them a master?

They are real dragons, Dragon Race with noble blood, how can they be used as mounts for humans?

"Long Aotian, don't you want to be the Dragon King anymore?!"

The first ancestor, Long Jianhao, roared in a low voice.

The dragon was so powerful that the whole valley was trembling violently.

Then two behemoths flew out!

The dragon's body is mighty, its scales are dazzling, and its claws are sharp and domineering.

The sky instantly became dark, thunder raged, and hurricanes rolled up, as if the end was coming.

Long Jianhao and Long Jianqi are both Level 11 Monsters, as powerful as the Human Saint Emperor Realm!

Not only did dragon power burst out within their bodies, but there was also the power of Saint Emperor. Except for Ye Qingyun, everyone else was suppressed and unable to lift their heads! !

Especially everyone in Dragon Race, their bloodlines were suppressed and they all lay on the ground.

"Long Aotian, you actually formed a blood contract with humans?!"

"You are a disgrace to Dragon Race!!"

Long Jianhao discovered the "blood contract" in Long Aotian's body and became furious.

The current emperor of their Dragon Race actually surrendered to humans and became a mount? !

This will forever be a stain on Dragon Race and they will be laughed at wherever they go.

"Not only Long Aotian, but also Long Jinze and Long Bin have all concluded blood contracts with these humans!"

"I, Dragon Race, have lost all my face by you!"

The second ancestor, Long Jianqi, cursed because he hated iron for not becoming steel.

Long Aotian not only surrendered to humans, but also brought humans to them, saying that they wanted to find a master for their two ancestors?

It’s so treasonous! !

They were really blind before they elected Long Aotian as the Dragon King!

"Old Ancestor, Your Majesty is very capable, there is absolutely no harm in you becoming His Majesty's mount, and you should feel honored..."

"Shut up!!"

Before Long Aotian finished speaking, Long Jianhao's dragon tail that stretched across the world was coming!


The dragon's tail was hundreds of thousands of meters long, emitting violent dragon power. The void along the way was instantly pierced, and then shattered like a mirror! !

The terrifying hurricane is coming, and if you are caught in it, you may be strangled into a bloody mist in an instant! !

"A mere human ant is not worthy of shouting in my Dragon Race territory!!"

Long Jianhao looked at Ye Qingyun as if he was looking at a dead person.

He wanted to see what kind of ability this human being had, how could he scare Long Aotian and others like this?

"As expected of a Level 11 Monster, his strength is really good."

"You are qualified to be my mount!"

Ye Qingyun grinned and was very satisfied with Long Jianhao.

This Long Jianhao became his mount.

As for Long Jianqi, he gave it to Shuang'er as a mount.

"Arrogant kid!!"

Long Jianhao cursed disdainfully.

How could he, the majestic Dragon Race ancestor, become a human mount?

Even if he died, jumping off this 10,000-meter cliff... No, his dragon body is more than 10,000 meters. It seems that he can't fall to death even if he jumps? Then cut off the dragon's head!

It is absolutely impossible to become a human mount anyway!

This is the pride in his bones!

"Human child, you are dead!!"

"After I kill this human being, I will deal with you unfilial descendants!!"

Long Jianhao's body exuded a strong murderous aura.

Xiao Huo and others were not worried at all.

The master is also a powerful person in the Holy Emperor Realm.

No one in the same realm can be Master's opponent.

This Long Jianhao is rebellious, he will probably suffer a lot!

"Boom Ka——"

The powerful dragon tail approached Ye Qingyun, causing the surrounding space to twist and shatter!

"Well done!"

Ye Qingyun stood with his hands behind his back, wearing white clothes and making a hunting noise. He was not afraid of the powerful dragon tail at all!


Suddenly, the laws of space for hundreds of miles around were directly disrupted. Everyone felt that they had fallen into an endless abyss. The powerful dragon tail actually froze in mid-air! !


Long Jianhao's eyes widened.

Impossible, absolutely impossible!

This human being can actually affect the order of space?

Did he understand the laws of space? ?

The moment the dragon's tail stopped, Ye Qingyun suddenly stretched out his hands and grabbed the dragon's tail fiercely!


The powerful power of Saint Emperor explodes, and there is even a terrifying dragon power!

Ye Qingyun activated the Emperor Physique! !

Since Emperor Physique, the Eternal Dragon, has been cultivated to perfection, his power is very terrifying. His power is not weaker than Long Jianhao, and is even more powerful!


Long Jianhao's dragon tail was twisted and deformed, and then blood was squeezed out! !

His indestructible dragon scales were shattered in an instant.

In front of Ye Qingyun, he was actually vulnerable?

"Saint Emperor cultivation level?!"

"You...you are actually a strong man who has cultivated the Holy Emperor Realm!!"

For the first time, fear appeared deep in Long Jianhao's eyes.

This human being is not only a powerful Saint Emperor, but he also has an extremely terrifying dragon power in his body, which is as good as him!

For a moment, Long Jianhao wondered if he was Dragon Race, or was this human being Dragon Race? !

"Eternal Dragon Emperor Physique!"

"You own Emperor Physique?!"

Long Jianhao suddenly realized.

An evil smile appeared on the corner of Ye Qingyun's mouth, "Congratulations, you got the answer right!"

Then, Ye Qingyun used force and threw Long Jianhao, who was more than 100,000 feet long, flying away!

This behemoth looked like an ant in Ye Qingyun's hands? ?


Long Jianhao felt weightless all over his body, very weak, and then fell heavily onto the valley!



There was a loud noise, and Long Jianhao's huge dragon body was embedded in the valley, and the dragon's blood flowed out.


Long Jianqi was like a bolt from the blue.

Everything happened too fast. Just as he reacted, his eldest brother was thrown away by this human? !

How could this human power be so abnormal? ?

"Human, how dare you hurt my brother?!"

Long Jianqi roared angrily, then swung out his dragon claws, and enveloped Ye Qingyun in a fierce and domineering attack! !

"Sorry, your speed is too slow!"

Ye Qingyun's figure appeared behind Long Jianqi like a ghost.

He understood the laws of space and could appear in any space silently.


Long Jianqi's pupils suddenly shrank!

The next second, he felt his dragon body being lifted up entirely!

"Wu Cao, took off?!"

Long Jianqi looked down and found that Ye Qingyun was holding him up and flying towards the sky!

"Human, you...what do you want to do?!"

Ye Qingyun smiled and said nothing.

The current scene looks very much like Tiga holding the monster and flying into outer space...

It instantly brought back Ye Qingyun's childhood memories.

"Have you ever heard of a saying? The higher you fly, the harder you fall?"


Ye Qingyun stood in the sky and looked down. The huge valley turned into a small black dot!

"You, you shouldn't want to..."

"No, stop quickly, this will kill the dragon!!"

Long Jianqi panicked in his heart.

If he was thrown down, wouldn't all his bones be shattered?

"Relax, one, two, three...the show begins!!"


Ye Qingyun used all his strength to throw Long Jianqi down hard! !



Long Jianqi turned into a stream of light and quickly fell towards the ground, like a falling star.

"Holy shit!!"

"Then...what is that?"

"Meteor, it's a meteor!"

"God is riding a horse and shooting stars, you can see clearly, that is the second ancestor!!"

Everyone in Dragon Race was so frightened that they ran away, fearing that they would be hit by the huge dragon body of the second ancestor! !

"Second brother, it was me who harmed you..."

Long Jianhao wanted to cry but had no tears.

This human being's strength is simply terrifying.

Even if he and Lao Er join forces, they are definitely no match for this human being! !


There was a loud noise, and Long Jianqi directly smashed a deep pit into the ground.

This deep pit is tens of thousands of meters long!


"The first ancestor, the second ancestor...were all defeated!"

"You're defeated after just one face-to-face meeting?"

Everyone on Dragon Race was stunned and stunned.

The first ancestor, Long Jianhao, was a strong man with eleven levels of achievement, comparable to the level of achievement of the Holy Emperor Realm.

The second ancestor, Long Jianqi, is an eleventh level entry level.

However, they all lost to this human being.

"Ancestor, why are you doing this?" Long Aotian shook his head, feeling a little unbearable.

"Dragon blood, so much dragon blood, so nourishing!"

Shi Tian carried two large iron pipes and drank heavily while collecting them!

He practiced the Body Tempering magic, and after drinking the dragon's blood, he could temper his body.

After being tempered by the dragon's blood, his current body is as strong as any Great Emperor Realm strongman! !

In front of this tough master and apprentice, Dragon Race felt that he was so fragile for the first time?

"It's too harsh, I'm sorry, I'm sorry."

Ye Qingyun slowly landed on the ground, looked at the tens of thousands of meters of deep pit, and murmured with some embarrassment.

"Master is so handsome!"

"The grace of Immortal Monarch is still fascinating..."

Lin Kexin and Bai Ling looked at Ye Qingyun with admiration.

From the moment he took action until now, except for a few messy hairs, Ye Qingyun's hair was completely intact.

However, the two ancestors of Dragon Race have been disabled.

Ye Qingyun looked at Long Jianhao and asked with a smile: "How is it? Are you still rebellious now?"

"Who are you anyway?"

"Most of my ancestors know the Saint Emperor of the human race, but I have never heard of a Saint Emperor as young as you..."

Long Jianhao looked at Ye Qingyun in fear.

This guy's strength is so abnormal that even Dragon Race, who is famous for his physical strength, looks weak in front of Ye Qingyun!

"It's normal that I haven't heard of it."

Ye Qingyun smiled faintly.

It didn't take long for him to break through to Saint Emperor. Even Shuang'er didn't know about it, let alone Long Jianhao and the others.

"Even if I cut off the dragon's head, I won't be your mount!"

Long Jianhao said firmly.

Hearing this, everyone in Dragon Race could not help but sigh.

The first ancestor is indeed very brave, but it is useless. In this Shenkun Continent, everything is based on strength!

Whoever has a stronger fist has the absolute right to speak!

"Who told you that I would accept you as my mount?"

"You are almost disabled, what use do I need from you? Hurry up and cut off the dragon's head. I just want to taste the taste of the chopped pepper dragon head."

Ye Qingyun licked his lips and said impatiently.


"Chop pepper faucet??"

Everyone swallowed their saliva. Damn it, Immortal Monarch is eyeing the dragon meat of their ancestors again!


Long Jianhao was so frightened that his back went cold.

Is this guy really going to use his dragon head for cooking?

He thought of ten thousand ways to die, but he didn't consider this!

"Hurry up and cut off the dragon's head!"

"Do you still need me to help you?"

Ye Qingyun shouted with pretense.

Afterwards, Ye Qingyun condensed the three-foot green edge, and the sharp sword energy and sword force were released, as well as the powerful Sword Intent, and the Sword Dao Law!

"Sword Dao Law...you, you are a sword god?!"

Long Jianhao took a breath of air.

This guy is not only a martial artist, but also a powerful sword god!

When did such a monster appear in the human race? !

"Your dragon head will be used to make a chopped pepper dragon head, your dragon claws will be used to make boneless dragon claws, and your dragon body will be used to refine elixirs!"

The next second, Ye Qingyun released his Spirit Level mental power and instantly locked onto Long Jianhao, causing his dragon body to tremble!

"Mist grass??"

"You...you are still a Spirit Level alchemist?!"

Long Jianhao was completely dumbfounded.

He became a Saint Emperor with martial arts, practiced swordsmanship to the level of Sword God, and now he has the identity of a Spirit Level alchemist?

What window did this horse close for this human being yesterday?

It seems that there is nothing wrong with being a mount for such a powerful person?

What Long Aotian said seems to make sense, right?

Maybe it was such an honor for him to be this human's mount?

"Master is actually a Spirit Level alchemist?!"

"No wonder Master was able to come up with so many elixirs. It turns out he is a Spirit Level alchemist himself!"

Xiao Huo and others were also shocked.

"Immortal Monarch is really low-key. As a Spirit Level alchemist, he didn't tell anyone."

"How can I have such an excellent man?"

Bai Ling's girlish heart has already overflowed.

"Your Majesty is so strong!"

Long Aotian and others have gone from being forced to now sincerely fear Ye Qingyun and are willing to be driven by him.

Isn't it an opportunity to follow such a powerful person with powerful means?

"Hey, aren't you going to cut off the dragon's head?"

The three-foot green blade in Ye Qingyun's hand has already approached Long Jianhao.

"I...can't I think about it for a while?!"

Long Jianhao's intestines even turned green with regret.

You shouldn't have said that you want to cut off the dragon's head!

I'm afraid that as soon as he cut off the dragon's head, this human took his dragon head to cook!

"Um...is it too late to become your mount?"

Long Jianhao forced a smile and said pleadingly.

"Forget it, you're already disabled, I'd better use you as a chopped pepper faucet!"

Ye Qingyun was already ready to take action.

"Immortal Monarch, wait!"

"I...I'm not dead yet. I can do it. Please be patient with Immortal Monarch and accept me as your mount!"

Long Jianhao's rebellion has been completely smoothed away by Ye Qingyun.

Ye Qingyun smiled with satisfaction in his heart.

The purpose has been achieved.

"You are putting me in a difficult position..." Ye Qingyun frowned and hesitated.

"If Immortal Monarch really wants to eat the chopped pepper dragon head, then he can use Long Aotian's dragon head. His dragon meat is also tender, so it will definitely taste better!"

Long Jianhao's eyes rolled, and he finally seized the opportunity to retaliate against Long Aotian.


Long Aotian's face was filled with questions.

Our ancestors don’t care about martial ethics anymore, right?

He took great pains to find a master for his ancestor, but the ancestor wanted to harm him? ?


A four thousand word chapter, one chapter is better than two chapters! !

Thanks for the [Character Summon] reward from "I like bamboo drums~", I wish my good brother a smooth career and get rich soon, pen refill~

Thanks to "Quityou" for the reward [Reminder Talisman], pen refill~

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