Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 630: Wealth comes from the sea, and danger comes from the sea

   Jie Jin saw no one outside, so he leaned over and whispered: "You don't want to..."

Fang Xing was stunned, and said dumbfounded: "Mr. Jie, you have been thinking too much. You have been in Fang's house for so long, do you think I am that piece of material, kid?"

Regardless of the difficulty and consequences of the rebellion, is the emperor so easy to do?

Don't say anything about employing people! When it was time to score, in Daming's current state, even Zhu Di was careful about employing people, and he had to do everything personally, otherwise he would have to open his eyes and close his eyes at night.

Xie Jin is right when he thinks about it, "You are tired and lazy. You can lie down and don't sit, and you can sit and don't stand. This is indeed an old man who thinks too much."

Fang Xinghehehe said: "That is, if I didn't think about Taisun and Fangxue, I think I could retire now. Every day I took my family to tease the birds and walk the dogs in Jinling City, tease the little girl and the daughter-in-law. This is the end of my life. What do you want from your husband!"


Due to the price reduction, the sales of the second volume of mathematics and the Fangxue dictionary are exceptionally good. Jin Zhong is already complaining about this, saying that the Ministry of War has now become Fangxue’s printing shop, so...

"Dehua, you accepted a disciple from the Ministry of Households, but what about my Ministry of War? Do you want to favor one and the other?"

Jin Zhong frowned and said, this is the Ministry of War, so when the old man was angry, no one dared to stay on the side. They all stuck to the root of the wall and slipped away silently.

Fang Xing looked at the printing situation today, but he did not expect to be blocked by Jin Zhong. He smiled bitterly: "My Lord Jin! What is the Ministry of War going to learn from me? Mathematics? Or Fang. But it will take several years. Are you sure they have this time?"

Jin Zhong's anger faded, and he said uncomfortably, "Then what do you say? If you can't think of it, the old man abdicated and let you work as a minister of war."

Fang Xing smiled bitterly: "My disciples have only studied for less than a year, and they haven't been a teacher!"

Of course, the Ministry of War needs Fangxue children, and Fangxue children with high comprehensive qualities do not need to be trained separately.

Jin Zhong suddenly stretched out his hand to pat Fang Xing's shoulder and said, "The old man is teasing you, it's okay."

Fang Xingfu sneered: First Xie Jin, then you. Everyone is tempting. Does someone in our side look like a guy with a back bone?

After leaving the Ministry of War, Fang Xing was about to go to see Wanwan, but unexpectedly ran into Zheng He.

"Duke Zheng."

Fang Xing bowed his hands and said hello.

Zheng He said kindly: "Can Xing He be free?"

Fang Xing thought that he would not come to warn him again, but it is impossible to think about it, he and Zheng He are not so familiar.

"Let's walk together."

After Zheng He came back, he served by Zhu Di's side, and most people would not refuse his invitation.

The two of them walked slowly along the street of Liubu. From time to time, people greeted Zheng He with their hands, but when they gave Fang Xing their hands, most of them seemed a little reluctant.

In front is the Chengtian Gate, where Da Ming’s civil and military officials ‘worshiped’ the auspicious beast Qilin that day.

"Xing He Bo is interested in overseas?"

Zheng He asked suddenly.

"I am not personally interested, but I think Daming should be interested."


"Our family agrees with this." Zheng He said slowly: "If you want to make a country prosperous and strong, you must not ignore the ocean. Wealth comes from the sea, and the danger comes from the sea."


Fang Xing was so excited that he almost uttered a comrade.

"Zheng Gong's remarks are wonderful, and the sea can be used to gain more living space for Daming, so that his children and grandchildren will not lose even an acre of land."

Fang Xing felt that Zheng He was a wonderful person, "As for the danger, Zheng Gong, the Europa people are innovating, the firearms are beginning to emerge, and they have begun to explore the new big 6.

The adventure of colonizing Xinda 6 has just begun. After they seize the territories where only the indigenous people are, gold, silver, copper, iron, and brand new food seeds will drive them to continue to innovate their weapons, and even gradually turn their attention to Da Ming. "

Zheng He nodded insignificantly and said, "The white man you mentioned has been seen in our family. He is vulgar, smelly and vomiting."

Fang Xing smiled: "But they are more adventurous than us. The land and wealth of Europa can't support so many people. They have to go to sea to make a living."

Zheng He nodded: "When those people saw my Daming fleet, they were obviously scared."

Of course I am afraid. The Daming Navy at this time can be called an invincible fleet, and those so-called white people will probably think of the yellow peril that year when they see it.

"Don't look at Master Xia from the Ministry of Households complaining about the cost of repairing the fleet, but secretly he doesn't know what it will be like."

Zheng He smiled and said, "I go to sea once, and every place I go there will be trade. My Daming products are very popular overseas, and they are very profitable!"


Fang Xing only felt a shock in his mind, and a voice was shouting: Be conservative! ! !

Liu Daxia definitely didn't burn the charts! He has no such guts!

So what is he afraid of?

At that time, Jiaozhi was in chaos and Li's family was defeated by Laos. Wang Zhi wanted to take the opportunity to retrieve Jiaozhi, but Liu Daxia hid the information about Jiaozhi and thought that as long as the affairs of southwestern China did not involve Daming, don't interfere.

When the emperor wanted to go to the West again, Liu Daxia should still hide those materials.

What for?

"It is no good to the country and the people!"

Zheng He's eyebrows were a little depressed. It seems that he has been under pressure from public opinion during this period of time.

Fang Xing comforted him: "Gong Zheng looks around the world, and his generation sits in the well to watch the sky, only knowing that they are in seclusion, and they don't need to pay attention to their twitter."

Zheng He smiled and said, "Do you think they are sparrows?"

"They are all screaming things, I think it's almost the same."

Fang Xing didn't contempt, but only deep helplessness.

He figured out why Liu Daxia wanted to hide the information about Jiaozhi and the voyages to the West.

——Come on, close the door, and then everyone plunged their heads into the sand. As for you said your buttocks were exposed?

Ha ha! Butt is not a face, we just need to keep the face!

"I heard that Xinghebo is looking for sea transportation?"

Zheng He explained today's "coincidence" in one sentence.

"Our family likes the sea."

Fang Xing let out his suffocation and said, "Yes, I'm looking for sea transportation. The reason is the same as that of Zheng Gong. I just think I can't leave the ocean."

Zheng He stopped and looked squarely at Fang Xing for the first time.

"Xing He Bo, our family went to see the young teacher the day before yesterday. He said that Confucianism is not to be relied upon, otherwise it will inevitably repeat the same mistakes in the Song Dynasty."

Yao Guangxiao has only one righteous son, so he has no worries in his later years, and the more he acts according to his heart.

And his attitude towards Confucianism was also completely subverted after Jing Nan succeeded ~www.wuxiamtl.com~, despising Cheng Zhu Lixue!

Fang Xing asked curiously, "Is it true that the young teacher was rejected by my sister and was severely reprimanded by my friend Wang Bin?"

Zheng He stared first, then his lips squirmed a few times, and finally couldn't help laughing.

Fang Xing had already seen Liang Zhong, but he shook his head slightly, wanting to hear the reason for this.

After Zheng He finished laughing, his expression became lighter.

"This thing is ridiculous! The young teacher returned to the hometown, and the family gathered together, where the sister refused? And Wang Bin is even more absurd. When the young teacher went to the disaster relief, Wang Bin also wrote the Yongle disaster relief record, yes. There are more compliments when there are few teachers, so how can you rebuke?"


Fang Xing was speechless, so he had to clinch his hands and said, "Fang is just listening and believing."

Zheng He sighed: "The young teacher made a surviving record in the past, which offended the literati, so those literati are quite dissatisfied with the young teacher, so naturally there is a lot of slander."

"So that's it!"

Fang Xing suddenly realized it, and then laughed at himself: "Fang will probably be heinous in the writing of literati in the future!"

Yao Guangxiao just wrote a book to criticize Cheng Zhu's Confucianism, but Fang Xing is on the front line of fighting against Confucianism.


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