Facing the light-absorbing Bemonstein

Hikari, his behavior was tantamount to striking an egg against a stone.

Use your own shortcomings to attack the enemy's strong points...


Damn it, how did this succeed?!!

Did the egg crack the stone?!

Can you believe this!!!

Could it be...

Is this the legendary miracle of great strength?!!......

And saw this weird and shocking scene.

Previously, I thought Hikari was a civilian and a cosmic being with little power.

At this moment, everyone shut up.

As for Bemonstein, who previously clamored that Hikali was washing his face with light...

I don’t even dare to fart!!

Became an ostrich.

Very meow......

If a moment of oral pleasure caused Hikari to wash his face with another wave of rays,...

Then who should he talk to for reason?!


The previous Hikari was already so awesome without the knightly aura.

And now...

Hikari, who possesses the King of Austria's treasures, will surely take his strength to the next level!!

Can't afford to offend, can't afford to offend!!

This is so meow...

I can't afford to offend him at all!!......

"Bemonstein's absorption port..."

"actuallyThere is a limit, just push it to the limit!!"

Land of Light, Square.

Whether it is a miscellaneous Austrian, a young Austrian...

Or the long-famous Showa Lao O.

When they saw Hikali shoot Bemenstein, they were all in endless shock.

But at this moment, a voice sounded from the scene. broke the tranquility...

Immediately afterwards, a blue figure slowly walked out.

Seeing the visitor, everyone suddenly became excited.

"Chief Hikari!!"

"Lord Hikari!!"

A group of Ultra Warriors greeted happily, their eyes full of admiration.

Especially Ultraman, who is from the Blue tribe like him.

At this time, he was even more excited and clenched his fists, with burning eyes.!

Because of him, Hikari, the Blue Ultraman finally stood up and got rid of the label of weak combat power.

Although this does not mean anything.

But there is such a precedent....

The blue warriors will also have another choice and destiny in the future.

That is...Pursue power!!

Although this may be difficult to succeed, there are predecessors who have set an example...

This feeling is still very good!

Thinking this way, everyone was full of admiration and respect for Xikali.

Even Zoffi, the first generation, and the father of Ultra nodded to Hikari.

"Lord Hikari, are you saying that we, the Ultra clan, can defeat Bemonstein with light?!"

At this moment, a young red warrior looked at Hikali and asked curiously.

Hikali nodded.

"Even though Bemonstein is powerful, the absorption port in his abdomen can even absorb and digest all substances...."

"But a person’s appetite is limited, and the same goes for Bemonstein!"

"too much light entering...The only thing waiting for it is to survive!!"

Hikali's explanation is easy to understand!


The Ultra warriors present just changed their minds and understood what he meant!!

"So that’s it!"

"It seems that next time we play against Bemonstein, we just need to keep shedding!!!"

A ragtag man from the red tribe nodded and said.

All the men said:"......"

Unable to stand hearing this, the silver clan bastard slapped him on the head, and then said angrily:

"idiot!! If you want to do this, you must have the same energy reserves as Lord Hikari!!"


"The result of what you did...It can only be the end of the light and the ultimate death!!"


The style of painting seems to be getting more and more biased and outrageous.

The returning Ultraman Jack quickly interjected:

"It remains to be considered whether to use light skills when facing Bemonstein...."

"But judging from the current situation..."

"Our previous combat experience had certain limitations!!"

He has fought with Bemonstein before. He considers himself to be experienced.

But today in the light curtain,

Hikali's operation really taught him a lesson.

It turns out that...

Bemonstein, known as the light nemesis, can also be exploded with light....

"Is there an upper limit to Bemonstein's absorptive capacity?"

"Hikali, your performance today really taught the children a lesson!!"

The father of Ultra with two big horns flicked his cloak and said......

Dyna World.

Asuka, who was covered in injuries, was stumbling back to the room.

After taking a sip of cold hot water.

Asuka finally regained consciousness.

Panting, he said:"Shoot Bemonstein with a beam of light?!"

"Very good suggestion, I will remember it!!"

As he said this,

Feiniao touched the sweat and blood stains on his forehead.

He growled with an aggrieved look on his face:"Damn it....I don’t believe that I can fail against Bemonstein, even against Bo!!"

Thinking of how recently I was exposed to waves.

I was often washed by people's light....

Asuka is so depressed!!......

Tiga world.

Chubby dug a well, emo.

A fat face that was originally full of joy...

It’s even more gloomy at this time!!

"Dig Well, what's wrong with you?!"

"You're so lethargic, why don't you just smile? ? ? Ye Rui said on the side.

When Tujing heard this, he sighed inexplicably.

Looking at the concerned looks of his teammates,

Tujing was silent for a moment, and then said:

"As a scientist, I thought I was already very good!!"


"But compared with him, I am completely worthless!!"

When Dijing said this, his eyes looked at the light screen again.

Looking at Hikali in the video, his eyes were complicated.

As a scientist, Hikali can not only write...

Are you really good at martial arts?!!

This is so meow...

What a bully!!......

As Dijing spoke, he started crying.

Tears streaming down my face!!(ó﹏ò?)

He yelled:"Only flowers, collections and recommendation votes can be good!!"

Ahem, I know I need data more often....

But there is no way...I really don’t want this book to die!!

On a cold day, my palms are blue and purple, and my hands are weak when typing on the keyboard....

I don’t want to lose again this time...!!(ó﹏ò?)

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