Take StarCraft with You

Chapter 1578: I'll be on stage after you sing

More than 20 billion crystals and more than 8 billion gas, compared with previous experiences, really gave Tang Fang the feeling of getting rich overnight. Although this is not serious, you must know that every 10 points of crystal gas at 5 points represents a life, and those two horrible values ​​bear even more horrible pressure. But... things can't turn around at this point, as long as you sit upright and use it in good deeds, it is enough.

Today... he will definitely make Niederhogger pay the price for his past evils.

Of course Nidhog did not know that Captain Tang had destroyed a planet, obtained a treasure house, and had the capital to crush the Dragon Whisperers. He is very distressed now, and Biyamat, Posuji and others are the most distressed.

On the one hand, I have to think about it, and on the other hand, I have to worry about the Celtic battlefield.

Let him retreat from the battlefield regardless of face problems, as Behemoth said, he couldn't do it.

He was unwilling to just let Tang Fang go, he must make Tang Fang pay the price.

What happened over there is a trouble and an opportunity. Even if he does not act in accordance with the voting results, Posuji, Tiamat and others will not punish him at this point.

He was really stubborn in combating Morningstar casting.


As the battle damage between Tang’s fleet and Niederhogg’s fleet continued to increase over time, three people stood in front of the large screen on the bridge of a battleship in deep space outside the Celtic Star System, staring at the front line intently. Picture.

This battleship is not Marion Duncan’s Voice of Hope, nor is it Grandini’s Iron Will, nor is it Zhou Hanlin’s Wu Hook. The three people on the bridge are not Tang Fang’s friends either.

A somewhat playful and unremarkable voice sounded: "After watching the drama for so long, should we do something? It's really going to be suffocated if we wait like this."

"Tell the thing that the time is up, let's go." Unlike the frivolous voice above, this strike command sounds not much emotional, very flat and soothing, like stating something, not giving an order.

"Ah... tell that thing, it can have a full meal this time." Another voice said.

If Tang Fang stood here, he would have a lot of suspicion about this voice, because he was a little familiar.

The playful, unremarkable voice sounded: "I really can't stand the two of you, can that thing understand you? Anyway, I don't think so."


Tang Fang received another piece of real-time data sent back from the detector deployed near the Celtic Stellar System's curvy interception net. According to Emma’s analysis, it is suspected that there are warships approaching, but the number is small and the size is large. .

He was a little upset about this, the fellows who were thinking of Dragon Whisper... really stood on the opposite side of him.

So...who is it here? Since Emma said that there are not many warships and they are very large, it should be a battle unit of the fortress level. Are they Quantum and Stargazer? Or is it the warships of other branches?

The battleships of the branch of Posuji and Behemoth will not come...

Of course, he couldn't be sure whether Posuji and Behemoth were interested in them at such a critical moment. After all, Nidhogg and Tiamat were their companions, and they were outsiders.

It didn't take long to wait. With three consecutive flashes bursting from the area close to the battlefield, the large ship Emma said appeared in the field of view, and the system AI immediately uploaded the picture captured by the camera lens to the bridge screen.

There are three battleships in total-if everything that can travel in space is considered a battleship category.

Tang Fang was stunned when he saw the first battleship. He thought that the target of the Celtic star system should be the other branch of the Dragon Whisperer battleship. This is the most logical possibility, but the result...

No, that is not the Dragon Whisperer battleship. It is not the Quantum and the Stargazer, nor is it the bastion ship of other Dragon Whisperer factions such as Endless Poetry and Heart of the Sea, because it is not a Dragon Whisperer style warship at all.

It was a spar battleship. It was not a battleship made of alloy material or other man-made metals. It was a battleship composed of a crystalline substance similar to crystal. The shape... is not standardized, and there is no spear shape, spiral structure, As for Asuka's appearance, it looks like many spars are pieced together very randomly.

In short, it is a crystal mine-a crystal mine suspended in the void. So it is not the style that Dragon Whisperer should have at all.

Although the Waltz is also very weird, shaped like colorful flowers, the details of the contrast spar are very artistic and technological, rather than rough and natural.

The second battleship is also a spar battleship, the structure is also irregular, and the shape of the first battleship is different, the volume is reduced by a circle, but it is also nearly 3KM long.

Like Emma said, they are all fortress-level weapons.

What really shocked Tang was the third battleship...if that could be called a battleship.

He knew that thing, to be precise, he had seen that thing, not on the battlefield, but in the spar that returned to Paradise when fighting against the Queen of Blades, and was affected by Samir Duran’s void energy. A scene of numbness of the scalp appeared on the surface of the stone.

He even woke up in his sleep because of the image.

That thing was bigger than the previous two spar battleships, almost more than 20 kilometers long. If viewed from a distance, it looked like a blood amber or a red asteroid. But when the camera is zoomed in, you will see the continuous flow of red slime outlines the divisions of pomegranate particles. On the surface of these divisions, the faceless faces are constantly distorted, as if the souls suffering from **** are roaring silently, and that strip of wanting Holding an arm in the void makes people feel nauseous and terrified.

This ugly thing, like a nightmare, really came to him.

This is not the first time he has encountered such a thing. In the past, when contacting the communication crystals suspected of being left by the Third Committee, the voices in the flames said inexplicable things to him, and also showed the scenes of Zhou Ai fighting against the enemies of the golden armor. What happened later proved that the enemies of the golden armor really existed. It is the knight of the Krum Sword, the second-ranked under the surrogate.

To a certain extent, what appears to be the crystal left over from the Third Committee will come true, which is more like a prophecy.

He thought that one day he would face this disgusting and fearful thing, but he didn't expect it so soon.

The spar battleship and the scarlet asteroid... are completely different styles.

Regardless of whether the comer looks good or not, whether the match is weird or not, the comer is not good. As for their identities...Although the hull does not have obvious paintings or emblems for reference, it does not prevent him from getting answers through thinking.

Tang Fang saw the uninvited guests who suddenly stepped into the battlefield. The others were not blind, so naturally they saw the two spar battleships and the scarlet asteroid.

Including Euphy, Kudria, Tang Lin, Bai Hao... and the bridge staff, all were shocked by the vision, and they didn't know what to say and how to express their emotions.

They did not participate in the crusade against the Queen of Blades, naturally they did not know the enlightenment of the crystal matter of Paradise World to Captain Tang. After seeing the close-up picture of the scarlet asteroid, it is of course impossible to accept it calmly.

As Tang Fang’s staff, they have seen many big scenes and incredible experiments. They have developed a strong will and spirit, and they can bear it. However, seeing those faceless faces full of pain and resentment, they still feel shocked. Cold hands and feet, dare not face it.

On the Waltz, Niederhogg's attention has moved from the information provided by the Rainbow Snake to the newcomer on the battlefield.

He didn't have much idea about the latter thing that was more vicious than the mixed asteroid of the Supreme Council, and he knew more or less about the first two fortress class spar battleships.

The Dragon Whisperer has not had a head-on conflict with the two crystal warships, but the information obtained from "them" shows that the two fortress ships are the special weapons of the Krum Sword under the substitute.

Krum's Sword, as the second-ranked branch of the substitute, has never appeared in the Hilumbel region before, but I don't know why it suddenly appeared here. However, it is obvious that the relationship between the Dragon Whisperer and the surrogate is not friendly, and the opponent is now an enemy and not a friend.

What Nidhog didn't know was that this was not the first time that the Krum Sword had intervened in the battle of the Helenbel region. It appeared in the Battle of the Anubis Legion Destruction, but it did not dispatch warship-level combat forces. , Is just a special operation between Mei 12 and Mei 6.

The Krum Sword appeared when he was fighting with Tang Fang and he could only think about the purpose of this. On the one hand, I have to worry about what Rainbow Snake said, on the other hand, I have to deal with Tang Fang's combat units, and now I have to spare my energy to think about the Krum Sword. It is conceivable how much mental pressure on Mr. Niederhogg is.

The two spar battleships didn't give him extra time to think about what to do next. There was a glimmer of brilliance on the surface of the ship's hull, which gave people the feeling of sunlight passing through the mirror, shooting multiple beams of light towards the spar structures on the battlefields of both sides.

The targets of these beams are the Protoss and Nidhogg's warships, and they are not used to deal with the Zerg flying units.

What Tang Fang and Niederhogg did not expect was that the beams from the Krum Sword Fortress did not directly destroy the target. These beams spread after hitting the target hull or plasma shield, forming a wrapper around the target. Energy bubble.

As the encirclement and thickness of the energy bubble increase, the warships in it have successively lost various abilities, and the energy level of the hull module has dropped extremely rapidly. From inability to attack to inability to move, to system outage, more than a dozen warships are in short supply. In time, it becomes a static object suspended in space.

From Tang Fang's perspective, the scene before him is like a spider spitting out silk threads to bind its prey. Although the existence of the unit can be felt through the power of the system, there is no way to transfer it to the system space.

This situation is really embarrassing. He can't do anything even though the work unit is still there and the population has not decreased. It's better to fight against Niederhogg's battleships. Although they may be destroyed by the enemy, just be careful. Expensive battleships such as the Protoss aircraft carrier and the Storm battleship can easily be transferred to the system space before destruction.

In the end, it is the Krum Sword, and in the end is a fortress-level weapon, it does have a matching combat effectiveness.

This attack is very similar to the stagnant space created by the arbiter. Emma told him that the attack of the Krum Sword Fortress was different from the stagnant space constructed by the Arbiter.

Whether it is the stagnant space of the Arbiter or the black hole skills of El's Shield, they are all constructing alien space that is different from the current cosmic time flow rate to "freeze" the target. The attack of the Krum Sword Fortress is essentially to cover the surface of the target with a special material to create a weakened force field.

What the force field weakens is not the ability of the warship, but the cosmological constant within the range of the force field's influence.

As we all know, space is not a vacuum, but also has base energy. The operation of the entire universe and the physical activities of various things in the universe have a set of systematic and standardized laws. Various phenomena can be solved by the mathematical model of the cosmological constant. Explanation ~www.novelmtl.com~ However, when a certain cosmological constant is changed, or a perfect vacuum is established, the physical activities established by the existing universe model will also change.

This is the theoretical basis for the Krum Sword Bastion ship to "freeze" the target.

Of course, the impact of changing the cosmological constant is terrifying, and even has a chain effect. The attack of the Krum Sword Bastion ship is only a small adjustment of the physical constants of the force field, resulting in the failure of the main facilities of the warship such as electrical equipment, photonic technology, and energy reactors.

Regarding Miss Emma’s scientific explanation, Captain Tang could hear it in the cloud, but in the end he only understood that Krum’s Sword’s special position on the target structure, once it moves radically, can destroy the target while it also affects the current universe. Space, causing regional catastrophe.

For the sake of their own safety, they dare not do too much. In addition, it is not ruled out that the energy core of the spar battleship cannot afford the destructive force field, and can only maintain the possibility of weakening the force field.

Anyway, this attack method that can paralyze enemy ships is more useful than the stagnant space of the Arbiter. The EMP storm of Terran's three-headed dog-class pirate capital ship is hard to come by.

The technological level of the Anubis Legion is roughly the same level as the human technological level of StarCraft. Replaced by the Krum's sword, ranked second under the command of the surrogate, can already compete with the Protoss technology...even faintly higher.

No, it's not right... He quickly denied his idea. The Bastion Ship Bliss Pure Land of the Anubis Legion is much more technologically advanced than the StarCraft Terran, and the cloud map system alone exceeds the level of Protoss technology. But this is all based on the T Energy Stone as the core of the battleship. God knows whether the T-energy stone system is deployed inside the two fortresses of Krum's Sword.

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