Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 1006: Drove in a tank

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Seeing this scene, not only Jin Yuzhe, but also Daewoo Group employees, airport staff, and media reporters at the scene were all dumbfounded.

Use a pickup truck to hold the plane and act as a taxi landing gear?

This is also ok?

How long is the head of the man who operates all of this, and he can come up with such an angry method!

Oh, yes, the pickup truck holding the nose of the plane does not seem to be made in Korea, but a Chinese car that can hold the plane. This performance is absolutely unparalleled.

"Look, it's Zhuang!"

I don't know that it was the reporter who suddenly pointed to the ERJ-148C senior business jet that had been parked on Runway 8 and opened the cockpit porthole.

The people around immediately saw Zhuang Jianye sitting in the position of the co-pilot, beckoning warmly at the people present with a gentle smile.

Seeing this, the first action was those keen-thinking media reporters. Seeing Zhuang Jianye waved to them calmly, these reporters were crazy, carrying long guns and short cannons and rushed to Runway 8. , The Korean KBS TV reporter who ran the fastest among them, was more than ten meters away from the plane and raised his head and shouted: "Mr. Zhuang, did you personally control this emergency landing?"

"It is mainly due to the captain Qin Yibin, who is close to me. You must know that Mr. Qin Yibin used to fly a military transport aircraft in his early years. He flew several models, including the Il-76, and possessed extremely high flying skills.

Of course, Director Zhao behind me, Mr. Zhao also contributed to our communication and navigation. It is precisely because of the presence of Mr. Zhao that Captain Qin will be more focused on driving.

As for me..." Zhuang Jianye smiled slightly: "I just did some trivial assistance work, but I didn't expect our emergency landing plan to be so successful. Fortunately, we have an excellent captain. Fortunately, we have a highly experienced navigator. Fortunately, the Great Wall pickup truck made in China is of excellent quality, but..."

As Zhuang Jianye said, his face turned dark, with a resentment of hating iron and steel: "The performance of the ERJ-148C advanced business jet is too disappointing. There is no way. After Embraer is preparing to end its cooperation with our Ascendas Group, This manufacturing level is really not flattering.

Originally, my assistant wanted us to take the TRJ-500M advanced business jet independently developed by Ascendas Group. After all, this aircraft is an independent brand produced independently after our Ascendas Group abandoned the -2000 project. It uses the ERJ-140 series branch line. The more mature technology of passenger aircraft also makes its operation more stable, longer range and higher safety.

It’s a pity that I’m more nostalgic. Even if Embraer is involved in a divorce, we cooperated with each other after all, so I still used their high-end business jet, but I didn’t expect it... such a serious breakdown would happen. , Almost killed me. "

When he said this, Zhuang Jianye called out a long sigh, as if he really divorced his spouse and fell into a mid-life crisis.

However, Zhuang Jianye's words heard from reporters from various media, but it was like a bomb exploded in his brain, and the heads of the reporters buzzed.

what's going on?

Has Embraer terminated the foundry cooperation with Ascendas Group?

When is it?

Why don't they know?

And the Ascendas Group, which has lost the support of Brazil, is ready to fly solo?

"Mr. Zhuang, can you understand what you said just now? The business of your group's OEM Brazil ERJ series regional airliners has officially terminated?"

At this time, many reporters have already arrived in front of the plane, but the Korean KBS TV reporter who arrived first still occupies a favorable position, and he naturally asked a key question.

"My choice of Brazilian counterparts is meaningless. After all, in today's globalization, my Brazilian counterparts can choose any aviation foundry to produce their regional airliners, but..."

Zhuang Jianye’s words can be said to be sincere, but a "but" means that the key point is coming. Sure enough, Zhuang Jianye paused and said slowly: "If my Brazilian colleagues can stabilize the quality, improve the management level, and improve the processing technology , I am very happy to see the ERJ series of regional airliners make new achievements. After all, we are also participants and truly regard the ERJ series of regional airliners as our own children.

However, it is precisely because of this that the practice of our Brazilian counterparts now makes me very distressed. In order to make various kinds of profitability, even the high-end business jet I take can have serious malfunctions of the landing gear hydraulic system and cannot be put down. , I can’t imagine the sight of ordinary feeder opportunities that are devoted to civil aviation. Not to mention flying coffins, they are probably the transport vehicles of the gods of death. "

As soon as these words came out, many reporters were in an uproar. Thinking about the dangerous and exciting scene during the crash landing just now, almost all the reporters believed in Zhuang Jianye's words.

There is no way. The so-called hearing is false, seeing is believing, but everyone has seen the scene of the forced landing. The ERJ-148C advanced business jet produced in Brazil really failed, and even denial could not be denied.

This is the case for high-end business jets, and it is natural to imagine how ordinary regional passenger opportunities are.

Therefore, many reporters are angry and hard to be deceived. Isn't this Embraer a scammer? I have seen someone with no conscience, but I have never seen Brazil with such a conscience. When I go back, I have to serialize and export crazy. The Aerospace Industry Corporation and its ERJ series of regional passenger jets are not sprayable.

"The reason why our Brazilian counterparts stopped cooperating with us is that our processing costs are too high." Just as many media reporters digested Zhuang Jianye's remarks, Zhuang Jianye's voice slowly remembered: "I admit that our Ascendas Group's current production The cost is higher and so lost.

This can be seen from the price of the TRJ-500 regional airliner, but our high price can bring passengers a safe travel experience. The price of Brazilians is low, but it will make people go through the whole flight process with fear. There are two different flying experiences. How to choose depends on the wishes of the passengers.

I don’t know about other places. Korean people seem to be more inclined to stimulate flying with fear..."

"Mr. Zhuang, what do you mean by this?" The KBS TV reporter frowned and asked with some dissatisfaction.

"It’s not interesting. I just want to say that Daewoo Group is also going to follow the same example as Embraer, and further reduce the proportion of foundry in our -2000 project. So I am very worried that in the future-2000 will be put into operation. Follow the mistakes of the Brazilians."

The KBS reporter was speechless~www.ltnovel.com~ Continue to ask? Zhuang Jianye can make you even more embarrassed; don't ask, the reporters behind are all ready to move, a little relaxation will be replaced, and the exclusive will be gone.

So the KBS reporter turned his eyes. Since Zhuang Jianye can't afford to provoke him, he should find a soft persimmon. It seems that Director Zhao is kind-eyed and kind, so he turned the topic off and asked Director Zhao: "Mr. Zhao, Is this your first time in Seoul?"

"No, I've been here once before." Director Zhao smiled kindly.

"Oh?" The reporter was surprised. He didn't expect this old Chinese man to have been to the bustling Seoul, he immediately came to be interested, and asked: "When is it? Is it also by plane?"

"Oh, that was in 1950. We didn't get on the plane at the time, but we rushed in with a tank." Director Zhao's smile became more amiable, but the KBS reporter looked dull and completely stuck.

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