Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 1001: A piece of heart from a Korean friend

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Daewoo Group can't even think about it.

As a company capable of producing F-16; it is also stepping up the research and development of light fighter; now it has got a 2000 civil aviation passenger aircraft project of the same level as Boeing 757 and A340.

With this product line, let alone in Asia, Daewoo Group has defeated 99.8% of aviation manufacturing companies in the world.

What Canada’s Bombardier, what Embraer, what Indonesia’s National Aerospace Industry Corporation, what Hindustan Airlines; Oh, yes, and China’s Aviation Industry Corporation, all of whom are younger brothers in front of Daewoo Group.

As for Japan, which is often known as the number one industry in Asia, it is even more difficult to get on the table. Regardless, a large civil aircraft with a take-off weight of 180 tons can make the entire Japanese industry kneel.

It also produces Boeing 767 and Boeing 777; it is not ashamed to help others to work!

Look at our Korean nation, we have already begun to build our own big airplanes!

That is, the two giants Boeing and Airbus are slightly stronger than Daewoo Group, but that is also temporary. After all, Asia, as the region with the fastest economic growth, will inevitably become the region with the greatest potential in the civil aviation field.

The Daewoo Group, which has been deeply involved in Asia for many years, naturally has extraordinary sales channels. As long as it occupy Asia, it can form a tripartite position with Boeing and Airbus.

Combining private secret transactions, profit rebates regardless of cost, and crazy personal sales, Daewoo Group believes that within ten years, the 2000 civil aviation airliner will sweep the world, bringing the glory of the Korean nation, the first race in the universe, to ten thousand years. After that, shining to all mankind again.

However, the future is bright, but the road is tortuous.

And this tortuous road happened to the Daewoo Group's partner Tengfei Group.

According to the previous agreement, the KAI Aerospace Group, which is controlled by Daewoo Group, will undertake 55.7% of the production task of -2000 civil aviation passenger aircraft.

Aviation companies such as the Success Group, Northwest Aviation Plant, and Northeast Aviation Plant within the United Nations of Ascendas Group are responsible for 22.3% of the production share.

The remaining 22% is given to other aerospace production suppliers worldwide.

For example, in the case of aero engines, South Korea's Daewoo can't look at the products of Ascendas Group, but has a soft spot for Rolls-Royce's Trent series.

The same is true for the avionics system. The semi-finished product developed by Ascendas Group, Daewoo Group, is too lazy to even look at it, and directly subscribes to the American Honeywell company for a customized version.

There are also landing gears. South Koreans rely more on the processing capabilities of German large-scale structural components. They shook their heads with all kinds of silly and thick equipment originating from the Soviet Union, indicating that a failed country cannot have successful equipment.

Similar situations include the processing of wings, the configuration of sensors, the standards of the pressing system, and the selection of materials.

After a series of actions, not to mention that the -2000 civil aviation airliner was changed completely, but it also made the mother of Ascendas Group almost unknown.

Of course, this is not the focus of the dispute between the two sides. Daewoo Group loves how to change the Ascendas Group not only does not stop it, but is happy to see it happen.

After all, Xiang Luoluo's Trent aero engine, Honeywell's avionics system and other important accessories are not unavailable to Ascendas in the international market, but the price is generally high.

There is no way. As an aviation manufacturing company that has stepped on the red line, there is really a ceiling. That is the restriction on you by the global industry chain mastered by aviation giants.

There is no need to deliberately jam your neck. You only need to increase the cost several times in certain key components and key technologies, and then delay the delivery time a little, and your competitiveness can plummet.

And when you are desperate to break through these technologies or the craftsmanship of key components, the giants have already sent the next generation of civil aviation airliners to the blue sky, and then another wave of dimensionality reduction attacks.

No way, as a large-scale consumer industrial product, civil airliners are made to make money. Giants increase your costs and use technology to extend your research and development cycle, resulting in a decline in the competitiveness of your products. The final result is a huge loss.

Of course, the former Soviet Union’s stubborn behavior of relying on the will of the state and regardless of costs is an exception. The problem is that after the disintegration, the Russian civil aviation manufacturing industry is also very weak.

Still not advisable.

Therefore, the Ascendas Group, which has been faltering on large planes, is not that it does not want advanced supporting systems in Europe and the United States. The problem is that people bid extremely high prices one by one, and the delivery time is extremely long for you.

It's like you order a takeaway, and the price is three or four times more expensive than other similar meals. The takeaway boy delivers meals just like a snail, which can make you doubt your life.

You are so hungry that you have to cook a pack of instant noodles and add two eggs. After Meimei finished eating, the takeaway has not yet been delivered.

Should you wait hungry, or will you fill your stomach with one bite?

Ascendas Group chose the latter wisely.

It is very simple. Ascendas Group is only doing preliminary theoretical accumulation and technical verification on large aircraft, rather than saying that it really wants to put a large aircraft into operation immediately.

Not to mention the Ascendas Group, it is unrealistic to bundle all the aviation industry in the country together, not to mention other transportation—10 is a typical example.

There are political factors, but it must be said that the positioning of Yun-10 is indeed somewhat problematic. In addition, the imitation model is Boeing 707, which is relatively backward in technology and the domestic market has not yet formed. The combination of various factors leads to Yun-10. Tragedy.

The foothold of Ascendas Group is to make money. Of course, it can't be lucky — the old road of 10, so while I am full, I have been thinking about where I can go to the next door neighbors to fight the teeth.

The cooperation with Tupolev Design Bureau has made Ascendas aware that it has a huge gap in the overall design, structural mechanics, material selection, hydraulic system, and control system of large civil aviation aircraft.

The cooperation with the Daewoo Group also allowed Ascendas to see that Honeywell’s avionics system is indeed superior to its own products; the landing gear made in Germany is really much better than the one made in Russia; Rolls-Royce’s Trent engine The comprehensive index is really better than its own WD-60ML large bypass and turbofan engine.

So Tengfei Group, through the cooperation with Daewoo Group, is called a head suspension beam, piercing stock, and it can learn very hard.

In Zhuang Jianye's own words~www.ltnovel.com~ I have paid 600 million U.S. dollars for living expenses by the patriarch CITIC, and the rest is the tuition fee paid by Daewoo in cooperation with the Korean government and consortium.

This is whether it is good to study properly at public expense.

That being the case, how can we fail the heart of our Korean friends? Therefore, the employees of Ascendas Group sent to the joint venture factory are encouraged to fully carry forward, and they are not ashamed to ask, the three-person line must have the Chinese tradition of my teacher and my life. It is best for the Koreans to replace all the -2000 civil aviation aircraft with the most advanced facilities in the West. In this way, Old Master Confucius would definitely give a big praise to the Ascendas Group two thousand years later.

Therefore, it is completely meaningless for the two parties to apply advanced Western equipment, and the real difference lies in the ownership of the -2000 civil aviation passenger aircraft assembly plant.

Zhuang Jianye can turn a blind eye on other aspects, but the ownership of the final assembly plant is tough. The reason is that South Korea's Daewoo Group does not have the capability of aircraft final assembly.

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