Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 993: Breaking the monopoly

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After hearing what Pan Xu said, the reporter immediately became interested and asked: "Can you introduce the specific application of this technology?"

"We are currently applying this rotary steering drilling system to the old mines of Shengli Oilfield, so that the surrounding oil and gas can be dispersed into oil and gas, so that the old mines that are about to be closed can be rejuvenated.

But the biggest application of this system is on offshore oil and gas drilling platforms..."

Pan Xu licked his big belly and talked in a serious manner, but every word he said was like a remembering hammer hitting the hearts of Miles and Cai Weiguo.

No way, if it is the air energy storage power station that makes Miles and Cai Weiguo a little jealous, then the set of rotary steering drilling system that Ascendas Group has brought out is the blade that cuts off the two heads, and even the slightest room for turning. No, complete GG directly.

The reason for this is simple. The two used this system to coerce CNOOC into terminating the cooperation with Ascendas Group, thereby hitting the sales performance of Ascendas Group’s gas turbines.

Because both Myers and Cai Weiguo feel that the rotary steering drilling system can only be mastered by the United States, and only this system can reduce the mining cost of offshore oil and gas rigs by more than 30%.

As we all know, the oil or natural gas buried on the seabed, due to the address structure, cannot form a huge address cavity like the Middle East desert area, and then the cavity is filled with oil and natural gas, as long as the roots go straight up and down. Oil can be extracted by pumping pipes.

The usual situation is the uneven distribution of multiple cavities like bubbles.

This leads to the difficulty of offshore oil extraction, and the cost is also scary.

In order to maintain costs and realize oil profits, for a long time in the past, offshore oil exploration has been to find places with relatively large reserves of cavities to go down the well. After the completion of this cavity, the offshore oil rig will rely on its own power and maneuver. Continue mining to the next cavity with large reserves.

As for the other small cavities, they had no choice but to give up.

However, often the rich oil or natural gas reserves in these small cavities together are much larger than those of the large cavities, so it is a pity to just throw them away.

Since the 1980s, the United States has developed a rotary steering drilling system that can be flexibly steered underground based on the actual situation of offshore oil exploration in the Gulf of Mexico, making the original vertical drilling that can be controlled at will. Turn your head dexterously, use advanced detection equipment to explore for oil or natural gas while using its own extraction system to extract oil or natural gas.

Ever since, this kind of rotary steering drilling system is like a snake in the game, chasing the buried oil or natural gas cavity, eating one and then going to the next, until it is within a few kilometers of the surrounding area. The cavities are all sucked dry, and the next area is sucked on the mobile offshore oil rig.

In this way, offshore oil or natural gas extraction not only improves efficiency, but more importantly, it can quickly increase oil or natural gas production, thereby maintaining the current cost level and indirectly increasing the overall profit margin.

It can be said to serve multiple purposes.

Because of this, after the United States applied the first rotary steering drilling system to commercial exploitation in 1994, it immediately caused a sensation in the international oil market.

Norway, which made its fortune with North Sea oil, quickly followed up and introduced several sets of rotary steering drilling systems from the United States for two offshore oil fields that have been determined to be over-exploited. It will soon be convenient to use this new mining technology to The output of the two old oil fields has increased to its peak, creating a considerable energy wealth for Norway.

The surrounding Britain, Denmark, and the Netherlands all have pink eye disease. They all hope to introduce this system from the United States to increase the output of old oil fields and earn more energy income.

The Americans looked at it this way, good guys, this thing is a good cash cow, so they simply banned the export of the rotary steered drilling system as a sensitive technology, and then regarded the rotary steered drilling system in hand as a rare commodity to be sold. The situation of not selling is either simply asking for high rents and labor fees; or sharing production with related oil fields.

All in all, the Americans have played the odd goods to the extreme.

The same is true for CNOOC.

Where did Miles know from Cai Weiguo that CNOOC will not only expand the scale of offshore oil fields in the Bohai Sea and the East China Sea, but is also preparing to start oil exploration and exploitation in the South China Sea. In the next ten years, considerable offshore oil professional equipment will be needed.

As one of the most efficient gas turbine manufacturers for offshore oil exploration and extraction, GE is naturally highly concerned about CNOOC's future initiatives and hopes to become its only gas turbine partner and enjoy CNOOC's high profits in the next ten years.

If there is no Ascendas Group, GE’s wishful thinking would have won. The problem is that Ascendas Group has not only become CNOOC’s designated partner a few years ago, it has become the only gas turbine supplier in the past three years. In other words, the gas turbines for the next ten years will also be provided by Ascendas Group.

There is nothing to do with GE.

Seeing that the fat dudu meat is about to be snatched by the Ascendas Group, Miles in China has used the gas turbine plus complete equipment model in recent years to make a trick to make CNOOC have to use their GE products.

That is through Cai Weiguo telling CNOOC that if GE products are not purchased, the United States will sell the rotary steering drilling system and GE gas turbines to Southeast Asian countries such as Malaysia, Vietnam, Indonesia, and the Philippines, so that they have efficient offshore oil extraction capabilities.

This is no longer a simple threat. It is pressing CNOOC’s head and **** on it.

CNOOC, which knows that the rotary steering drilling system is extremely capable of offshore oil extraction, has nothing to do because the domestic does not have the relevant technical capabilities. If the Americans are given priority to transfer to those countries in Southeast Asia, it will Greatly hinder the domestic strategy of managing the South China Sea.

One is the national policy of managing the South China Sea, and the other is the imposed humiliation.

CNOOC Limited, like China in the 1990s, chose to move forward with heavy load, even if Miles developed a rotary steering drilling system that only rents but not sells, and the rent uses 27% of the total production capacity of CNOOC’s new oilfield as the rotary steering drilling system. CNOOC still gritted the teeth and agreed to the harsh conditions of the lease.

As for the bundled GE industrial gas turbines ~www.ltnovel.com~, the seawater desalination system, oilfield inspection system, platform helicopter, and other related equipment are all golden beasts, almost all of the expected profits of CNOOC's new oilfields in the next few years. Not to mention hollowing out, there are still heavy losses.

It is because of CNOOC’s first hand in hand that Miles will unscrupulously launch an attack on the Ascendas Group, which can be said to be resolute. The reason for this is very simple. Miles holds what is only available in the United States. If you monopolize technology and don't let him do whatever he wants, then he can turn around and throw the technology to Southeast Asia, allowing Vietnam and the Philippines to do whatever they want.

Whether to let him do whatever he wants at home, or to let Southeast Asian countries do whatever they want with China, the country must make a choice.

Miles originally thought that the country had already made a choice for his indulgence during this period. How could he have thought that his old rival had just taken out the rotary steerable drilling system so quietly, and directly treated their support without mercy. After the smashed, such a domestic choice can be imagined. Now that the monopoly has been broken, the truly confident talents have just appeared!

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