Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 963: Landing exercise

Maksim naturally has no doubts about the professionalism of the Pakistani navy. The problem is that the Arab religious fund he controls is not his Maksim alone, but the United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Kuwait, and Saudi Arabia. Co-founded by the rich countries.

Countries have their own spokespersons in the fund. Although Maxim can suppress the spokespersons of these countries because of his religious detachment, it is unnecessary. Maxim can never do such offending people.

Therefore, whenever it encounters a relatively large amount of assistance applications, Maxim will call these spokespersons to discuss together.

In addition, the huge Arab world has many needs, but a large part of it is the same. In order to avoid multiple purchases of a product or unnecessary duplication of construction, under normal circumstances the fund will specify a The final product is then centrally configured for countries or organizations with similar needs.

In other words, if Pakistan agrees to Zhi-12, Maksim will have to get the majority support of all the agents. This is not the case. Countries or organizations with similar needs must also be interested in Zhi-12. Otherwise, if you don't accept or even tear down the platform behind your back, the impact on religious funds will be too great.

After all, religious funds are not a physical state, and have no special binding force on the outside world. Instead, they often participate in the elusive fund exchanges.

Because of this, regardless of the strength of the Arab religious fund and the ability to make money, in fact many governments in Arab countries just treat this fund as a fat sheep that can bite at any time.

So even if Maksim agrees with Pakistan and persuades the vast majority of agents to support him, he can still face powerful countries such as Egypt, Algeria, and Syria with strong political power.

Pakistan said Ascendas Group’s Zhi-12 is inexpensive and good-quality, with many benefits.

The Egyptians said, how good can a rookie who has not participated in actual combat be? In contrast to the British "Lynx" helicopters, the American "Black Hawk" helicopters are not as good as China's Zhi-12?

The Syrians curled their lips. We have never heard of it before. Is it more powerful than the Mi-35 or has more firepower than the Mi-35?

Shipborne helicopter?

The Russian-made Card-25 and Card-27 are dedicated ship-borne helicopters built in the Soviet era. Whether it is professional or practical, it is no better than Zhi-12!

The Algerian sighed and gave the final word. Whether it is Britain, the United States or Russia, their helicopters have withstood the test of actual combat. Does China have the Zhi-12? Don't be the 59-type and 62-type that were opened by the U.S. military in the Gulf War. That would be embarrassing.

Don’t say it’s Maxim, it’s just being upright-12 Pakistanis have nothing to say. You must know that the Gulf War not only produced the only superpower in the world, but also laid the foundation for a world with one superpower in the future. , And even completely knocked down a series of seemingly high-quality and inexpensive Soviet-made weapons and equipment, and was rubbed on the ground by European and American giants.

Unfortunately, some of the domestically produced imitation products are on the list. Since the end of the Gulf War, the export of domestic military equipment has encountered great resistance, because many countries believe that domestic weapons and equipment produced by the Soviet-made equipment system have fallen behind. The times are simply not enough to counter the products of developed countries in Europe and America.

Rather than buying a bunch of rags that are destined to be knocked into scrap, it is better to bite your teeth and buy some European and American star products.

Under this trend of thought, only Syria, a hard-core ally of the Soviet system, supports the old Russian iron foreigners as always, and the rest are counted as one, all embracing Western products.

As for the domestic stuff... what is that? Does anyone want it?

In the face of this situation, even Maxim, who was blessed by religion, had to succumb to pressure from powerful parties such as Egypt and organize an expert evaluation team to come to China. The name is to further test Tengfei Group’s Zhi-12. In fact, it organized a large group of people to travel at public expense under the guise of a test.

Of course, the business is still to be done. The actual test is that they have neither the ability nor the ability to do it. They can only choose a drill to observe and even complete the task. As for the success or failure, follow Egypt and other countries behind Maxim. The spokesperson didn't even think about it.

Straight-12 Whoever loves wants who wants them, anyway, they are half-sucking their eyes.

So Maxim’s fund stayed there to help them buy some F-16 fighter jets and M1 main battle tanks, and then subsidized their finances. Isn’t domestic stability good for this?

Even if Zhuang Jianye developed the technology of Ascendas Group to jointly produce Zhi-12 with Arab countries, the spokespersons of Egypt, Algeria, and Syria are still unmoved.

The reason is simple. Even if the factory is built in the UAE, it’s up to them. If the UAE feels good, just buy more. Anyway, there are so many local tyrants in Abu Dhabi and Dubai, and the land can no longer accommodate their expanding selves. , Just install a propeller and fly into the sky. It’s okay to vent it. It’s better to fall a few to death, so that people in the less affluent countries can relieve their anger.

So Maxim was quickly embarrassed to discover that cooperating with Ascendas Group to produce Zhi-12 helicopters seemed to be his one-man show. Except for the spokesperson from the Pakistan Navy who was standing by the side nodded frequently, the rest of Egypt, Algeria, and Syria Even the Yemeni spokesperson did not take this matter to heart.

One by one he probed his head and looked around, as if the scenery surrounding the island was more important than what I just discussed.

Don't mention the anger in Maxim's heart~www.ltnovel.com~ The leaders of these countries are full of military virtues, and even shouting loud slogans of the Arab world's protection.

But in fact, they compare each other with pussies, otherwise how could they be rubbed on the ground by Israel.

People Israel can build tanks, artillery, and missiles. What can some of you countries with strong military virtues build? I still look down on the cooperatively produced helicopters, I really don't know what my head thinks.

Maxim really wanted to poke off the heads of these people to see if they were filled with shit.

It’s no wonder that Maxim is so angry. If the UAE really cooperates with Tengfei Group to produce Zhi-12 helicopters, these countries with abundant vigor will naturally be the dumping market expected by the UAE. If these countries do not accept it, the UAE will struggle. What is Bara's production straight-12? Do you really think that the money of the local tyrants is used for the prodigal?

The problem is to get angry. Maxim has nothing to do with the spokespersons of these countries. The UAE has to rely on these countries to send troops to maintain domestic security. Even the royal family treats them with respect, and Maxim can how is it?

I can only look at Zhuang Jianye helplessly, and sigh dejectedly.

However, the insightful Zhuang Jianye turned a blind eye to it. Instead, he smiled and patted Maksim's shoulder without saying much. He just politely signaled Maksim and others to go and wait for the village committee of the island. Maksim was a little puzzled, hearted. Say, what happened to Zhuang Jianye? Want to watch business go bad?

Just when Maxim was puzzled, three flares of shining sun suddenly rose up on the sea in the distance, and the sound of artillery overwhelming the sky in the next moment shook the island and the mountains.

Upon seeing this, Zhuang Jianye coughed slightly: "Heh~~ This landing exercise is quite lively!"


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