Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 850: Oil transport-15

If Zheng Quanli is somewhat worried about seeing the J-8II fighters on the island of the cruise range to succeed the Su-27, then Valenrio is gloating.

Now that a certain big country in the East has conducted exercises to this point, anyone with some military knowledge will know that this is consolidating the air supremacy of the occupied islands and expanding its advantages as much as possible.

If it were the Soviet Union or a certain power outside the region, Valenio would have no nonsense, and then quietly appreciate the different styles of air combat methods of the two superpowers in front of the monitoring equipment.

But the problem is that what lies ahead is a great power in the East, which is seriously lagging behind in air power. It actually wants to stage a campaign that only a superpower can complete. Valenrio really doesn't know what to say is good, pretentious or irresponsible?

"It's self-righteous!"

Accompanied by the morning sun, a middle-aged blond man in navy uniforms held up coffee, listening to Valenrio's rather tangled muttering to himself, he smiled and took a sentence from the side, Valenrio was startled. For a while, but before he could say anything, he saw the middle-aged officer sip the coffee in his cup, and clicked twice on the console with his other hand: "Come on, listen to this, you will know Why did I say that."

As soon as he finished speaking, Valenrio’s ears heard a wave of Chinese with a northern accent, and he frowned, but the simultaneous interpretation of English was poured into his ears the next moment:

"Your task is to stay in the sky over the shooting range island for 72 hours, and control the air power as much as possible..."

Hearing this, Valenrio suddenly opened his eyes, looked at the surveillance screen in front of him in disbelief, then looked at the middle-aged officer next to him, and couldn’t help but blurt out: “People from a big country in the East are crazy. , I want to last 72 hours if I rely on an aircraft like the J-8II?"

"I thought so at the beginning, so after intercepting the call before dawn, I judged whether it was true or false. As a result, several J-8IIs came to replace Su-27 at dawn and began patrolling over the shooting range island."

The middle-aged officer was holding coffee in his hand, with a faint smile on his face, and said slowly as if he had said something at home: “Of course, if it’s just like this, it’s okay. It’s close enough, it’s still satisfying, but...you see..."

The middle-aged officer tapped a few more times on the console as he spoke, and immediately a detailed map of the air force training track in the eastern Zhejiang coast of a large country in the east appeared in front of Valenrio. Valenrio only glanced at it. Exclaimed: "The airport is so far away!"

Yes, this time the landing exercise of a major eastern country did not use the first-tier coastal airports, but the second-tier inland airports.

As a result, the distance between the shooting range island and the inland airport is 800 kilometers. This distance is not a big deal for heavy fighters such as the Su-27 with a combat radius of 1,500 kilometers, but it is not friendly to the J-8II. Yes, because the combat radius of this domestic high-altitude high-speed fighter is only a mere 800 kilometers.

In other words, the J-8II took off from the second-tier airport and had to return to the destination within half an hour of cruise time to reach the shooting range island. This is still the case when the J-8II is alternately landed at the first-line airport along the eastern coast of Zhejiang.

If you return the same way, the cruising time on the shooting range island is no more than five minutes at best.

This is still a simple cruise. If some combat factors are added, the fuel consumption of the engine will increase exponentially, and the timeliness of the J-8II will be exhausted in a blink of an eye.

Of course, even if there is no battle, just cruising, whether it is half an hour or five minutes, is a far cry from 72 hours. After all, Su-27 may not even return to the base at this time, plus repairs, inspections, and renewals. Hanging bombs and taking off to the battlefield will take more than half an hour at the earliest. As a result, there will be an hour-long vacuum on the shooting range island.

If this is on the real battlefield, an hour of airspace vacuum is obviously fatal to the troops who have just landed on the island and have not yet fully established themselves.

Realizing this, Valenrio looked at the middle-aged officer beside him: "Lieutenant Colonel Temer, I believe that a big country in the East should not be so stupid. I have taken their losses more than once in the past 48 hours. ."

Temer didn’t speak this time, but watched Valenrio quietly for half a minute while holding his coffee. Then the corners of his mouth twitched twice, revealing a noncommittal smile, and shrugged: "My dear Valen Lieutenant Colonel Leo, you have been away from the Navy for too long, so this time you can feel the difference between the regular army and the Coast Guard."

Hearing this, Valenrio's face turned black.

He is a kind reminder. After all, the frequent slaps in the face in previous rescue operations are still vivid. He does not want the regular navy to repeat his responsibility.

Yes, at this moment Valenrio is not on board the Rush, which is going to visit the Yangtze River Delta, but the Navy's observation and survey ship "Octopus".

Valenio logically said he didn’t want to board the navy’s survey ship, but he was the commander who followed and monitored the landing exercises of a large eastern country last night. In order to facilitate coordination and docking, Valenrio was assigned to the "octopus" by his superiors. On board, Valenio was borrowed from the Rush by the Navy’s Seahawk helicopter at 5 o’clock in the morning, and arrived at the “Octopus” at 5:45.

The result was less than an hour, and even the situation of last night's tracking had not been fully explained. A kind reminder was exchanged for the cynicism of the other party. It is strange that Valenrio can be happy.

Temer hadn’t seen the black-faced Valenrio Kwon. If he sneered at a certain power in the east to exercise control of the 72-hour air rights over the landing islands, he would be even more concerned about the ability of the coast guards like Valenrio. Is dismissive.

It is not normal for a police department to be full-time rescuers even if they have some ability.

This is like a lightweight boxing champion going to a heavyweight player like Tyson to die, no matter how strong this lightweight boxing champion is on his one-acre three-point land, he will meet the heavyweight monster at his peak-Tai Sen, that was also the life of being picked up and hanged.

So Temer didn't think Valenrio's words had much reference. In contrast, he believed more about what the Octopus he commanded saw and heard.

Precisely because of this, he doesn't think that a certain big country in the East has any back-ups. Is it possible that a large group of J-7 deployed on the coastal front line?

Please~www.ltnovel.com~ The combat radius of this aircraft is not as good as the J-8II.

Therefore, Temer felt that a certain big country in the East just put gold on its face, saying that it was 72 hours of air power for this purpose, but in fact there was a lot of water inside.

But this is also normal, except for a few countries in this world, who can do it?

Just as Temer drank coffee regardless of Valenrio’s feelings, staring at the screen boredly and almost sleepy, a steady and powerful Chinese voice suddenly came from the headset: "01025 formation Please note that the transportation of oil-15 is ready, please implement aerial refueling as planned!"

After the simultaneous interpretation, Temel's half-open and half-closed eyes widened immediately, waiting in disbelief for a corner of the monitor screen.


At the same time, in a certain airspace off the east of Zhejiang, a new type of transport aircraft with a gray-white appearance that resembles the Yun-15plus is maintaining a constant speed cruise. When two F-8IIs appear in the field of view, two wings on both sides can be easily extended under the wings. A bell-shaped hose stretched out one after another...

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