Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 840: Try Zantai lithography machine?

It is hard to imagine if this is more than ten years later, Asmail, who dominates the global lithography machine market, unexpectedly rushed over and begged you to buy their latest products.

Dream, even if you give more than 500 million or 1 billion dollars, I have to wait obediently. When will the old man Asmer take the time to adjust his mood to the best, let's talk about it.

Sell ​​it after 30 million yuan. If you want to daydream, you can stay cool.

The problem is that such a tyrannical Asmer is the one that broke through the EUV lithography machine. In the 1990s, when DUV lithography machines became popular, Asmer was only obsessed with Nikon and Canon in Japan. The two giants pressed their younger brothers who rubbed casually on the ground.

The mainstream markets in Europe and the United States have no place at all. In desperation, they can only find another way, focusing on emerging markets such as East Asia and Southeast Asia, and use their own reserve prices and excellent services to win more customers, so as to maintain the normal business operation of Asmail. .

Because of this, the heads of their Asia-Pacific region are almost flying everywhere in South Korea, Japan, Hong Kong and Taiwan. As long as they know that a certain company wants to enter semiconductors and has the idea of ​​producing chips, regardless of whether it can be achieved, directly rush to sell one. Say it again.

In a word, try to grab food under the eyelids of Canon and Nikon.

Luan Heping is of course welcome to Asmael's initiative to promote sales. After all, he is planning to enter the semiconductor industry and is worried about the equipment.

But welcome to welcome, Luan Heping still prefers Japan’s Nikon and Canon. The reason is very simple. Asmail can only provide lithography machines, other etching machines, hydrogen fluoride and other equipment and materials can’t help it, while Japan Nikon and Canon can provide one-stop service based on Luan Heping’s electronic manufacturing plant in this regard.

Although the cost of doing so will inevitably be slaughtered by the various Japanese manufacturers, but the subsequent maintenance and maintenance are more worry-free. After all, the entire line is Japanese, and the replacement of accessories and daily adjustments are natural. It is convenient.

After all, what Luan Heping wants to build is a semiconductor manufacturing plant rather than a Lego toy that he hides at home. He has more considerations than ordinary people.

However, the price of 30 million yuan given by Asmer has tempted Luan Heping. There is no way that Nikon and Canon similar products will cost at least 80 million US dollars, and they may not be able to get the goods, let alone wait for more than half a year. If you are in a hurry, Nikon and Canon are not inconsistent. An additional US$20 million to US$50 million will be added. The two companies will improve the sorting sequence of products, adjust the enthusiasm of employees, and strive to provide customers with additional payments one or two in advance. Get goods monthly.

There is no way, whoever makes Nikon and Canon the rulers in this field, how to show their dominance and sense of existence without arrogance.

But this way, he is not too friendly to Luan Heping. After all, the sum of his money is less than 700 million yuan. If he really wants to purchase a lithography machine from Japan, one can take all the funds in his hand.

But if you don't buy it, if Japanese manufacturers know about it, what should they do to make things difficult for other equipment and raw materials!

Lao Luan, who was in a dilemma, had no choice but to go to Zhuang Jianye. Who made the leading venture capital fund of Ascendas Group the major shareholder of his semiconductor manufacturing plant? Since he can't solve it, let this matter go to the real Big brother.

Zhuang Jianye also had a headache when he learned of the situation, but this kind of opportunity for the overlord to come to the door in the future will not have this shop in this village. If he does not slaughter Asmer's head, it will not be long. Er carrying a knife at his own various fancy bleeding.

That being the case, Zhuang Jianye’s idea is very simple. Let Asmer be killed first. As for this may make Japanese manufacturers dissatisfied and make things difficult when purchasing, Zhuang Jianye has no choice but to open his mind and let small Japan. All kinds of fancy ravages.

Who doesn’t let yourself have core technology in the semiconductor industry? Don’t think about having both fish and bear’s paws. In this case, you can only look at the long-term and strive for the opportunity that appears on the eve of the semiconductor revolution. Lay down the foundation for the future.

As for being dominated by Japanese manufacturers, it is nothing more than spending a little more money. Although it is a lot in the present, compared to the future, a dozen or two billion dollars is nothing at all.

So Zhuang Jianye gritted his teeth and took out 200 million U.S. dollars from the profit of the Iridium Star Program that Ascendas Group had just obtained, and ran to various ministries and financial institutions in Beijing with his old face, and then went to China Merchants Bank and the Hong Kong Special Zone The organization turned around and just raised $870 million for Luan Heping to deal with the huge funding gap that may arise.

As the saying goes, money is courage. With such a large amount of funds, Luan Heping’s confidence instantly hardened, and the contact with the vice president of Asmail Asia Pacific was not guilty or hesitant. He threw 12 PAS5500s when he came up. Large order for DUV lithography machine.

Not only that, but also prepared 100 million US dollars to invest in Asmael, hoping to become a long-term partner.

For this reason, Luan Heping’s electronics factory does not need Asmael’s dividends, but only hopes that it will be able to take priority in the future and be able to have more autonomy in daily equipment repairs and maintenance.

The large orders and the expensive investment, coupled with Luan Heping's generous and delightful conditions, the vice president of Asmer Asia Pacific, who was in charge of the contact, was almost overwhelmed with excitement.

Not only him, the headquarters in the Netherlands received the news, and the entire company went crazy like the team won the championship.

No way, Luan Heping’s order and investment are too important to Asmail, who is about to run out of ammunition and food, because if they can’t bet on the PAS5500 DUV lithography machine before the middle of next year. Performance, the entire Asmail company will be closed down.

At this moment of crisis ~www.ltnovel.com~ has already done a good job of Asmael, who can't afford to live in a wooden house, was given a big dose of strong milk by Luan Heping. Can Asmael not be crazy. .

Compared to this, Luan Heping’s priority and autonomy in maintaining spare parts are nothing at all. Let alone this, even if Luan Heping opens his mouth for the full set of technical drawings for the PAS5500 DUV lithography machine, Asmail will not. Hesitant to give directly, the company's life is obviously more important than these external things.

Therefore, Asmail agreed to Luan Heping’s request without even thinking about it. Not only did it step up the production of lithography machines for Luan Heping’s electronics factory, but also opened up its own suppliers and industrial chain as well as the various parts of the PAS5500 DUV lithography machine. Specific specifications, so that Luan Heping can purchase related accessories according to his own needs for daily maintenance of PAS5500 DUV lithography machine.

When this list of accessories for the entire industrial chain from Asmer was delivered to Zhuang Jianye via Luan Heping, Zhuang Jianye glanced at it and laughed, patted the list on the table, and said to Luan Heping, "Lao Luan , Are you interested in getting a lithography machine to try?"

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