Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 837: Don't fight for buns, fight for breath

Don’t be stunned. Zhuang Jianye can meet all his needs here. Even if there is a lack of pilots, his ZB-MAXpro is thoughtfully equipped with autopilot functions. Even if Chen Fang is picking his bones, he can only go here. In the end, Zhuang Jianye didn't take it seriously, as if he had already taken their needs to a halt.

But for that, Chen Fang didn't dare to agree immediately, what if something went wrong.

Zhuang Jianye had already anticipated this, and he hurriedly thumped his chest with his fists, and said quite boldly: "Our Ascendas Group has been committed to shouldering due responsibilities to the society for so many years. Typhoon disasters, we are naturally obliged to do so. In that case, the operation of transporting relief supplies around the island will be undertaken by our Ascendas Group... Commander Chen, don’t tell me, you don’t know who I am. ?? The victims are in dire straits.

What's more, the helicopters of a large country outside the region are all coming to the door. I don’t know how other people are. Anyway, Zhuang Jianye can’t stand it. Others said... Lao Wu, hurry up and allocate five ZB-MAXpro helicopters to organize supplies. Lifting, the control room is located here, my purpose is only one, with the fastest speed to deliver the most urgently needed materials to the island. "

At this moment, Zhuang Jianye was like a military general sitting here, and his resolute action really led these generals to kill and decisively. It seemed that Chen Fang was stunned for a while, but the next moment he cursed in his heart.

Who still claims to be ignorant?

Who doesn’t know that you Zhuang Jianye is a capitalist who has got half of his body into the eyes of money, and you dare to talk about being a human being. Just now you talked about being a human being, and you just put the TY-6 drone and navigation system on the sea monitor. Now he talks about being a human being. Li's nerves immediately became vigilant and vowed to hold the marine monitor's purse tightly anyway.

The problem is that apart from tacking his pocket tightly, Chen Fang has nothing to do. Nothing else, just because Zhuang Jianye's superficial skills are too good, even if everyone knows that Zhuang Jianye is only selling ZB to the marine supervisor. You can't fault the MAXpro helicopter.

The aircraft is out of the group, and you don’t need to spend a penny on the materials. The most important thing is that the fishermen who are waiting on the island can not be saved?

The Tengfei Group paid for it, and still stood carelessly, so even if he knew that Zhuang Jianye was Xiangzhuang's swordsman, Chen Fang could only bite the bullet and eat this banquet.

The purpose of Zhuang Jianye's visit to Xiangzhou was not only to guide the disaster relief of the Xiangzhou plant on the spot, but the most important thing was to promote the products of Ascendas Group by relevant units in the Yangtze River Delta. Now the TY-6 UAV has already had an eye on it. As a result, the coast guard of a major country outside the region has set up again. This platform started a trick to rescue citizens by helicopter.

How could Zhuang Jianye let go of this opportunity? The helicopter sales of Xiangzhou plant have declined recently. Zhuang Jianye has long wanted to find an opportunity to boost it. Since the Coast Guard has made the stage so dazzling, Zhuang Jianye will naturally show it off.

Of course, the reason why Zhuang Jianye dared to take such a big deal is naturally emboldened.

Regardless of the fact that Ascendas Group relies on foreign aid in aerospace technology, navigation technology, some material technology and finishing technology, it has achieved current achievements, but in terms of drones, Ascendas Group is truly independent.

It is not that Ascendas Group does not want to rely on foreign aid to improve its strength in drones. The problem is that experts from the Soviet Union are in many ways inferior to the technical engineers trained by Ascendas Group itself. There is no way. Who makes Ascendas Group start up depends on no one. From the beginning, it has redefined the drone in accordance with the most disruptive innovation system, and has gradually mastered the entire industrial chain of drones from the foundry.

In contrast, the Soviet UAV concept is still at the level of the 1960s and 1970s. In many future-oriented core architectures, it is not only incomprehensible and contrary to Ascendas Group.

Take the control of multiple batches of unmanned aircraft.

The advice given by the Soviet experts to the Tengfei Group is that the Soviet Red Navy’s missile saturation attack mode of operation is to use a single unmanned aircraft as the guidance and coordinate other unmanned aircraft to fly to the predetermined target. Relay transmission or guidance of distance instantly.

Very simple, very crude, very Soviet!

However, it is far from the concept of Ascendas Group's multiple real-time control, flexible and maneuverable arrangements, releasable and retractable, and effective support, and it does not meet the army's definition of a new generation of attack drones.

Yes, it took five years for the Ascendas Group to research and develop drone swarm technology that was not a typical civilian project at first, but was mixed with a strong military color.

The reason for this is very simple. In the late 1980s, the headquarters visited Israel. In order to welcome guests from afar, and by the way, to promote their own military equipment, the Israelis showed their development to the leaders of the headquarters visiting Israel. Than" anti-radiation UAV.

That kind of flexible and changeable, multi-wave coverage, the operational concept of destroying the target when it is found, returning to the flight if there is no target, immediately attracted the attention of the leaders of the headquarters, so he quickly signed a contract with Israel IA Airlines, in the "Dragonfly" series In addition to air-to-air missiles, the "Habi" anti-radiation drone project has been added.

After returning to China, after field tests, the troops were very satisfied with the performance of the "Habi" UAV, and organized a group of enterprises and experts to study whether it could be replicated locally.

Although Tengfei Group was invited at the time, it did not take it seriously. After all, Tengfei Group is not a typical military industry enterprise, but a compound enterprise. The military industry business is not a big one, let alone the domestic companies that are focusing on this project. Shao, Tengfei Group didn't want to make money with others, just make soy sauce.

So at that time, Zhuang Jianye didn't go there in person, so he just asked the chief engineer Lin Guanghua to be a representative.

Lin Guanghua didn’t think anything at first, so it’s just a matter of having a soy sauce~www.ltnovel.com~ But when he saw the "Habi" drone, what to do with soy sauce and what had been done was all forgotten, and immediately. The innocent mask of humans and animals in private, showing bloodthirsty fangs, regardless of recklessly following other competitors tore it to a dim sky.

The reason for this is that Lin Guanghua, the "Habi" drone of Israel IA Airlines, is too familiar with it. That is, the RY-1 suicide attack drone that Ascendas exported to H Company in the United States that year was once sold by H Company. To South Africa, and severely damaged the armored forces of the Soviet army in Angola.

Its domestically-made improved model is an attack-1 drone equipped with airborne troops, but compared to the attack-1, it emphasizes cost control and has a simpler structure. The RY-1 drone is more complicated. The low-end goods used by Ascendas Group to earn foreign exchange were packaged by the Israelis and sold to China at high prices.

Lin Guanghua felt that his face was hot at the time. He only felt that it hurts more than a dozen slaps, so he didn't even think about it, so he went straight to the court and smashed his buns. He didn't steam the steamed buns to fight for his breath. How could he also grab the things from the Tengfei Group.

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