Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 827: I found the treasure

Fortunately, the performance of the TY-6 drone is not bad, which proves that Mikhail Losogin, who moved from the Soviet Union with his family, is still kind. The design drawings, process specifications and stars that he brought over are 5Б Starlight. \Inertial navigation composite guidance system samples are very real.

Of course, what is more important is Zhuang Jianye's luck.

You must know that Mikhail Losotin is different from the genuine scientific researchers of the Soviet era, such as Alexei and Pukoridev, in that he is an ordinary national public official.

It’s just that the unit where he worked is a bit special, working as a database administrator at the Navigation Research Center under the Soviet Military Industrial Management Committee.

Not surprisingly, Lozogin would retire safely in this position, and then lead his pension to spend his twilight years on the outskirts of Moscow, without making any waves in his life.

However, all of this suddenly changed in 1991. The super red empire that was once on par with the United States collapsed, and then the economy collapsed, society began to be turbulent, and ideas became corrupt. In this environment, countless future generations were born. Unimaginable Sao operation.

At this moment, Luosojin had a crooked mind.

No way, his salary was less than one-third of the purchasing power in the past due to the depreciation of the ruble, and it was simply not enough to feed the family. His wife, 12 years younger than him, went to help the family in an underground bar in order to subsidize the family, and was almost suddenly wealthy. A certain privileged class is stronger.

The superimposition of all of these causes the middle-aged Lozogin to finally explode.

Taking advantage of the disintegration of Russia's chaos, leading to no one in the Navigation Research Center, Luo Sogin used his power to take care of the warehouse to replace the important technical materials stored in it with waste newspapers found elsewhere.

That's all, Losogin not only focused on the technical data, but also looked at several important equipment samples in the Navigation Research Center. It is impossible to take it out as a whole. After all, Luosojin is not from the military. Senior generals or key officials of a certain department cannot use transport planes or trains to empty the country grandiosely.

He can only be like a mouse stealing Mickey.

Yes, the method used by Losogin is to use wood as a substitute for parts and replace the parts on the equipment little by little, so as to bring out the whole equipment and put it together.

The method is very rough and the method is not clever. As long as the people at the Navigation Research Center pay a little attention, you can find that Lothogin is doing something. The problem is that during the period of continuous social turmoil from 1991 to 1992, the Navigation Research Center went from the director to the director. The uncle who came to the door was worried about how to survive, and if he had the time to find a way to make money, there was no time to manage whether the equipment in the warehouse was original or made of wood.

It was precisely when everyone chose to be blind that the unskilled Rothokin succeeded.

But after all, how to realize it has become a difficult problem, because Luosojin is just an ordinary person after all. There are no senior officials, military generals, and privileged and wealthy businessmen. There is no way out.

Naturally, there is no way to sell money if there is no way. If you can't sell money, you can't solve the current life dilemma. No way, Luo Sojing can only bite the bullet and find it by himself.

At the beginning, Lozogin chose a big country outside the region, the victor of the Cold War, and the most powerful and wealthy country in the world. Lozogin hoped that the things he worked so hard would be favored by the other party and sold at a good price.

As a result, Losogin passed by himself, and was kicked out without saying a few words. There was no way. At that time, Russians who ran to a large country outside the region could rank from Moscow to St. Petersburg. Many of them were academicians of the Soviet Academy of Sciences. Technical experts, senior engineers, senior military generals, senior government officials, key KGB leaders...

Compared with these people, Lozogin can’t make it to the table at all. He also said that he has the most important navigation technology of the Soviet Union. Yesterday a homeless man named Salski also said that he had a nuclear warhead and hoped to hand it over to a major foreign country in exchange for immigration. qualifications.

There are simply not too many scammers like fame and reputation. If everyone believes it, then a large country outside the region is not messy.

Therefore, a certain university outside the region simply ignores people who are not followed by Luosojin, and follows a particularly tall and elite line.

The most desired object was not achieved, and Luosorgin was not discouraged. He went to find the European power, France, to sell. The French were very polite. After learning about Luosorin's situation, he politely declined Luosorin's request.

Quite simply, the director and chief scientist of the Navigation Research Center had been secretly transferred to France by France before Losogin’s arrival. The two of them carried all the microfilms of technical data on Soviet navigation, and after a little adjustment, they would be in France. The National Space Center started new work.

By the way, the SED20 starlight\inertial navigation system used on the new generation of M51 submarine-launched intercontinental ballistic missiles in France has stars on it—5Б starlight\inertial guidance composite guidance system. It can be seen that the French at that time also It is not uncommon to profit from the feast of the collapse of the Soviet Union.

With the core members of the Navigation Research Center, where can the French still see Lozogin, not to mention the French do not believe how much the Soviet Union’s most critical technology in navigation can be exposed to at this level.

This is the case for a large foreign country and France. The attitude of other Western countries is naturally the same. During that time, Luosojin was hitting a wall everywhere, and he was depressed to death. In the end, there was no way, and he opened the office of a large eastern country in Moscow. .

At that time, it happened to be the male officer with glasses who often put Zhuang Jianye on the party. He chatted with Luo Sojing for a while, and concluded that he was the same as those of his Western counterparts. He didn't think that Luo Sojing was anything special. Good is a liar who fishes in troubled waters.

After all, Russia was terribly chaotic at the time, as the so-called forests were big and there were all kinds of birds.

Therefore, the man with glasses was going to refuse Luo Sojing, but before he could speak, the phone on his side rang. Upon receiving it, it turned out that Zhuang Jianye was calling and asking when the next batch of technical materials would arrive.

The man with glasses is busy here, so he asked Zhuang Jianye to wait, but when Zhuang Jianye heard about Luo Sojing, he casually said: "Then let him take two copies and fax them to me to help you check it~www .ltnovel.com~ The man with glasses also made sense, so he explained to Luo Sojing according to Zhuang Jianye's statement.

Losogin was overjoyed when he heard this, and immediately returned to the warehouse. From there, Jiang selected two important documents. He came to the spectacle man early the next morning. At that time, the spectacle man was receiving an academician of the Soviet Academy of Sciences, and he had no time to take Li Luo. Suo Jing then handed it to a staff member to fax the information to Ascendas Group in accordance with Zhuang Jianye's requirements.

Zhuang Jianye also said casually, also not thinking about it, it was strange to receive the fax suddenly, and when he saw the content, he changed from strange to shocked.

Because those two data are two data index catalogues and some technical descriptions. In addition to starlight navigation, they also involve dozens of inertial navigation, laser gyroscope, radio navigation and the Soviet "Glonass" satellite navigation system. Key technology.

Seeing this, Zhuang Jianye suddenly flashed four words in his mind, he found a treasure!

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