Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 823: Fly accurately without GPS

Not only Cole, but Dawn beside him was also nervous, knowing that the UAV that suddenly appeared outside the cabin was less than fifty meters away from the HU-25D they were riding in.

Fifty meters on land is nothing, but the distance in the sky is too dangerous, because the speed of the plane is very fast, fifty meters can hit without even blinking an eye.

Because of this, this distance is very dangerous for two aircraft.

But this is not important. What's more important is that the aircraft outside the cabin is unmanned, and it is very likely that the interruption of the GPS satellite navigation model will cause it to malfunction.

It's like a mentally disordered patient rushing out of the lunatic asylum with a machete, smiling and walking side by side with you, it seems that everything is normal, but no one knows that the mentally ill patient will cut it when he draws the knife.

The situation is roughly the same now. No one knows if the drone outside the cabin will bump into it at the next moment due to a malfunction of the navigation. If this is the case, then they will lose out. After all, there is just an unmanned one outside. The plane is destroyed if it is destroyed, but they are all people in this plane.

"Get off course, hurry!"

Dawn was not the only one who realized this. The moment Cole saw the scene outside the cabin, he knew the danger, so before Dawn could recollect, he shouted commands at the pilot in the cockpit. .

But Cole shouted sternly for a long time, and the pilot just deflected to the right a little bit to extend the distance of 200 meters from the drone outside the cabin, and then...then it was gone.

From 50 meters to 200 meters, it seems that the distance has been increased four times, but it’s not as good as it is in the sky. If the drone outside goes crazy, it will be able to pull the HU-25D to the end in a blink of an eye, so Kerr was angry, but before he could use the most severe order to extend the safety distance, his operator's console sounded the sensible voice of the Yangtze River Delta air traffic control from the driver: "HU256817, please do not deviate from the established route. A Boeing 737 on your right is flying northwest, a DC-11 flying southeast over you, and an Airbus A320 on your right. The speed should be kept at 650 kilometers per hour, because the airport needs to coordinate the runway. There are too many planes waiting in the airspace. You can slow down a little bit. If you adjust the route, please wait a few minutes to avoid unnecessary safety accidents."

Hearing this, Cole almost didn't spit out a mouthful of old blood. He waited for a few minutes. He TM is not equal to a second now. He said so slowly. Does the air traffic control in the Yangtze River Delta know their one? Is the Trek drone stuck by your side?

So Cole is a burst of classic foreign Zuan cultural terms beginning with F and S. It can be cursed and cursed. He also knows in his heart that the Yangtze River Delta is one of the areas with dense airplane routes. Regardless of the reckless adjustment of the route, collision is a high probability.

This is also the reason why the driver dare not take any action after a little distance.

But if you don’t adjust the route, the drone outside that looks normal but doesn’t know when to go crazy is too scary. Cole doesn’t want to use his character to gamble his life, so he can only switch on the international radio switch. , After connecting to the air traffic control of the Yangtze River Delta, he hesitated for a long time, and finally stumbled and narrated the situation outside the HU-25D cabin, and finally put down his face and pleaded: “Due to the abnormal GPS navigation signal, we are very worried about your failure. There is a problem with human opportunities, so... we request to lower the altitude and leave the current dangerous area first."

Cole’s words are almost imploring. There is no way. At the critical juncture, only the air traffic control can coordinate the surrounding passenger and military aircraft to avoid and reserve a safe channel for the HU-25D. Therefore, even if Cole is in front of the iron, he has to Bow your head.

As a result, the air traffic control was also surprised when he heard Cole's words: "Is there such a situation? You wait a moment and we will confirm."

Hearing this, Cole almost didn't reach out to scratch the screen. You don't know where your drone is? Still confirmed?

Fortunately, the efficiency of the air traffic control was very fast this time, and the voice came again in less than half a minute. As a result, before listening to it, Cole did not reach out to scratch the screen, but wished to smash it directly with his head. thing.

"HU256817, we have just confirmed the information you reported. We do have a weather monitoring drone in your airspace, and it is indeed affected by the Hawaii ground station. The GPS signal is abnormal, but don’t worry, our technicians It has been handled properly and the drone will not lose control. It is very obedient and is performing weather monitoring missions in your airspace. Don’t worry... HU256817? HU256817...Have you heard? Please answer..."

Answer... Answer you F@UCK!

Don’t worry if the GPS signal is abnormal. Do you think your drone is the son of a big country outside the region? Enjoy the top navigation accuracy and uninterrupted signal coverage?

Come on, a problem with the GPS signal will most likely cause the satellite navigation signal in the drone to be interrupted. Losing the navigation means losing the eyes. A blind drone is not a drone, but broken. The kite of the thread will fall down sooner or later.

As a result, the air traffic control also said that this thing is very obedient, and it's not okay to cheat people to find a layman. When playing this with the coast guard of a major country outside their territory, are they all regarded as Dasha X?

However, just as Cole was about to go back to the universal radio station in a desperate manner, the drone on the left that was flying with them suddenly tilted, came a beautiful 90-degree sideways rotation, and immediately dived toward the left. Then, he was out of HU-25D's sight in a blink of an eye.

Seeing that the drone left like this, both Cole and Dawn couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. Although it was a false alarm, only by experiencing that scene can you feel the crisis of life hanging by a thread.

However, before Cole recovered from the tension of the crisis, the radar operator next to him raised Cole's heart in his throat again with an exclamation.

"Sir, the drone just now is quickly approaching the Rush in the back."


Cole leaning on the seat immediately bounced up ~www.ltnovel.com~ and then stared at the screen on the console, only to see a black dot in a beautiful arc trajectory, quickly approaching from the side to indicate Rush The white triangle of patrol ship No.

Seeing this, Cole finally showed a look of horror on his calm face again. If he was scared to see the drone before, then this time he was surprised by the trajectory shown by the radar.

You should know that there are a lot of planes coming and going intertwined here, just like the traffic flow in the morning rush hour in a big city, but in such a dense route, the drones that flew with them before avoided all potential dangers. , Out of an extremely precise route, quickly approached the Rush.

What does this show?

People can fly accurately without GPS!

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