Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 812: Flying mobile base station

Following the direction of Gahua’s fingers, Xia Baoan also forgot to pass. A blonde foreign woman led seven or eight tall foreigners in a raincoat, carrying a box covered with a tarp to the village committee. Move in the meeting.

Seeing this, Xia Baoan's complexion eased, but his brows wrinkled inadvertently.

These people, Xia Baoan, can only say that they know them, but they are not familiar with them. They vaguely remember the name of the leading Ocean Horse, Christina. They all got off the ship that blocked the dock, but Christine Na these western-faced men and women seem to be not the same as Jingye Heifeo's little Japan.

When the ship ran aground, not only was it not frustrating, but after landing on the island, I saw the ordinary Chinese fishing village with a sense of curiosity to discover the New World.

Not only that, when the momentum of the typhoon had just passed, the group returned to Oden, moved down a large number of cameras, cameras, recording microphones, flashlights and other shooting equipment, and began to brave the rain for several years old Murakami. The ancestral halls, earth temples, and old houses are photographed on the left and right.

In short, it is a group of art workers who do not know the hatred of subjugation and are completely divorced from reality.

So Xia Baoan didn’t pay attention to this group of people at all, and asked them to pay attention to safety, so that they would love it. After all, the reform and opening up were carried out. The superiors said all the time that they should treat every foreign guest with a tolerant mentality. The branch secretary of the island village, Xia Baoan, naturally must respond to the call of the superior.

What's more, the top priority of the village at this time is to get in touch with the outside world, to make the surrounding island be damaged by the small Japanese boats, the island is closed, and the situation that personnel and materials cannot enter or exit is notified to the higher authorities in order to obtain external information. support.

Compared with this major event, Christina and others seem insignificant. There is no other way. Whether it is villagers on the island, small Japan or Western foreigners on board, they will be thirsty without water, and hungry without food. Ordinary people, so it’s really useless to jump happily. It’s crucial when you open the outside passage.

From this perspective, Jingye Heifu is much more realistic than waiting for a group of small Japan. Every hour or two he asks if he has contacted the outside world. After getting disappointed answers, his expressions are more ugly.

In contrast, Christina and the others are like walking through another dimension wall. They heard that the dock was damaged and all the personnel were trapped on the island, and they were unable to communicate with the outside world. Not only did they not worry, but they were quite a few. People yelled in excitement, as if they had become a 100,000-yuan household, and they were so excited that they were excited.

At that time, Xia Baoan almost pulled out her old eyes as a kick. NM was careless. After sixty years of life, she had missed her eyes. Are these western foreigners unrealistic? Do not! It is clearly a group of mental patients.

So Xia Baoan even more let go of Christina and the group. How can normal people no longer challenge a group of mental illnesses?

As a result, he ignored them, but Christina took the initiative to find them with a bunch of things. Xia Baoan only felt that they were the first and the two big ones, not only because these people were mentally ill and couldn’t communicate, even if they weren’t. Mental illness also cannot communicate, because both sides simply don’t understand what they say.

Even if the Japanese crew on the oden boiled **** is proficient in English, Chinese, and Latin, it is useless to surround the island, because the entire island only speaks the dialect of eastern Zhejiang, plus the Japanese crew's Chinese is not good. Neat, the result is that the more the translation, the more confused it is, it is not as good as the two parties' gestures.

No, Christina brought a large group of people into the village committee, and watched Xia Baoan come down from the roof. Without talking nonsense, she just uncovered the tarps on several boxes, and then The carton inside opens, revealing the flour, eggs, vegetables, fruits, butter, cheese, common medicines, toothpaste, toothbrushes, sanitary napkins, men's shower gel, and even a large box of Okamoto family planning supplies...

Seeing Xia Baoan was stunned, and then Christina grumbled, and even said a lot of gestures, and then the Japanese crew member behind Christina spoke in poor Chinese. Said gestures for a long time.

With Gai Hua's whispered supplement in his ear, Xia Baoan finally figured it out.

It turned out that Christina saw the disaster while filming in the village, and learned that the village was disconnected from the outside world and the living supplies were in difficulties, so she took people back to the boat and took all the supplies for their filming team. Take it out, hoping to ease the difficulties in the village.

Seeing this, Xia Baolong was dumbfounded. Christina seemed to have brought a lot of things, but these things were the supplies consumed by the eight of them for a week. How many villagers were waiting around the island? Large and small add up to 113 mouths.

So what Christina brought was not enough for the villagers on the island.

But this is not the point. The most important thing is that Christina and the others took out all the supplies, what did they eat? What to drink? Wouldn't it be possible to run to a corner of the island to blow the northwest wind with your mouth open?

However, when Xia Baoan conveyed his concerns to Christina through gestures and words, the well-known Spanish independent documentary filmmaker with thick eyebrows, freckles and good temperament appeared very confident.

"Don't worry about us, Mr. Xia, we are the most professional independent documentary filming team, in the deserts of the Middle East, in the tropical rain forests of South America, among the high-rise buildings in New York, on the yellow grasslands of Africa... We have experienced There are many adventures and hardships, and every time we use our wisdom and strength to overcome one difficulty after another.

I believe we are in China too, because we found that the villagers here are as kind, simple and hospitable as the indigenous tribes on the African grasslands, the Indians in the rainforests of South America, and the nomadic tribes in the Western Sahara Desert..."

Christina even said a lot of gestures. Although Xia Baoan sounded incomprehensible, she still understood the implication of the great Yanmar in front of her.

The old face collapsed instantly.

What do you mean?

It is said that the surrounding island is as poor as the African natives, South American Indians, and sub-Saharan nomads.

I made a net profit of 50,000 yuan from fishing and selling fish last year, and now there is still 10,000 yuan left in the bank. Believe it or not, I will take it out and kill you foreign devils.

However, before Xia Baoan could refute, Christina once again said and made gestures: "We have a very good understanding of your pre-modern country’s ability to withstand natural disasters, and can only silently bear the losses caused by nature. , But it doesn’t matter. We have already contacted a U.S. Coast Guard patrol ship 300 nautical miles away using the satellite phone we carried. They are conducting joint maritime exercises here, but we have agreed to our distress signal. Help us out..."

Afraid that Xia Baoan would not believe it, Christina carefully took out the satellite phone and handed it to Xia Baoan as if showing off, pointing to a lot of English buttons on it, making the old man's head dizzy.

But Christina and others are very satisfied with Xia Baoan’s response. The old hunter in the tropical rainforest, the old shepherd in the Sahara desert, and the old chief among the indigenous Africans often see satellite phones that can communicate with any corner of the world at any time. Like Xia Baoan~www.ltnovel.com~ the surprise, curiosity, and confusion finally turned into unspeakable incredible.

Seeing this, Kristina smiled triumphantly, and then cast a look from the side. A man with a big waist and a round waist immediately raised the camera, ready to take a picture of Xia Baoan's amazement at the satellite phone.

However, before he could press the shutter, a woman yelled excitedly at the village committee door: "His Uncle Baoan, his Uncle Baoan~~My eldest brother got through...My eldest brother got through... Living in the city What kind of flying mobile base station is said by Xiaomao, I don’t know, his Uncle Baolong..."

While talking, the widow Wang in the village ran in with her eldest brother in the rain. When she saw, Xia Baolong and Dayangma held hands and looked at them. Their faces were almost close to each other, and the words in their mouths stopped abruptly.

But in the sky behind him, a huge black-and-white figure whizzed out of the thick clouds like a dragon going out to sea, immediately making Christina and others stunned to see this scene.

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