Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 788: Space Origin

The Reuters reporter who asked the question heard Zhuang Jianye's rhetorical question. He couldn't help being stunned. For a while, he didn't understand what Zhuang Jianye's words meant. Zhuang Jianye couldn't give him the time he wanted to understand, so he went on stage again. As he walked, he said, “I don’t know what kind of answer the reporter from Reuters just now will give me, but no matter what kind of answer, one thing is certain, human beings, the civilized creatures that have evolved over 4.6 billion years on earth I am used to living in the atmosphere, water and carbohydrates.

Yes, I am also very used to it, but it is also very sad, because compared to the vast universe, our small individuals are like ants. We can only see one acre and three quarters of land under our feet, only for immediate benefit. You fight for me, how sad it is to live this way. "

The words fell, Zhuang Jianye showed a compassionate expression on his face, accompanied by his capable and simple costume, as if a saint, thinking about the most profound ultimate philosophy, suddenly attracted the crowd in the past.

But then Zhuang Jianye's words shocked everyone present: "So I miss the Cold War era that has passed. The fierce arms race has prompted the superpowers to continue to extend into outer space, vying to step out of the earth. , But now?"

Zhuang Jianye spread his hands together: "When the Cold War ended, the horses came to Nanshan. The United States and Russia rushed to cut the research and development costs of space exploration and cut the scientific research investment of related disciplines. Some people even said that this is a kind of progress in civilization. Let me say, Those who express this view are the common enemy of mankind."

When he finished saying this, Zhuang Jianye seemed very excited. He danced in a posture of beating people. Finally, with a big wave, a shocking scene immediately appeared on the curtain behind him. There were wars, problems, poverty, pollution, and violence……

There are as many as dozens of similar photos, which are shocking when combined together, but also make many people's hair creepy.

But Zhuang Jianye stretched out the curtain behind him: "This is the status quo of our human beings. Time and quiet are always just the appearance. The exhaustion of resources, the backwardness of poverty, and the widening gap between the rich and the poor are the norm in our world."

At this time, a female reporter stood up suddenly and asked jokingly: "Mr. Zhuang, is your trainer to solve a problem that politicians cannot solve?"

Before the words were over, there was a burst of laughter in the audience. Zhuang Jianye's alarmist words followed one after another, but none of them answered the question of the Reuters reporter just now.

That's all, there are actually a lot of social issues involved. Are these things managed by your aerospace manufacturing company?

Zhuang Jianye did not get annoyed by the joking questions of the female reporter and the laughter of the audience. Instead, he smiled and waited for the scene to calm down before nodding: "Yes, after all, to achieve a re-landing on the moon, an expedition to Mars, and finally Before Mars establishes a base and develops the ambitious goal of developing mineral deposits in the outer asteroid belt of Mars, our Ascendas Group is to accumulate some primitive capital. To put it bluntly, it needs to make money."

Everyone in the field was taken aback when they heard this, and then they all laughed in a low voice. They only felt that Zhuang Jianye's remarks were really fantastic. It was a bit more reliable to land on the moon, expedition to Mars, and build a base. , Even the exploitation of mineral deposits in the asteroid belt.

Who does Zhuang Jianye think he is? Superman or Iron Man? Can you be more bullshit? Science fiction dare not write like this, OK!

The one who laughed the most arrogantly was the Reuters reporter who asked the question. Intuitively, there is no more laughable joke in the world than the remarks made by Zhuang Jianye just now. What kind of brain circuits can be used to come up with such unreliable reveries. Just like the paranoid who ran out of the mental hospital, I really don't know how this Zhuang Jianye became the helm of the Ascendas Group.

Of course, do you know that you have no relationship with him as a Reuters reporter. Since there are loopholes in Zhuang Jianye’s words, he naturally has to seize the opportunity to humiliate himself, dare to change the law and call himself an idiot, and see who is the one. It's an idiot.

So the Reuters reporter hurriedly stood up and asked: "So Mr. Zhuang already has a preliminary plan, I don't know your fantasy... Uh... I'm sorry, I should say that the space exploration program has been implemented to which stage?"

"Even if you don't ask questions, I am going to take this opportunity to announce one thing to all friends who care about Ascendas Group. That is, last year Ascendas Group established a space origin company focused on space exploration. Within time, we successfully obtained an order from China Great Wall Industry Corporation, undertook the production and manufacture of Long March series launch vehicle boosters, and successfully participated in the launch of the Asia-Pacific No. 1 communications satellite in July, thus stepping into the space of our Ascendas Group. The first step in exploration."

Before the Reuters reporter had finished speaking, Zhuang Jianye accepted the conversation with a smile, and immediately waved his hand. The screen behind him seemed to be equipped with artificial intelligence. The screen switched instantly, and a huge picture of the launch vehicle appeared. Zhuang Jianye stood in front of the picture and slowly said: "Due to the intervention of our Space Origin Company, the launch cost of the Long March series of carrier rockets has been reduced, from the original 15,000 US dollars per kilogram to 13,800 US dollars per kilogram. .

This is just a small achievement of our space origin company, and our ultimate goal is to reduce the launch cost to five thousand dollars per kilogram. Yes, you heard it right, that is, to reduce it to one third of the current cost. Of course some people will ask, how does your space origin company achieve this?

My answer is that it’s enough to reuse the launch vehicle... Don’t be excited, gentlemen and ladies, the medium-term goal of our space origin company is to make the launch vehicle autonomous and controllable like a space shuttle, back and forth between heaven and earth, and reused. . "

Everyone in the venue heard what Zhuang Jianye said and listened to science fiction~www.ltnovel.com~ No, it should be a fantasy. It always feels like sleepwalking. Everyone knows that the space shuttle goes back and forth between the world and the earth. Can the carrier rocket do the same?

Everyone in the field feels that Zhuang Jianye is whimsical. You must know that the space shuttle is controlled by someone, and the United States' high-tech and capital injections can only be achieved. Although it is claimed to be reused to reduce costs, the actual use cost is more than Ordinary spaceships are much taller.

Therefore, Zhuang Jianye said that the space origin company they established wanted to engage in the repeated use of launch vehicles. It was simply not a brain, so many people thought that this was a gimmick that Zhuang Jianye was giving Tengfei Group into the aerospace business.

Of course, there are very few people who think Zhuang Jianye's ideas are very novel, and they look forward to the follow-up development of Space Origin.

However, whether it is mocking or anticipating, everyone’s attention is drawn to Zhuang Jianye’s vast space exploration program. No one cares whether the trainer is military equipment, whether it deviates from the peace-loving and non-military production of the Ascendas Group. Declaration of equipment.

No way, compared to the latter, the stars and the sea are more eye-catching. It really doesn't know the borders.

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