Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 783: Different kinds of higher education machines

No wonder the people present were so surprised, the plane behind the curtain was beyond everyone's imagination.

The thick nose is extremely heavy, giving a sense of steadfastness; along with it, there is a high-popular bubble cockpit with a wide view and strong maneuverability.

There are wide wings on both sides of the cockpit, which are different from the traditional trapezoidal rear wings of traditional advanced trainers. The wings of the aircraft in front of you are slightly more complicated. Starting from the lower end of the cockpit are two powerful side wings. , The extension from this is a pair of swept delta wings, and then there is a forward angle in the middle, forming a pair of small delta wings again.

In this way, a different combination of side strip wings and double delta wings is formed. Together with the fuselage that seems to be integrated, the whole aircraft looks like a large bird with its wings spread from the front. Soar into the sky.

Of course, if only this is the case, professionals such as Maleshevsky and Merlinz may be surprised, but they will never be shocked. What makes them unable to control their emotions is that the wing of the aircraft is not just a sophisticated wing. The front and rear **** and ailerons are also amazing.

Regardless of the leading edge ailerons on both sides of the wing, in addition to the traditional ailerons at the rear of the wing, there are also a pile of Fuller-style flaps, combined with the upturned spoiler. The advancement of this pair of wings is immediately convenient. Stand out.

As the saying goes, laymen watch the excitement, and experts watch the doorway.

Maleshevsky, Merlinz and others are not just looking at how mighty and domineering this pair of beautiful wings are, but through this pair of wings, they can intuitively feel the basic performance of the J7Max.

One word: excellent.

Regardless of other things, the layout of the side strips and double delta wings makes the J7Max’s mid-to-low-altitude hovering and small-radius turning performance no less than that of the early third-generation fighters such as F-16A or MiG-29A, if the engine is powerful. , May be better than those early third-generation aircraft in climb speed or low-to-medium fighting maneuvers.

In terms of speed, the layout of side strips and double delta wings not only gives the FJ 7Max excellent mid-to-low altitude performance, it is also very powerful in terms of supersonic speed. Of course, it lies in the unique structure of double delta wings. The shortcomings of large drag make it difficult for the maximum flight speed of the JJ 7Max to exceed Mach 2.

The maximum is about 1.5 Mach, but the problem is that the JJ 7Max is just an advanced trainer. The maximum speed of 1.5 Mach has already killed a vote of early advanced trainers. What's more, the combat fantasy of the third-generation aircraft is not good at high altitude and high speed, so The speed of Mach 1.5 is not only sufficient, it can even be used as the main combat aircraft in some weak countries.

And this is only part of the excellent performance that this pair of wings gives the J7Max.

In addition to the side strip wing and double delta wing layout, the flaps, ailerons, spoiler and other structures on the wing enhance the mobility of the J7Max while also giving the aircraft an unparalleled ability. That is Excellent short take-off and landing capability.

It should be known that both Fuller **** and wing spoilers are mechanisms on large passenger planes. Their function is to increase lift during take-off and shorten landing distance during landing.

A big guy with a take-off weight of hundreds of tons can easily control takeoff and landing with this mechanism. A trainer aircraft of less than ten tons is naturally an immediate effect. With the strong first three-stage landing gear under the belly of the aircraft, 7Max's superb short-distance performance of the simplified field airport can be described as ready to show.

This is too important for an aircraft, indicating that the aircraft is extremely adaptable, solid, durable, and resistant to construction. Who doesn't like this aircraft?

Of course, these alone are not enough to explain the excellence of the aircraft. If there is no double-sided rectangular air inlet under the wing, the tall vertical tail at the tail and the full-moving horizontal tail on both sides can only be said to be ordinary. But adding these things is like a finishing touch, so that the entire aircraft exudes the brilliance of a famous aircraft.

In addition, to make Maleshevsky silent, Merlinz sighed that the Jianjiao 7Max looked small, but reserved a lot of redundancy for improvement.

Not to mention the others, but the huge nose fairing right in front is much larger in diameter than the F-5 fighter jets equipped in Thailand and almost the same as the nose diameter of the Mirage 2000 fighter jets equipped in France.

This shows that the JJ 7Max can be equipped with more powerful fire control radar or other advanced avionics equipment, so that the JJ 7Max has more advanced teaching or combat capabilities.

There are many similar places. Professionals such as Maleshevsky and Merlinz at the scene have a cursory look and found that there are as many as four or five places. Unless Merlinz is an alien visiting the earth, it is hard not to be shocked.

"Great Lenin, the Chinese comrades I brought out have such advanced aviation technology?"

Looking at the Jiejiao 7Max in the spotlight spreading its wings, Maleshevsky was stunned for a long time before he sighed in a low voice. Yes, Maleshevsky felt that the level of the Jiejiao 7Max in front of him was so high that it even exceeded They developed the Yak-130 since the Soviet era.

Not to mention other things, this time they participated in the Thai trainer aircraft bidding, they only brought the design drawings, technical descriptions, a wooden full-scale model, and the video data of the Yak-130 test flight at the beginning of the year. sheet.

The Ascendas Group not only handed over the Beginner Education 6pro to the Crown Prince of Thailand to have fun in the sky, the JJ7Max displayed as a new machine is not a full-size model, but a mass-produced real machine that can fly to the sky at any time.

One is the concept of nothingness and vagueness, and the other is the real real guy, who is higher and lower, and which is stronger and weaker immediately.

Is it because the Yakovlev Design Bureau doesn't want to take a real camera? Of course, the problem is that the pockets of the Yakovlev Design Bureau are cleaner than the face. The prototype that flew at the beginning of the year was unable to bear the cost of the follow-up test flight shortly after its first flight. In addition, the follow-up lack of maintenance makes it unusable like scrap.

So even if Yakovlev wanted to send it, he didn't have to send it. Of course, even if it was really sent, a Yak-130 could really overpower the JJ 7Max?

Maybe he hadn't seen the J-Jiao 7Max before ~www.ltnovel.com~ Maleshevsky still had some confidence, but when he saw the J-Jiao 7Max, he started suspiciously.

As the saying goes, although there is only an advanced trainer in front of him, Maleshevsky can get a glimpse of Ascendas Group’s technical background in aircraft design and production.

Needless to say, the integration of the complex Fuller-style **** and wing spoilers on the large passenger aircraft into the wing of an advanced trainer is rare in the world.

What's more, it needs to be manufactured after the design is completed. It is necessary to know such a complicated wing structure, but the material, process, control, and experience are almost changed. In addition, it is necessary to reduce the cost as much as possible. If the cost-effectiveness of the aircraft is not high, why use it to train pilots in various countries and simply fly combat aircraft.

Such a balance is extremely difficult for any aircraft manufacturer to achieve, and Ascendas Group seems to have found a delicate balance between complex high-tech and low cost, because the sign on the front of the JJ 7Max is impressively written Unit price: 9.98 million US dollars.

All these indicate that Ascendas Group has surpassed the Yakovlev Design Bureau in some respects, and this is the reason why Maleshevsky was so shocked.

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