Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 766: 2nd generation turbine gas power plant

D-40T industrial gas turbine is a new generation of industrial gas turbine launched by Ascendas Group after D-30 small industrial gas turbine.

Its technology originally originated from the improved Ann-equipped turboprop and Yun-48SM turbofan engine.

It is a typical aeroderivative engine. Because of this, the core engine of the D-40T industrial gas turbine is the same as the turboprop engine and the turbofan engine. In addition, Ascendas Group has made corresponding adjustments in the industrial gas turbine, so D-40T The maximum power of the type industrial gas turbine reaches 3,200 kilowatts.

With the use of steam turbines, it can achieve a power generation scale of 10 megawatts.

As far as power is concerned, the D-40T industrial gas turbine is not outstanding, it will wipe out the side of a medium-sized gas turbine, and it is even worse than the D-50 marine gas turbine that has been widely used in the Navy.

However, the low power D-40T is technically ahead of the D-50 and other similar gas turbines by a whole generation.

This can be seen from their overall quality. For the same three-kilowatt gas turbine, D-40T is 21.5% lighter than D-50.

Compared with similar models of GE or Mitsubishi, it is also about 12% lighter.

The unit power is high among the industrial gas turbines of the same level. This is mainly due to the application of Ascendas Group's most important aviation power results in recent years to D-40T industrial gas turbines.

Among them is the integral wide-chord hollow blade blisk that Zhuang Jianye wanted to display in the energy department some time ago. For this reason, Ascendas Aviation Equipment Division has specially developed a matching linear friction welding machine to solve the problem of seamless wide-chord hollow blades and rotors. Connection problem.

What Zhuang Jianye first showed to the energy department was the finished product of the linear friction welding machine.

Speaking of linear friction welding, we have to talk about the basic types of friction welding. The technology that Ascendas Group started when it was still the 23rd branch of the company was the copper and aluminum developed by Zhuang Jianye and Peng Chuan at Yonghong Plant. The friction welding process of pipes, and then the transformation of refrigeration equipment from the small person ice cream became easy to apply this technology.

Since then, Ascendas Group has undergone successive transformations and the friction welding process has been gradually expanded. At the same time, in-depth research and excavation have not been interrupted. Especially Pengchuan, an expert in equipment, has a very persistent plot of nostalgia and has been working silently in friction welding.

Especially during the exchange with H company, Pengchuan received a lot of foreign latest developments on friction welding, including linear friction welding and friction stir welding, two types of new welding processes with great potential in the aerospace industry.

Combining his own knowledge in friction welding and the massive investment in resources of Ascendas Group every year, Peng Chuan has no hesitation in rushing to the friction welding process.

A large number of results have been achieved in a few years, which is the most typical [.] representative.

Different from traditional friction welding, linear friction welding can weld parts with more complex shapes and more demanding material properties, and the quality of the weld is equal to the material of the parts.

More importantly, linear friction welding can be carried out at room temperature, without complicated vacuum environment and expensive filling materials. Because of this, the efficiency and cost of use are more efficient than five-axis or seven-axis linkage, vacuum electron beam welding and other processes. ,cheaper.

Not surprisingly, it will be the core manufacturing technology for future aviation engines and gas turbine compressors, fans, receivers, and even complex connecting parts of aircraft.

Thanks to the excellent performance of the linear friction welding welding machine, Ascendas Group has broken through the global aviation manufacturing problem of the integral wide-chord hollow blade blisk in aerodynamics, which has reduced the overall quality of the D-40T industrial gas turbine. At the same time, the air compression efficiency of the air compressor has increased by 4 times.

It is precisely because of this that the D-40T industrial gas turbine allows the coal chemical system conceived by Li Tong to exert the best performance, because the super-strong compressed air can be fully combined with the pulverized coal into a size of 5 to 50 mm. Carry out full combustion to generate higher purity gas.

Of course, the superb gas turbine production technology alone cannot solve the key problems of industrial gas turbines in the coal chemical industry. How to increase the temperature before the turbine and increase the service life of the turbine in high-density solid particles is the technology in the entire coal chemical system. core.

In fact, it is not only coal chemical industry, but also the core of aviation development and gas turbine in other fields is to increase the temperature before the turbine and increase the service life.

In this regard, Ascendas Group has been laying out for several years, and has also achieved some results, such as film cooling technology, and the development of high temperature resistant materials such as aluminum-titanium alloy.

However, these technologies have either reached their technical limits or are still far away from application. Of course, Ascendas Group has also studied the improvement methods between the two, such as high-temperature ceramic spraying technology, which is to apply a coating on turbines and turbine blades. The ceramic high temperature resistant layer increases the high temperature endurance of the turbine.

However, it is such a coating structure. The Materials Research Institute of Ascendas Group has been involved in several universities and scientific research institutes in the United Nations for more than five years, and has tested thousands of materials and processes. It is the key technology that cannot be broken through.

Either the ceramic coating is compacted and peeled off at high temperatures, or it cracks and collapses when the turbine runs at high speed.

This is also the reason why Ascendas Group has only revolved around the HX-4-1 core engine in recent years, not that it does not want to further introduce more advanced medium thrust engines and E-class and F-class heavy industrial gas turbines.

The main reason was that the overall technology of the turbine could not keep up, and the temperature in front of the turbine could not increase, causing the Ascendas Group's turbine gas power plant to encounter an insurmountable bottleneck.

Originally, I didn’t know that the year of the monkey could be resolved. Zhuang Jianye was also preparing to use the existing aviation production capacity for five or ten years, waiting for the overall domestic technical level to reach a new level, and then seeking a breakthrough.

As a result, Li Tong, who came to the door, learned about Ascendas Group’s difficulties in turbine gas power plants, and suddenly asked Zhuang Jianye and other technical decision-makers of Ascendas Group: “Since ceramic-based materials cannot be combined with nickel-based alloys~www.ltnovel.com ~Why not add a transition layer between the two? Just like the white rabbit toffee, there is a thin layer of edible skin under the wax paper on the outer layer, which can hold the toffee and prevent the wax layer of the wax paper from infecting candy."

It can be said that the word awakens the dreamer. In the past few years, Ascendas Group has been committed to spraying ceramic-based coatings directly on nickel-based alloys, but it did not expect that a transition layer needs to be made in the middle. It was not until Li Tong’s prompts. It seems that the previous approach is really wrong.

So I immediately carried out research according to Li Tong’s ideas, and after two years of research, I finally developed a CoCrAlY coating, the so-called cobalt-based ultra-high-temperature alloy coating. The high-alloy coating has a melting point of 1425 degrees Celsius, which can be 1,000 to 1,200. It works normally between one hundred and eighty degrees Celsius.

And has strong hardness and durability.

More importantly, the CoCrAlY coating can be adapted to a variety of ceramic-based heat-resistant coating materials. The combination of the two can greatly increase the turbine temperature in an instant.

It is with these breakthrough technological achievements that the temperature before the turbine of the D-40T industrial gas turbine can reach an astonishing 1250 degrees Celsius, thus completing the technological leap and becoming the initial model of the second-generation turbine gas power plant of Ascendas Group.

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