Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 616: Heavy disruptive news

But I understand it, but no one has to pierce this layer of window paper, because everyone who can be here knows the importance of the country, it is really important.

Therefore, this topic was ignored by the heads of these units and technical officers before it had time to come into being, and they continued to comment on the numerous CNC EDM equipment equipped by Ascendas Aviation Power.

"This explains why there are so many EDM CNC machine tools, but there is no special EDM drilling equipment for turbine blades. They provide a complete set of aerospace. They do a lot of bottles and cans. They don’t need this thing. It adds a short board to the power of Ascendas Aviation, and it is a pity that we cannot but say.

Realizing that Ascendas Group is making professional equipment for aerospace, and listening to other people’s comments, the Air Force leader sighed and lost his tone. Turbine blade drilling is considered the most difficult and most difficult for aero engine production. High-end process, because this process hole is nothing else, it is the film cooling hole of the turbine blade.

The EDM process is precisely one of the most suitable processes for this type of process hole. As a result, the chief of the Air Force searched for a long time, but was surprised that no similar equipment was found. This made a similar regret.

As a result, when the chief of the Air Force prepared to continue to express his opinions and complained about the balance development of the aerospace department, he listened to Liu Chun at the forefront and said loudly: "This leader’s question is well raised. EDM CNC hole machining equipment..."

As soon as these words came out, the head of the Air Force who was still regretting the moment before, the expression on his face instantly froze. Ascendas Aerodynamics has professional EDM CNC hole machining equipment? Where, why didn’t I see it?

Just when the chief was puzzled, Liu Chun pointed to the opposite direction: "Where is the nb-620 EDM CNC punching machine, which is mainly used for the annular combustion chamber of aero engines and outer honeycomb components. Process hole processing..."

Liu Chun's face was still full of smiles. He just asked the officer's weird expression before him. This old man is as confident as he hasn't seen him. He still speaks confidently and sonorously. It's a slip of the tongue to change the concept.

The head of the air force who fell behind with the same doubts had the same ugly face. He had seen the device a long time ago. As long as he is not blind, he can see that it is processing the annular combustion chamber of the wd-30s turbofan engine. Process holes, however, are also process holes, and the film cooling holes on the annular combustion chamber and turbine blades are not in the same position at all.

"Mr. Liu, you may not understand what I mean. The nb-620 EDM CNC punching machine you mentioned is a good precision equipment, but what we want to know is whether your company has Special machining equipment for precision holes of turbine blades derived from EDM technology?"

Just when the head of the air force and others were a little annoyed by Liu Chun's endless introductions, and some could not help but prepare to ask themselves, the technical officer who asked the question just now finally took advantage of Liu Chun's pause to breathe. Ask if you want to ask.

Of course, the attitude is very polite. There is no way. Compared with other army chiefs who carry the stars, his level is still very low, so naturally he can't be as straightforward as those chiefs.

However, the words asked were still clear-cut, without obliviousness, which caused many leaders who were distracted by some unique production and processing equipment to refocus on Liu Chun.

In fact, there are not many people who have found similar problems, but many people have not come to remember to ask because they have not digested the conditions of other devices. At this time, someone suddenly asks, which is equivalent to arousing resonance from these people. Naturally, they should care about it. .

Liu Chun didn't expect that the problem would be discovered so soon. He was slightly surprised and turned to look at Zhuang Jianye, who was communicating with the head of the headquarters alone. Seeing that he had no response, he knew it clearly. Maitreya Buddha smiled again. Appearing on their faces, they still confidently said to the leaders and chiefs who have cast their eyes: “We do not have dedicated EDM hole machining equipment for turbine blades of aero-engines, especially high-pressure turbine blades. One process was delivered to the nb-711 electrochemical hole processing equipment on the No. 8 workbench."

As soon as he said this, the technical officer who was inquiring in front of him frowned, and the head of the air force behind the crowd was also full of doubts.

They automatically ignored the nb-711 type and so on. Obviously, the naming of this unqualified model belongs to Ascendas Group’s own problem, but what the **** is the electrochemical hole processing equipment? Why haven't you heard of it before?

Not only these two people, but other leaders and leaders who have some understanding of aerospace production are very busy. They know all kinds of hole processing equipment, but they have never seen electrochemical hole processing equipment.

"The temperature in front of the turbine of the wd-30s turbofan engine we produced is 986 degrees Celsius, but the temperature in front of the turbine of the improved wd-30sf turbofan engine has increased to 1228 degrees Celsius. When the two engines have the same quality, the reason why Such a significant leap is due to the precision machining of the film cooling holes of the turbine blades by the nb-711 electrochemical hole processing equipment. Leaders and leaders, please go here. Workbench No. 8 is over there."

When everyone was confused or confused, Liu Chun suddenly threw out a heavy piece of data, which immediately caused an uproar. It should be known that if the aero engine does not increase by 100 degrees Celsius, the thrust will increase by 20%.

As for Ascendas Aerodynamics, from the wd-30s turbofan engine to the wd-30sf turbofan engine, the temperature in front of the turbine has increased by a full 242 degrees Celsius, and the performance has jumped by nearly 50%!

In other words, the thrust of wd-30s is 586 kg, an increase of 50%, the thrust of wd-30sf is 870 kg.

870 kg!

This thrust is already enough for a small aircraft ~www.ltnovel.com~ If dual engines are used, it can even satisfy a light intermediate trainer who is worried about power.

After all, the tfe-731 turbofan engine produced by Honeywell in the United States used for this model had a thrust of only 1600 kg, but the total mass of the engine reached 350 kg.

The total mass of the wd-30s turbofan engine is only 142 kg. In other words, the wd-30sf is only due to technological improvements, so that the thrust has been increased by 50%. The total mass of the two engines is less than 300 kg, but the total thrust It surpasses the single-engine tfe-731 turbofan engine.

This is no longer good news for a light mid-level trainer that has been shut down because of the power unit. It is a super-heavy disruptive news.

Because of this, the eyes of the leaders and chiefs who have been concerned about the progress of a light intermediate trainer suddenly lit up. Even the heads of the headquarters subconsciously looked at Liu Chun, who had already walked towards the 8 good workbench, and turned to look towards Liu Chun. Zhuang Jianye: "Is it the improved model reported last time?"

"I have also improved the performance. I was thinking about waiting for the test to be completed and reported to the headquarters. Are you here." Zhuang Jianye said with a big smile.

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