Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 579: Dropped 2

But when he received a call from the Hans team, Yodel was equally shocked, but he was not afraid, even if the Chinese knew that the so-called nex material they used in Leipzig was a staple fiber civilian product from Teijin, Japan?

It can be seen that the intermediate layer of the arall material provided by the Dutch Aerospace Laboratory is not an aviation-grade Kevr-49, but a regular version of Kevr that is worse than Kevr-29?

Do you have these things in China? Don’t beep if you don’t, just listen to our German aviation experts.

As for whether this will attract criticism?

Yordel really didn't even think about it. Two hundred years ago, when Western colonists pointed their gunpowder guns at Native American Indians with big swords and spears, who criticized them?

This is the power of technology, the crushing of strength.

This year two hundred years later, although it is not as violent and **** as it was in the past, the actual core has not changed at all. It is still holding a big stick of science and technology against developing countries like China. Cut a wave of fat leeks.

Not convinced?

Yes, if you have the ability, you can also raise the big stick of technology to beat it? Isn't it something that you can't handle? Then don't scare people with big swords and spears. Hurry up and put your posture so that the western masters can be refreshed~~~

With this in mind, instead of worrying, Jodel felt that he had received a huge grievance. The Leipzig company has provided free maintenance of the S-70 helicopter to China, and for this reason, it has made replacement parts and materials that meet the cost expectations. The plan, but the so-called review expert group made things difficult.

So Yodel was very angry, and the consequences were serious. The major European media began to report on the injustices suffered by the Leipzig company, and some domestic public knowledge began to cooperate to exaggerate the domestic economic environment.

For a time, the domestic and foreign media’s criticisms were very loud, and the division of labor was extremely clear. The overseas media firepower was concentrated on the official; the domestic media naturally did not dare to be so bold and could only lower the level and target the Ascendas Group and those who worked for the Ascendas Group Gu Jingyou.

What Tengfei Group is a frog at the bottom of the well? Since the competition for the S-70 helicopter maintenance order has failed, it is equivalent to saying that its technical strength is not as good as that of the Western world such as Germany. It should learn with an humility instead of stumbling others with a bitter heart.

What Tengfei Group openly separated itself from the world's advanced level, and slandered foreign friends for its own self-interest. Such an approach is sad and shameful.

A similar argument is quite satisfactory. The most speechless thing is that some experts and professors have analyzed the so-called national character from the practice of Tengfei Group and Gu Jingyou, and then found a lot of works that worshipped foreigners and foreigners during the Republic of China and positioned them. A tragedy created by the narrow nationality of the Chinese people.

Don't want to be awkward.

However, it is undeniable that public opinion at home and abroad has indeed formed a kind of pressure, and this is exactly what Yodel expected. If two hundred years ago, the West used strong ships and guns to attack the Americas, then in the current civilized society, the strategy The weapon of a low-level country like China is technology and public opinion.

Technology, Leipzig has; public opinion... Is it not easy to spend some money to find a few dogs that bite?

So when the public opinion offensive reached its peak, Yodel finally picked up the phone casually and called one of his friends who worked in the domestic aerospace ministry. Public opinion anxiously begged him for forgiveness.

After all, in the first two days of public opinion, this friend called him frequently, but Yordel didn't answer any of them. This time he took the initiative to call, so the other party couldn't be grateful?

As a result, the other party didn't mention this at all, and only talked to Yordel about some short topics of the parents. On the contrary, Yordel couldn't help but raised his mouth, but the other party diverted the question lightly.

When he put down the phone, his gentle smile disappeared instantly, and it became as cold as a frosty version. After walking around the room twice with his hands on his chest, his gloomy face suddenly showed a sneer, and he said to himself He said: "Will you be more patient with me? Yes...then see whose patience breaks first."

Before speaking, he picked up the phone and said after he was connected: "I'm looking for Hans."

After a while, Hans' words came over, and Jodel said directly without politeness: "Hans, leave all people who remember them. Since the Chinese don't cherish them, we have nothing to miss."

Hans on the other end of the phone said with some worry: "Mr. Yodel, will this be..."

"This is not something you need to worry about, but the Chinese people should worry about it. They provoked everything first. I didn't ask them to ask for huge liquidated damages. It's a kindness. What else do they want? No need to explain to me. , Listen to me and leave quickly."

Before Hans could finish speaking, Yordel interrupted the other party roughly, and immediately hung up the phone after saying something innocent.

Then he picked it up again and called several familiar foreign media reporters in China and several well-known domestic experts and professors to inform these people.

Of course, Yordel could not say that he took the initiative to leave, but was forced to evacuate for various reasons.

Just over an hour later, Yodel put down the phone in a long sigh of relief, and finally a relaxed smile appeared on his hairy beard.

In the 1990s, China's economy has not fully stabilized, and the desire for foreign investment and foreign trade has flooded all corners. At this time, Leipzig companies put down their positions and come to China for cooperation, which itself has a strong role model.

Yordel, who understands Chinese culture, knows exactly what role model means in China, so while being tough, he gave full play to the power of public opinion to let the outside world see how their role model of Leipzig has been treated.

In this way, foreign businessmen who are interested in cooperating with China will be suspicious, and relevant Chinese parties will lose face, so as to put pressure on Chinese interests and achieve Leipzig's ultimate goal of making a fortune even if it is repaired for free.

Yes~www.ltnovel.com~ The Leipzig company, and even the whole West, pay attention to the fact that there is no free lunch in the world.

This is like free games years later. Under the guise of free, you actually make more money than paid games.

The Leipzig company made such calculations. Even if the Chinese saw it, they felt that the Leipzig company had made it a little disgusting, but Jodel believed that even if he had prepared a bunch of flies, the Chinese side would have to pinch it. Swallow it through the nose.

Thinking of his various methods, and the scene of Chinese people bowing to him soon afterwards, Yodel was very relaxed, sat on the sofa, exhaled comfortably, and was thinking about something to eat in the evening. Suddenly it rang, Yodel reached out and picked it up, just said something~~

Just listened to the hoarse roar from the other end of the phone: "Yordel, look at what you have done. Two "Little Forklift" helicopters have fallen, two ~~~ You son of a bitch, go find a production The original company of this aircraft, see what's going on, otherwise we will all be finished together."

After hearing this, Yordel was in a good mood, and his whole person suddenly became confused...

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