Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 560: Pressure

The reason for this is very simple. Zhuang Jianye wants to maintain the basic market of Ascendas Group's domestic market in the next two to three years.


   The hyperinflation caused by the failure of the price barrier in 1988, followed by the country's economic rectification measures, followed by the "fallen cold".


   Thinking about it, it’s actually very simple. In 1988, there was a frantic panic buying of supplies. Every household bought so many things that they couldn’t digest them for a while, so consumption was naturally suppressed.


Apart from other things, Zhuang Jianye’s own matches, edible salt, and toilet paper in the next year will not have to worry about. This is the result of Zhuang Jianye’s various obstacles. I don’t need to say what other people’s hoarding is like. It’s impossible. Use words to describe.


As a result, the things produced by the factory were severely unsold, resulting in a backlog of products, and the capital chain collapsed again. Coupled with the triangular debt that had already appeared in 1988, the ebb of foreign investment and a series of other economic problems exposed, this stock lasted for more than three years. The "fallen cold" really caused many companies to freeze to death at the gates of the 1990s.


  Because of this, Zhuang Jianye must take precautions and raise funds to ensure production at this stall in 1988, but also to fight for valuable sales channels for the long "fallen cold" in the future.


   Ordinary local enterprises or departments are not reliable. Only a strong national team is considered reliable. Among them, several units of the army that support local construction are reliable. Who would Zhuang Jianye not look for?


   In short, Zhuang Jianye has made the worst preparations for the "fallen cold" in the next few years, and his only purpose is to survive the most difficult three years.




   Zhuang Jianye was prepared for the worst, and Liszt also showed the courage to break the boat.


  Different from Zhuang Jianye’s vigilance in times of peace, Liszt really did his job this time, and he was based on the collapse of the verdict on China in the US "National Interest" magazine!


Formally relying on this basis, although Liszt lost 100 million US dollars in the operation of the bargain-hunting Tengfei Group, the Wall Street bigwigs behind him did not blame him, but believed that his failure was a test of the fragile balance line of the Chinese economy. .


   As for how this conclusion was reached, to be honest, even Liszt himself was a little confused. Anyway, the big guys said they did it, Liszt naturally nodded like garlic.


For a loss of more than one billion US dollars, instead of being punished, they also made merits. The process sounded ridiculous, but the result was what Liszt wanted, so that this buddy regretted hearing about Ascendas Group and its supporting enterprises. Why should I be so flustered when I started production at full capacity, that my thighs were scalded with coffee and many blood blisters.


   Knowing this a long time ago, I should have been more calm.


   "If I know this is the case in China, I should add another 200 million US dollars."


   Sitting on the extended version of the Cadillac, Liszt thought with regret, and then picked up the American magazine "National Interest" that was just published this month. The title of the cover read "The End of History" impressively.


   After reading it, Liszt nodded slightly. It seemed that there was some truth in it. It seemed that in order to confirm the conclusion of this article, the car broadcast reported on the demonstrations and turbulence in the Soviet Union, Eastern Europe and even a certain eastern country.


   This is 1989, a node full of countless variables and turns.


   Liszt doesn't care about any turning points or points. In his opinion, the best point is to have more money in his pocket, the better. The best turning point is to make life drunk.


  Because of this, at some point Liszt felt that he was very stupid before, and he worked hard to devote himself to manufacturing for Lindemann's ideals. What did he get in the end?


  Look again now, that is really money making money, getting rich is really not a myth, but a perfect fairy tale.


   This is life and pursuit!


   "The end of history is the end of the political system. For capital, every second is creating history."


Liszt thought to himself, and closed the magazine in his hand, and the car he was riding in had stopped in front of an office building. Liszt opened the door, carried a briefcase into the door, and went up the elevator to the fifteenth floor. , Came to a spacious meeting room.


   Today, as a senior expert in the Chinese market, he will provide professional market consulting for Wall Street investment banks.


   "Hi, Mr. Liszt, did you watch the news today? China's economy is really messed up. Several analysts predict that their economy will not last Christmas this year."


  As soon as he entered the spacious conference room, an investment bank executive greeted Liszt enthusiastically.


Liszt responded with a smile: "Yes, Mr. Glop, I have read the news reviews in the past two days, it is really bad, but you should not forget that China is a very different country, so we should have More patience."


Speaking, Liszt put his briefcase on the table next to him, took off his suit jacket, rolled up the sleeves of his shirt at will, and smiled at the executives of various investment banks in the conference room: "Everyone Gentlemen and ladies, China is really different from what we imagined. They are underdeveloped, backward, and poor; but they are positive, optimistic, and hardworking. I really can’t sum up this country, his civilization, his The organization and operation are all incomprehensible to us, but they operate in a consistent manner on the Chinese soil ~www.ltnovel.com~ It is reasonable to exist." A woman interfaced.


   Liszt nodded: "Yes!"


   "So, it's hard to expect them to collapse internally?" another middle-aged man asked.


   "It cannot be said that there is no such possibility, but it takes a long time to wait." Liszt replied.


   "How long does it take?" Glop asked Liszt before.


   "Three years, five years, ten years...all possible." Liszt shrugged: "It could also be twenty or fifty years."


"We can't wait that long, you know that my investors only gave me one year, and the return on investment is 13%." A blond man closest to Liszt yelled incredibly: "If time is If it's too long, I will go bankrupt."


"Liszt, I know you have a way. Everyone can see that China’s economy will not last long. You have been doing business with China for so many years. You should understand their weaknesses. Let’s talk about it. I’m willing to add 1%. Commission." Glop was also anxious, and quickly used the method of pressing the bottom of the box.


"me too……"


   "I will add a 2% commission as a commission..."


The screams in the venue made Liszt smile more kindly, and pressed his hand: "Actually, my method is very simple. Since they can't solve it internally, why don't we pressure externally? Use the most severe economic means to pressure !"

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