Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 532: CN—Two hundred thirty five

   Under normal circumstances, the flight display of airplanes is very particular. Generally speaking, similar to the variety show, when to appear on the stage is the most eye-catching, and how to get more attention requires careful consideration.

   Instead of the organizer arranging a schedule, just follow other people's requirements to fly without head. In case the organizer arranges for you until lunch time, there are not many people on the scene, what's the point of flying up there?

   It is important to know that the performance of the aircraft in the air show is not to be cool, but to show its performance as much as possible to gain the favor of potential buyers.

   To put it bluntly, just like Paris and Milan Fashion Week, the purpose of the catwalk is to sell clothes. Of course, if some ghosts are attracted to people, it's a different matter.

The display of    airplane also follows the same principle.

  Because of this, Zhuang Jianye would not be cold at all about Lin Guanghua's adventurous ideas, because all the advanced fighters displayed on the first day were tough guy style advanced fighters. The TM-9 was mixed with this, only being crushed.

   Even the next day is not suitable, because a series of large transport aircraft, mainline airliners, wide-body airliners and some regional airliners will be displayed on this day.

The small lattice of TM-9 is mixed with other big guys such as Boeing 747, Boeing 767, Airbus 330, McDonnell Douglas MD-11, C-5 Galaxy transport aircraft, and the audience can take a glance at TM-9. , Don’t expect any attention at all.

   So Zhuang Jianye passed Alondo’s inside information and finally put TM-9 at 2:15 pm on the third day.

   The reason for this arrangement is mainly because the regional passenger aircraft performance in the morning was basically completed. In the afternoon, all small aircraft under ten tons were at the same level as TM-9.

Secondly, before TM-9, the two-engine turboprop aircraft, the "King Air" 200 of the American Hawker Company and the "Jet Stream" 31 of the British Aerospace Company, were displayed in the air. Bottom line, after TM-9 comes out, there will be a very obvious contrast, which will help to gain more attention from potential buyers.

But now Indonesia Aerospace's CN-235 actually puts it in front of TM-9. He wants to follow TM-9's attention. Zhuang Jianye's expression becomes a little weird after hearing this. I really don’t know the idiom and The allusion is whether the fat black man who opened his mouth is really smart or stupid. A regional airliner derived from a light military transport aircraft and a high-performance small general-purpose aircraft. The two are simply not comparable.

This is like a children’s clothing conference. Suddenly, a macho model who wears a suit with floral pants and slippers comes up, even if it’s eye-catching. The target customer wants children’s clothing, not men’s clothing. In addition to gains A bunch of broken heads, except for a kind of infamy, I guess I can't get anything.

Where did Alondo know that Zhuang Jianye’s thoughts changed so much. Seeing that Zhuang Jianye’s expression suddenly changed, he thought that this Chinese partner was just like himself, very angry with Zuoduo’s tactics, so he pursed his lips and said, “I’ll wait until dinner. Go to the organizer and photograph our aircraft performance in front of Air Indonesia’s CN-235. Although Air Indonesia has shares in Singapore’s Temasek, Singapore’s attitude cannot be ignored. It is still possible to adjust the display order. of."

   As he said he was about to leave, Zhuang Jianye quickly stopped: "Mr. Alondo, don't worry, Indonesia Aerospace wants to show it in front, let them show it."


   Alondo was a little confused. He didn't know what Zhuang Jianye meant, but Zhuang Jianye smiled and asked, "How many CN-235 sales have Indonesia Aerospace underwritten in recent years?"


   Alondo froze for a moment, and then calculated it carefully, CN-235 did have a good response in the international market, but most of it was the credit of another partner, Spain, Indonesia...

   "Mr. Zhuang, you mean..."

Alondo finally realized something. Just as he was about to say something, Zhuang Jianye smiled and spoke first: "We are in business, not here to breathe. After all, airplanes are commodities. If we push up inexplicable things desperately, I can't bear it even on a sturdy wing, so relax, let's not be afraid!"

Let’s not be afraid. Alondo’s hanging heart was relieved a lot. To be honest, he received pressure from Indonesia Aerospace during this period. There is no other way. Royal Thai Aerospace Industry Corporation compared the target. It is Indonesia Aerospace.

   How could Indonesia Aerospace, the strongest aviation industry in Southeast Asia, watch someone come to challenge his brother's position? Therefore, since the establishment of Royal Thai Aerospace Corporation, Indonesia Aerospace has been waiting for it soon.

   Fortunately, Thailand is also a powerful country in Southeast Asia, and its overall strength does not need to be as bad as Indonesia. Therefore, Indonesia Aerospace has failed several times, but the small actions behind it have been tricky.

Especially before and after the Singapore Airshow, Indonesia Aerospace was considered half the host by virtue of its cooperation with Singapore Temasek, so it used various methods to suppress Royal Thai Aerospace by virtue of its convenience. Alondo put out fires everywhere for this reason. Physically and mentally exhausted.

At this time, Indonesian Aerospace's Zado came over to dig Zhuang Jianye’s corner. Alondo was afraid that Zhuang Jianye would agree to Zudo’s terms and kicked Royal Thai Aerospace away. So when talking to Zhuang Jianye just now, he was very careful. Zhuang Jianye ran away after saying a wrong sentence.

   Until he heard the words "Relax, let's not be afraid", Alondo believed it, and Zhuang Jianye didn't mean to lean on Zudo at all.

   So he closed his eyes and chanted a Buddha in his heart, and he was about to invite Zhuang Jianye to dinner, but when he opened his eyes, Zhuang Jianye had already disappeared from the crowd and left.

Upon seeing this, Alondo naturally wanted to look for it, but before he could find Zhuang Jianye, a sudden news made him fall into the bottom of his mood after he just got better~www.ltnovel.com~ because it was just published. The Singapore Evening News published an investigation report on the Ascendas Group. The text was shocking and the content was alarmist. The central idea was that the Ascendas Group from China was a public enemy of China's aviation industry and was mixed in China. Not going anymore, I was forced to turn to Southeast Asia. Previously, it was only a McDonnell Douglas OEM. It had not even produced a complete model. It was an out-and-out liar.

By the second day, other mainstream media outlets in Singapore reprinted the Lion City Evening News report. Some media even obtained critique articles from China’s domestic Ascendas Group from secret channels, which proved that Ascendas Group was a domestic loser. Thailand has a lot of deceptive tricks. For such companies, let alone making airplanes, ordinary people don't dare to play with models because they are afraid of smashing the glass of neighbors.

On this basis, more media joined in, and soon the media’s tone changed from criticizing the Ascendas Group to questioning China’s aviation technology. In the original words of one of the review articles from Malaysia’s mainstream media, “Calculation retreats Ten thousand steps, the TM-9 Siamese Eagle presented by Ascendas Group is real, so who would dare to sit there? We must know that China’s aviation technology level is 20 to 30 years away from Europe, America and the Soviet Union. To describe it, it should be expressed in modern and modern terms."

There are many similar media comments. I saw that Alondo trembled in his heart and felt cold, especially an article criticizing the Ascendas Group published by Xiangdong, the deputy editor-in-chief of the "Aviation World" magazine in China. Being regarded as the most powerful evidence to attack the Ascendas Group, Alondo is both angry and sad.

   can be unlucky and helpless.



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