Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 516: F—14 same paragraph

Facts have proved that Liszt not only wiped out the unrelated personnel parasitic on Ascendas Aviation, but also retired most of the original formal workers, making this group of people desperate to find local leaders.

The local leaders did not expect foreign businessmen to be so ruthless. If they said they didn’t want them, they would not want them. They went to discuss with Liszt, hoping to make accommodations, but Liszt’s answer was very straightforward: "You want accommodations. Where the birds don’t shit, your local leaders will gradually become accommodating, and I will go to Shanghai to re-establish factories."

The local leaders in Huancheng might just leave foreign businessmen like this. They really want to do so. The Huancheng economy that is expecting Ascendas Airlines will completely collapse. You must know that it’s a job involving nearly 10,000 people. If it’s really a surprise It's strange that Huancheng is not messy.

If it is a domestic company, the local leaders in Huancheng still have room for maneuver, but if they are foreign companies or well-known companies in the world, a bunch of local leaders have no tricks at all. There is only a difference between local toss and all-round turmoil. The right to take the lesser harm, with a fearless spirit, clenched his teeth and clasped the **** pot of Tengfei Aviation's weaning and dismissal on his head.

The result is conceivable. Not only did these leaders not get the slightest achievement in attracting investment, but they also stepped down one after another in the verbal abuse and accusation of many people in Huancheng. Even decades later, similar accusations continued. As a result, many retired cadres of this session did not even have the courage to step into Huancheng.

At this point, the attitudes of leading cadres at all levels in the province towards Huancheng have become very complicated, because apart from the original two leaders of Tengfei Factory, there is one other successor who rarely has a good start.

Especially for those leading cadres who want to show their ambitions and earn political achievements, what is better is that they get a bad nose and get out of trouble after being taught by various teachings; they almost get beaten up and bleed and step down. The most unlucky thing is those who go to prison for food. Seven or eight years is the starting point, and fifteen or six years is the normal price.

Anyone who can be a leading cadre will sum up historical experience. Looking at it this way, no matter how good the economy of this city is, no matter how good it is, it is too evil to eat people without spitting out bones. Forget it, whoever loves will go. His official hat is not the wind blowing, others don't care about yourself, so be careful.

It's okay for one person to think this way, and two people think this way, but if most people think that way, there will be a problem. The result is that the aging tendency of Huancheng's leading cadres is getting worse.

If the young and promising don't come, you can't leave the main positions empty. There is no other way but to find a few old comrades who are about to reach the top.

Not to mention, the old comrades have no desires and desires, and their peaceful and stable attitude, on the contrary, will become more and more harmonious with Ascendas Airlines in the future work.

When Zhuang Jianye listened to these things, he became a joke and passed away. Compared with this, he was most concerned about the progress of the two new workshops in Xiping Factory.

The reason why Liszt was able to squeeze Foss and Miles down, and with its favorable conditions, obtained a 30% stake in Ascendas Airlines and sold six McDonnell Douglas wide-body airliners.

It was not because of the active running of the local leaders in Huancheng, nor was it a conscience discovery by the civil aviation system, but because Zhuang Jianye passed the needle and completed a secret transaction that benefited both parties.

On the face of it Liszt is the biggest winner, but people who know the inside story know that it is really hard to say which one of the more profitable between him and Zhuang Jianye.

The only difference is that Liszt is more beautiful on the bright side; even if Zhuang Jianye speaks out, people who are not experienced professionals do not understand the value.

Because Liszt paid nothing but the electron beam welding machine urgently needed by Ascendas Group, and provided four at one time.

Seeing that the number is not directly proportional to the price Zhuang Jianye paid, after all, Zhuang Jianye is about to wear out his mouth, and he said that the total value of six McDonnell Douglas wide-body airliners purchased by China Civil Aviation is nearly one billion US dollars. It seems to be a big loss.

But you must know that by the end of 1987, there were only more than 2,000 electron beam welding machines in the world, of which the United States accounted for nearly half of them, with more than 900 equipment; the Soviet Union followed by more than 400 units; Europe's France, Britain, Germany, and Japan each have more than one hundred units, and the remaining bits and pieces can be distributed all over the world. It would be nice if a family can distribute dozens of units.

Almost all the electron beam welding machines in the hands of these non-developed countries are small machines, not only have low accuracy, poor adaptability, and production efficiency is also very low. They can only process small general-purpose parts and cannot be widely used in professional fields. .

The reason for this is very simple, because high-performance electronic welding machines play an irreplaceable role in aviation, aerospace, nuclear energy, and automobile manufacturing.

These industries are all profitable super-profit industries. Let’s take nuclear energy pressure vessels as an example. Regardless of ordinary metal cans, they are indeed top-notch in the world. There is no way once something goes wrong. , But it is a proper nuclear accident.

Therefore, the welding of the pressure vessel of the nuclear reactor is very particular. Although the general argon arc welding and submerged arc welding can meet the demand, it requires complicated heat treatment and repeated inspection and evaluation, because the strength of the weld and the strength of the components on both sides The difference is huge, and it is easy to leak if it is not handled properly.

This problem does not exist in electron beam welding. Because of the unique welding method, the strength of the weld can reach more than 80% of the material strength without pre-treatment. A little post-treatment can reach the design standard. .

Therefore, the use of electron beam welding technology for nuclear reactor pressure vessel tanks not only improves production efficiency, but also reduces costs, and the resulting astounding excess profits.

Not to mention the aviation and aerospace fields. Several key components need electron beam welding machines to complete.

Because of this, electron beam welding machines, especially large-scale high-voltage electron beam welding machines, are not a question of whether you can get it, but whether they want to give it to you.

Because this set of key equipment can solve too many technical bottlenecks in key areas, developed countries rely on those key areas to provide superb welfare benefits to the country and create a psychedelic fairy tale country. If it is given to people casually, it does not mean Are you smashing your own job?

So selling some low-tech minicomputers to comfort you is pretty good~www.ltnovel.com~ don't even think about large ones.

If Ascendas Group makes a model or something, it doesn’t have to be so laborious. Dozens of domestic minicomputers can be easily obtained. The problem is that Ascendas Group’s d-30 series and d-40 series; d-50 series gas turbine power units One is bigger than the other; the central wing box structure of the advanced light transport platform is even more than 5 meters long. How can a small machine be used?

So when Liszt and Zhuang Jianye proposed that they wanted to seize power in McDonnell Douglas and return to the glory of the CEO of h company, Zhuang Jianye's conditions were simple, that is, let Liszt provide large electron beam welding machines.

Liszt not only agreed, but the action was not procrastinated. He soon sent a batch of spare parts to the United States as a waste product, and Zhuang Jianye quickly organized the installation.

After it took shape, I discovered that this thing is incredible. The ej9 electron beam welder has a very unfamiliar name, but the product it produces is indeed famous. Today, the central wing box of the main fighter f-14 of the US aircraft carrier is this model. Processing and production, in other words Ascendas Group is the same model of f-14 when it gets started.

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