Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 511: True paratroopers

The reason why the Air Force is so proactive is that, on the one hand, authoritative media articles made the Air Force, a service closely related to the aviation industry, feel that it should set an example; on the other hand, it is also due to the Air Force’s definite need.

The achievements of the airborne troops under the Air Force over the years are obvious to all, especially in the previous exercises and disaster relief operations.

However, although the construction of airborne troops has progressed, the level of equipment is still not high, especially in terms of air transportation platforms closely related to airborne troops. Let alone superpowers such as the United States and the Soviet Union, they are third-rate powers such as South Korea and Egypt. There are not many advantages in comparison.

Especially the long-range transportation platform is even more lackluster, so that the airborne troops can only be used in small-scale raids behind enemy lines or deep reconnaissance in the form of small units in terms of the composition of domestic armed forces. A slightly larger scale can only be used as light infantry. To fill the gap between the heavy equipment.

It's not that you don't want to turn the paratroopers into a rapid reaction force like the United States and the Soviet Union that come and go like wind, kill decisively, and rush like fire.

The problem is that the conditions are not allowed. The models introduced from the Soviet Union in the 1950s and 1960s are gradually obsolete, while the domestic platforms such as Yun-8 and Yun-7 have just been finalized, not to mention insufficient production capacity, and their own performance is still unstable.

More importantly, the flight altitude and range of the two models made the paratroopers not satisfied.

Knowing that through the practice of disaster relief in southern Tibet, the officers of the airborne troops with Zheng Quanli as the core believe that the future construction of airborne troops should not follow the army's supplement and coercion, but should become a highly integrated unit with independent combat capabilities.

According to this idea, the airborne troops should not only shoulder the important task of real strategic mobile force, but also realize real-time deployment across the country.

In other words, the airborne troops located in the thoroughfare of the nine provinces cannot confine their sights to the narrow depth of about 1,000 kilometers in the area where they are stationed, but to look at the whole country.

It can climb over the mountains in the jungles of the Greater Khingan Mountains and walk like flying in the subtropical rainforests on the southwest border; it can land on high-altitude snowy plateaus and establish its image in the developed cities along the southeast coast.

All in all, in short, paratroopers must become true paratroopers.

Regarding Zheng Quanli's suggestions and appeals, the leaders of the Air Force Headquarters did not fully agree, nor did they kill them with a stick. Instead, they used a way of crossing the river by touching the stones and let the airborne troops try it first.

However, the Air Force headquarters is still very supportive of the issue of the airborne transport platform. After all, the transport fleet of the airborne force is really aging.

With the support of the Air Force Headquarters in equipment, the airborne forces' internal reform calls are increasing. Coupled with the catalysis of authoritative media reports, the airborne forces immediately handed over the order for the new generation of light transport aircraft to Ascendas Aviation Corporation.

The Northwest Plant was very upset about this. They felt that Yun-8 and Yun-7 were the most suitable equipment for airborne troops. How could they choose an advanced light transportation platform that didn't even have drawings and only mentioned a concept?

Thinking that the Air Force was kidnapped by an authoritative media report, those who jumped up and down went to find theories.

Before I could say a few words, the head of the airborne troops gave him a sentence: "When will your plane be full of my soldiers and go to the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau."

On the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, transport 8 and transport 7 are not impossible. Ordinary cargo still barely flies. But if you want to carry large living people, these two models can only look at the plateau and sigh.

No way, no airtight equipment, no pressurized cabin, no basic air circulation system and air-conditioning system, even the basic oxygen system is not enough, do you still count on the plateau? At an altitude of five or six kilometers, let alone people, livestock can't stand it.

So the Northwest Factory had no choice but to come back in enthusiasm and return after defeat. There was no way to do this porcelain work without the diamond in his hands.

In contrast, even if Ascendas Aviation did not cooperate with McDonnell Douglas, they have already achieved breakthroughs in pressurized cabin technology on Yun-6, and achieved very impressive performance in disaster relief in southern Tibet and Daxinganling.

Therefore, the airborne troops who have experienced the excellent performance of the Yun-6 are still looking forward to the advanced light transport platform of the Ascendas Aviation Corporation. Therefore, they hope that the Ascendas Aviation Corporation will provide 20 aircraft in the next five years.

As soon as the news came out, the navy was the first to be unable to sit still. They were still waiting for the Ascendas Aviation Corporation to complete the repairs, so as to test whether Ascendas Aviation Corporation really has the manufacturing capabilities of advanced light transportation platforms.

As a result, while an article scolded their fluke, the Air Force took the opportunity to take the lead and threw out a large order of 20 aircraft to support the development of high-quality aviation companies such as Ascendas Aviation Corporation, and reverse the so-called external heat and internal cold. situation.

Let's not talk about whether Ascendas Aviation can create an advanced light transport platform, but this attitude will make the Air Force full of praise.

What's more, it is really impossible for Ascendas Aviation Corporation to create an advanced light transport platform? Others don’t know, doesn’t the navy know it in his heart? McDonnell’s domestic display was in a naval aviation airport. Ascendas Aviation Corporation only helped to replace the apu produced by itself, and the entire aircraft was restored to power, and its strength has long been revealed.

Coupled with the fact that Ascendas Aviation Corporation has been working on UAVs and Yun-6 for many years, advanced light transportation platforms are really possible.

With a range of more than 5,000 kilometers, a maximum load of more than 9 tons, and the equipment in the 02-type anti-submarine aircraft belly box assembly, isn't such a professional anti-submarine patrol aircraft popular?

The navy didn’t say anything, but his body was very honest. So the chief of the navy, in the name of official investigation, ran to Huancheng after Zhuang Jianye’s footsteps after Zhuang Jianye left a certain naval aviation airport for less than a day~www. ltnovel.com~Yes, Zhuang Jianye just left without looking back, leaving the hundreds of tons of Tie Hanhan to continue to lie down quietly. The reason is very simple. Where did the Air Force actually drop 20 of them? Orders, Zhuang Jianye will naturally give priority to processing customer needs.

As for repairs?

Sorry, your materials haven’t arrived for a long time, and there’s no way you can fix it, so let’s go back a row first.

As a result, Foss and Miles were anxious. It didn't matter if they were repaired or not. They regarded it as a phoenix tree, and expected the great phoenix of Civil Aviation of China to fall down and let them take a knife and kill them.

Not only did the civil aviation of China not come, but a wave of public opinion suddenly arose in China on the matter. The momentum and the magnitude were so great that even the United States on the other side of the ocean has reprinted them one after another, and immediately targeted McDonnell Douglas.

The original reputation was not so good. The crash landing of the performance machine in China caused the reputation of the model to fall to the bottom. So the McDonnell Douglas CEO became angry, and the McDonnell Douglas board of directors was on fire. Fox and Meyer. Si finally panicked.

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