Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 479: Eastern United Fleet

   Of course, Ascendas Aviation Corporation did not work in vain in this process, and made more than 2 million yuan.

The person in charge of the 037 submarine hunter power modification project is very depressed. Ascendas Aviation Corporation’s things are really good, and it is not difficult to want it. As long as you are willing to spend money, you don’t need to worry about other things at all. From transportation, assembly to final quality assurance, Ascendas Aviation Corporation will make it clear to you.

  Unlike other naval ancillary plants, everything can be negotiated. As a result, after discussing to discuss, the negotiation becomes a wrangling.

   In this regard, the person in charge of the 037 submarine hunter power modification project should say nothing. I really appreciate the resolute manner of the Ascendas Aviation Corporation, but when it comes to the issue of money, he frowned. There is no way that the navy pockets are not generous.

You can only report truthfully to your superiors. The superiors came to investigate and did not say anything. After returning, they gave a notice to the 037 submarine hunter power modification project team, asking them to learn from advanced units in project management. Management science, intensive, efficient...

The person in charge of the 037 submarine hunter power conversion project is not a fool. Learning from advanced units, which unit can be, of course, it is the Ascendas Aviation Corporation that has repeatedly rubbed a number of naval supporting factories on the ground. In that case, no matter what distressed Fortunately, whether it is depressed, the appropriation, the purchase and purchase, fortunately, the additional two million yuan has been added, and the 037 submarine hunter is finally reborn.

Song Changzheng is not involved as much as the person in charge of the 037 submarine hunter power conversion project. He is also a superior, a navy supporting plant, and other related units. His target is a unit like Ascendas Aviation Corporation. Don’t be distracted, it’s enough. Concentration, coupled with Song Changzheng's flexibility and flexibility.

   So when the expert group of Ascendas Aviation Corporation just turned into a professional sales group, he found Zhuang Jianye to cut off the signs.

But he was able to persuade Zhuang Jianye, but he didn’t have any tricks on Qian Qiang. To be precise, Qian Qiang was not promoting sales, but looking for start-up funds. Even Zhuang Jianye had no choice but to let Song Changzheng take care of it. A little bit, anyway, will not suffer in the future.

The Song Long March was going crazy. A model that didn’t show up was so babbled every day, and his head was about to explode. Originally, Song Changzheng was in a good mood for the test flight today, but he didn’t drop much. Qian Qiang started again. Up.

   Song Changzheng hurriedly reached out and stopped: "Money workers, money workers...Let’s talk about advanced light transport aircraft after the test flight. At this time, I can’t be distracted, otherwise we will have to eat something if something goes wrong."

Qian Qiang, who was also going to continue to talk about the specific performance of advanced light transport aircraft, immediately shut his mouth. After the test flight, the An-26 increased the horsepower of the aircraft engine to the maximum and the performance was still good. Qian Qiang did not respond. , I felt so proud, so I forgot to do it for a while, and didn't care if it was a test flight.

   After being reminded by Song Changzheng, he reacted and quickly nodded in embarrassment: "Okay, wait until the test flight is over, and wait until the test flight is over..."

Song Changzheng said that when the test flight was over, he went to celebrate with his men holding a tea mug and drinking wine. Who listened to you babbling, smiled inwardly, picked up the intercom and asked about the situation. After learning that everything was normal, the pilots tried the communication, navigation, and relay guidance equipment on the test plane.

   After obtaining that all equipment was operating normally and in good condition, Song Changzheng checked the time and finally issued the order to return home.

   A few minutes later, an An-26 appeared at the end of the runway. After Song Changzheng finished the final instruction and guidance, he put down the radio intercom and prepared to go to the runway with Qian Qiang to check the specific conditions of the plane's test flight.

   But as soon as the two of them got up, a staff officer hurried in and said something to Song Changzheng's ear. Song Changzheng's expression was instantly shocked, and he frowned: "So serious!"


At the same time, in a certain sea area two hundred nautical miles south of Qiongdao, a Type 037 submarine hunting ship with hull number 5506 faced the fine light rain and undulating waves, and proceeded quickly to the south. At the beginning, he and Song Changzheng were investigating the takeoff aerodynamics. Chen Fang of Chen Fang stood on the bridge, held up his binoculars and looked at it for a while. After putting it down, he frowned and asked the communications staff next to him:

   "Have you not contacted the East United Fleet yet?"

   "No." The communications staff replied simply. Chen Fang frowned further, but began to ask another question: "Where is the formation?"

   The communications staff just wanted to say but didn’t receive it. At this moment, a communications officer suddenly reported: “Captain, the formation just called back.”


"Agree to your ship's request, and merge with the Eastern United Fleet as soon as possible." After the correspondent finished reading the message in his hand, he stood aside quietly, and Chen Fang was relieved, and immediately picked up the intercom intercom, the Unicom power cabin was straightforward. The chief engineer asked: "How about the two D-50Cs?"

"everything is normal."

   "Speed ​​up with all your strength." After hearing this, Chen Fang gave the order without hesitation, and then turned his head to look at the communications staff again: "Continue to contact the Eastern United Fleet."

   Before the voice fell, he raised his binoculars again and looked at the undulating rain screen, but no one knew that Li Fang’s eyes covered by the binoculars were full of unspeakable worries.

  On October 25th of last month, the Navy transferred several destroyers, frigates, supply ships, and tugs to form a destroyer formation code-named "Eastern Union" to launch an open sea training mission.

During the period, the Eastern United Fleet moved deeply across the South China Sea and berthed at the southernmost Zengmu Ansha for a few days. After that, the formation was divided into two, forming red and blue sides. They conducted confrontation training in the vast South China Sea and then merged in a certain sea area in Zhongsha. Continuing north, preparing to conduct a maritime military exercise of the commander’s headquarters in the sea area 600 nautical miles away from Qiongdao~www.ltnovel.com~ Such a big move naturally attracted the attention of other parties, the most active of which was stationed in The Eighth Squadron of the Soviet Pacific Fleet in Cam Ranh Bay.

   Since the discovery of the Eastern United Fleet, the Soviet Eighth Squadron has sent reconnaissance ships, followed by reconnaissance aircraft all the way, and even sent main battleships such as destroyers to cruise outside the Eastern United Fleet.

   The changes of the Soviets naturally attracted the attention of the American troops stationed in Subic Bay facing the Cam Ranh Bay of the Soviet Union, so American reconnaissance ships and reconnaissance planes also came to join in the fun.

   For a time, the sea area where the Eastern United Fleet is located is so lively.

The fleet didn’t care about it either. It’s too normal for the voyage formation to be tracked and monitored. Moreover, the current situation is that the US-Soviet maritime reconnaissance force is on the top again. The Eastern United Fleet wants their dog to bite the dog, so it’s simply Too lazy to bother.

It was not until yesterday evening that the flagship of the Eastern United Fleet suddenly received a message from the U.S. Army informing that Soviet submarines had been found near the Eastern United Fleet. This made the Eastern United Fleet commander stunned and hurriedly generated electricity to report to the headquarters. It was this time who was responsible for communications guarantee. The Y-8 maritime early warning aircraft returned early due to a malfunction, and the fleet's communication capabilities dropped significantly, and the headquarters could not be contacted at all. In desperation, it could only generate electricity to the nearest Qiongdao.

After receiving the message, the Qiongdao garrison was also panicked. After a request and report, it finally decided to form a support fleet to strengthen the anti-potential capacity of the Eastern United Fleet. The 5506 ship that Chen Fangzheng commanded the sea trial was the fastest ship near Qiongdao. The submarine hunter with the strongest maneuverability was naturally entrusted with an important task, and the starry night went south.



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