Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 462: Because you have luck six

At the moment when he saw Director Zhao, Zhuang Jianye had the urge to turn around and leave. There was no way he was really annoyed by this guy during this period. It would be okay to let Ascendas head office set up another factory, but could you help me find it? A good place, such as Beijing, Shanghai Stock Exchange, Panyu, Special Economic Zone.

It doesn't matter if the capital cities of the second-tier provinces are good. If Ascendas Headquarters really can't get along anymore, they can still rely on the land of the factory for a while.

But where is the head office of Director Zhao to Tengfei? It’s not the Gobi Desert in the Hexi Corridor, or the Great Desert in the Frontier Province. I promised that once the head office of Ascendas moved over, the corresponding railway lines would help extend it. As for the airport, you want As long as the circle is as long as possible, Director Zhao will not frown even if the Taklimakan Desert penetrates him.

Director Zhao didn't frown, but Zhuang Jianye was moved to tears.

The core plant of the aerospace system nesting in the mountain gougou and the Gobi Desert will be relocated within a few years. At this time, let Tengfei head office move the factory over, it is not obvious that Tengfei head office jumps into the fire pit.

However, Zhuang Jianye couldn't tell Director Ming, because he had been in contact with him for a long time, he found out that this guy's cleverness was all dedicated to the head of the headquarters. In addition to aerospace technology, he has the axis of his head.

As long as you talk to him about the relocation of core aerospace companies, Director Zhao will be anxious with you, and then take out the blackmailing of the US and Soviet nuclear weapons in the 1950s and 1960s and give you an extremely vivid national defense education class.

Finally, it is concluded that staying in these places can better resist possible external attacks.

You have to say that Director Zhao is wrong. From a purely military perspective, Director Zhao’s idea really has his reason; but to say that he is right, it is too wrong. After all, the enterprise is not a military unit and always has to be integrated. The market is always cut off from the market in the mountains and valleys, and the burden on the country and the army is really not that heavy.

However, Director Zhao is a very axis person, and he does not listen to advice at all. In fact, it is not only Director Zhao, but many people in the aerospace department hold this view. On the one hand, the independence of the space system is maintained, but on the other hand, Leading to their various maladjustment when docking the market.

Zhuang Jianye has nothing to say about this. Although the head office of Ascendas spans two major businesses in aerospace, it is mainly concentrated in the aerospace field. The aerospace side is not involved much, so if you can't tell Director Zhao to go together, just leave it alone. .

However, Director Zhao is just like the dog skin plaster. As long as he sees Zhuang Jianye, he will talk in this direction, and then there will be a period of national defense education. The whole cycle is endless. Zhuang Jianye is really a headache.

Before Zhuang Jianye turned around, he discovered that there were other people besides Director Zhao.

"Navy Expert Group?"

Zhuang Jianye chewed on Director Zhao's words in a puzzled manner, feeling a little strange. Ascendas Headquarters has been a land duck for so many years, so there is no intersection with the Navy.

If you have to insist, during the Bladeless Fan War, the Tengfei Factory at the time almost defeated Factory 517, which produced equipment for the Navy.

"Old Zhao, this is the Zhuang Jianye you mentioned on the road, general manager Zhuang? I didn't expect to be so young."

When Zhuang Jianye was thinking about it, two naval officers in dark blue uniforms got out of the jeep. One of the middle-aged men who was about the same age as Director Zhao looked up and down Zhuang Jianye with a smile and kindly asked Director Zhao who got off the same car.

"Haha, I didn't expect it." Director Zhao, who is usually unsmiling, smiled extraordinarily heartily today, and immediately pointed to Zhuang Jianye and said: "But Lao Song, don't underestimate him because Xiao Zhuang is young, if you really sit at the negotiating table , You really don’t have enough of your ability."

"Really? Then I have to ask for advice." The naval officer surnamed Song smiled more kindly, then reached out to Zhuang Jianye and introduced himself: "Hello, I am Song Changzheng, a senior engineer from the Equipment Division of the Navy Logistics Department. The man next to him is Li Fang, a researcher at Naval University of Engineering."

"Hello!" As soon as Song Changzheng finished speaking, Li Fang stepped forward and shook hands with Zhuang Jianye expressionlessly.

Up to this time, Zhuang Jianye was still a little confused, a little bit unable to grasp what the two senior naval technical officers were going to do when they came to take off the headquarters.

But not knowing the purpose does not mean treating him indifferently. On the contrary, Zhuang Jianye shook hands with Song Changzheng and Li Fang with great enthusiasm, and then said that he would go to the opposite state-owned hotel to invite a few people to have a meal before visiting the factory.

However, Director Zhao and Song Changzheng shook their heads and refused, saying that Zhuang Jianye was too wasteful and was taking time, so he could just do it in the cafeteria of the head office.

When Zhuang Jianye saw this, he stopped insisting. He took a few people back to the headquarters of Ascendas Headquarters, and briefly introduced the situation of Ascendas Headquarters along the way. Then he came to the cafeteria, and when he lined up for a meal, Zhuang Jianye finally found a chance to get next to Director Zhao. He asked: "Director Zhao, have you transferred to the navy?"

"I want to go, but the head of the headquarters will not approve it." Director Zhao also lowered his voice and said, "But if you can make the navy tempted this time, the head of the headquarters will let us go to the beach for a few days to recuperate."

After listening to Zhuang Jianye's head, his head became even more confused. What fascinating, what kind of recuperation, he didn't understand what was going on, what was going on?

Fortunately, before Zhuang Jianye could ask, Director Zhao glanced at Song Changzheng and Li Fang, who were picking up dishes from the canteen master, and then lowered his voice again and said a secret that made Zhuang Jianye stunned.

It turned out that the head of the headquarters was stimulated. His old comrade-in-arms in Panyu Province reached a framework agreement with a Southeast Asian country for the export of intended naval vessels during the Daxinganling disaster relief under the command of the head of the headquarters.

It was nothing at all. The two old comrades talked on the phone and talked about each other's current situation. It was nothing, but somehow the two talked about the supporting matters of the export ship.

According to the requirements of a certain Southeast Asian country, many equipment need to use products from developed countries in Europe and America, and China only provides a small part.

Then the head of the headquarters bluntly said: "What is the export of warships~www.ltnovel.com~The export of ship shells is almost the same." Then he took the export of a certain type of big killer to the local tyrants in the Middle East as an example. , Tell old comrades in arms that money should be made this way.

They were all brothers who were spelled out in the trenches, and they were all enthusiastic warriors who had led soldiers and fought. After being said that, the face of the old comrades of the head of the headquarters was a little bit awkward, and immediately he said: "You If you don’t understand the navy, don’t stand and talk because your back hurts."

The situation after that can be imagined. The two fell off the phone after a fragrant mouth. Then... Then... Then Director Zhao took two senior navy technical officers and ran the entire aerospace system research. Institutions and enterprises, except for the anti-ship missiles, F-7 and F-8 previously ordered by the Navy, the rest are more interested in the fighter bombers of the Northwest Plant.

"Although there are orders, they are all planned by the Navy for so many years. Even if they don’t come, the Navy has to give these things to the people. Other than that, they don’t like it. If I go back, I have to be the head of the headquarters. I was scolded to death, so I came to you when I thought about it."

After listening to Director Zhao’s explanation, Zhuang Jianye didn’t know what to say, but couldn’t help asking, "Why?"

Director Zhao confidently said, "Because you have 6 luck!"

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