Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 449: 8 wind

Xue Weidong came here this time to report to the head of the headquarters the latest fire scene information just obtained through Non-Detection-8a. Of course, there is no such model as Non-Detection-8a in the official text, collectively referred to as "Plas".

However, due to the confidentiality system, Zhuang Jianye didn't know this, otherwise he would definitely be excited for two nights. He didn't expect that a little bit of evil taste of his own turned out to be the code name of the Air Force's confidentiality. It is a little exciting to think about it. .

"It seems that I was sloppy when I went to the Tengfei factory to inspect. I didn't understand it thoroughly, um...I will take some time to go and see when the disaster relief is over. What method they used, they made it in less than a week. Five transported 6 aircraft."

Seeing that Xue Weidong mentioned No Detection-8 years later, he did not dare to speculate. The head of the headquarters couldn't help but smile. Ascendas Aviation Manufacturing Corporation was really a freak. It was so proud that the senior engineers of the Air Force Surveying and Mapping Team dare not dare The comments show how far the Ascendas Aviation Manufacturing Corporation has reached.

But after thinking about it, the head of the headquarters was a little relieved. His dim old eyes were not bad, and he finally saw the rising star in the aviation manufacturing field correctly.

Think that the upper level has been brewing institutional reforms. Some ministries should be merged and abolished. The two major departments of aviation and aerospace are related to national security and future development. The steps will not be so big, but the specific changes still need to be considered. Last year, the aerospace pilot project set by Ascendas Aviation Manufacturing Corporation, it seems that it is time to take a look, in order to accumulate experience for the upcoming structural reform of aviation and aerospace.

This idea flashed slightly in the head of the headquarters, and he was pressed in his heart. No matter what, the current disaster must be dealt with, otherwise everything is in vain.

So after saying such a sentence unclearly, the head of the headquarters stopped turning around on this topic and asked Xue Weidong: "'Pras' has discovered a new situation again?"

"Yes." Xue Weidong nodded.

"Let's talk." The head of the headquarters put on reading glasses, picked up the red and blue pencils, and lay down on a large map on the desktop with a command. Xue Weidong did not delay seeing this, so he spread out the folder in his hand and began to report: " Ten minutes ago, twelve modified Yun-5 seaplanes carried out aerial fire extinguishing operations on Kangba Town and Hulun Town in three waves, and controlled the fire that continued to advance south this morning. Now the officers and soldiers stationed in the two towns With the assistance of local cadres and the masses, the fire barrier is being constructed and it is expected to be completed tomorrow morning."

"It's not enough to build a fire barrier. I told Wang Wei that suppressing an open flame is not a success. We must organize manpower to extinguish the dark fire and expand the width of the fire barrier. The spring is very windy, and the fire can just be rolled by the wind. Crossing the fire isolation belt, the previous few fires have suffered from this loss, so Wang Wei must remember not to make mistakes."

According to Xue Weidong's report, the head of the headquarters made several standards on the map, and at the same time he kept talking and gave orders.

The staff officer on the other side quickly took notes, and then hurriedly turned and rushed to the communication room to delegate the command of the head of the headquarters to Kangba Town, where is the army commander Wang Wei in Hulun Town.

Just such a report, one outlined the situation according to the latest situation, and adjusted it in time for more than ten minutes. After Xue Weidong reported all the situation, there was already a red pencil on the map marked by the head of the headquarters. Irregular circles.

"If there are no accidents, according to this schedule, there is hope that the fire can be contained within two or three days."

As the head of the headquarters threw the red and blue pencils on the map and took off the reading glasses, his tired face finally showed a little relief, which can prevent the fire from spreading and reduce the severity of the disaster. This big disaster relief battle will be a victory. Half.

Realizing this, Xue Weidong’s tight face also relieved a lot. Using the fire barrier to control the huge fire field, it was like putting a giant beast in a cage, and then frying it, steaming and braising the giant beast. Up.

Now that the dawn of victory has appeared, it is natural to reward them. For those of them who have been busy for several days, the best reward is to have a good night’s sleep, especially the head of the headquarters, who is already old and still has problems with him. To reduce the old injuries and senile diseases left over from the war years, we should take a rest.

So Xue Weidong wanted to persuade the head of the headquarters to go to the back tent to sleep for a while and raise his spirits, but before he could speak, a staff officer suddenly ran in and hurriedly called at attention and reported loudly: "Report , The news just returned from'Placth', a cyclone suddenly appeared in the northeast of the fire site, and it was approaching the Timber Railway Station quickly. The wind was about eight levels. It is expected to arrive this evening...

The staff had not finished speaking. The head of the headquarters who was leaning on his chair bounced back on his seat. He dashed over and took the report from the staff. He tremblingly read it quickly, and immediately returned to the map and put on his reading glasses. Holding the red and blue pencils, I traced the path of the cyclone predicted by'Placth' with a blue pencil, and his tired face instantly became pale.

Because the unbiased cyclone happened along the Timber Railway Station side and crossed the fire field all the way south. The eighth wind, if it hung along the fire field unimpeded, the fire field that was finally controlled would have to be torn by the raging fire. Make a gap.

Then follow the wind surging southward.

The behemoth must break free from the shackles and escape the cage, absolutely not!

"Order the Yunwu seaplane returning to the voyage to refill water, focusing on the first line of the Timber Railway Station for centralized rescue; order Jiang Liang to construct a 15-meter, no, 25-meter wide fire barrier before tonight; order The militiamen who were repairing in the rear stopped to rest and fully supported the Timber Railway Station; order..."

Commands were sent out from the head of the headquarters like fried beans, and the originally quiet command headquarters immediately turned around at high speed and far away, like a precision instrument.


Jiang Liang took the order just sent from the headquarters in his hand~www.ltnovel.com~ wiped two sorrowful and joyful faces, then unscrewed the military canteen and took two sips, and found that the water had been drunk by him. Then he licked the chapped lips that had been roasted by the fire, and handed the order to the political commissar on the side, saying: "The time to test us has come."

After finishing speaking, he picked up the shovel in front of him and yelled at the officers and soldiers beside him: "The 25-meter isolation belt will be completed by the evening. Party members and cadres, as the first echelon, follow me!"

After speaking, Jiang Liang, with a solemn expression on his face, carried hundreds of people with the same expression on his shovel, and rushed to the fire that was still burning.


At the same time, on the mountain bag near Timber Railway Station, those foreign reporters are still blocked here, but at this time they are equipped with good-performance telescopes, it is easy to see the situation in the fire scene, because of this, but they found that they have been After completing the fire barrier, the officers and soldiers who retreated to be repaired suddenly rushed out of a bunch of people, pounced on the barrier that was just repaired and began to widen, all puzzled.

At this moment, a cool mountain was curled up by a wave of trees and hung from these foreign reporters. Clark, who had been so depressed by Shao Jin, suddenly his eyes lit up, and he smiled happily and said, "It turned out that it was the wind. ...Hey, there is a good show to watch now."

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