Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 442: Aviation Technology

Although several domestic reporters heard what Wang Heping said, although they were very excited, they were somewhat suspicious in their hearts. There was no way. They had never seen such a hospital before.

Use a train to pull a pile of containers, then open the lid, stretch and unfold, and then put them together like building blocks. Can they be used as a hospital?

It's no wonder that these reporters think about it this way, knowing that the reason why they came here early is to wait for the Fangcai Hospital of Tengfei Aviation Manufacturing Corporation.

Because they have received information that a temporary hospital will be built at the timber railway station closest to the fire site to treat severely ill patients.

If it is an ordinary temporary hospital or a field hospital, these domestic reporters may come, but they will not be so active. The problem is that the expression of treating severely ill patients in the news is too critical.

Since the Great Khingan Mountains fire broke out, the treatment of the wounded has been a big problem. Due to the backward infrastructure and the shortage of equipment, the time for the rear hospital to start after receiving the order is very slow.

No way, hospitals are different from other units. Many of the equipment is precision instruments. You must be careful at all times during transfer. In addition to medicines, blood stations, anesthesia, and disinfection, each has its own set of procedures.

So let alone ordinary local hospitals, even military field hospitals are not easy to deploy quickly.

Even so, even if these hospitals are deployed, they will usually receive general surgery, complicated respiratory burns, and life-threatening serious illnesses, they can only do simple treatment, and then find ways to send them to a province with better conditions hundreds of kilometers away. City hospital for treatment.

Because of this, when these domestic reporters first arrived in the disaster area and saw the patients who could not be evacuated, they were all anxious, because they came here not only to contribute to the disaster relief, but also to use it. The pen in hand speaks for the motherland.

We must know that since the Great Xing'an Mountains fire broke out, all kinds of slanders and rumors from overseas media have never ceased, and it has been unscrupulous.

People in the domestic media have seen the natural outrage. Although they can't rip each other off with the biting dog, they must report it truthfully so that they can be heard.

However, at this time, the domestic ability to respond to sudden disasters is still very weak. Especially in the early stage, it is difficult to straighten out many things like a bunch of messy things. The media caught the handle, and then used it as evidence and another meal.

The domestic media wanted to refute, but the reality was not strong, and they could only shout some slogans, which made them very passive.

The treatment of the wounded is the focus of the struggle between the two sides. Originally, the domestic media still had the upper hand. After all, the military and local medical institutions responded very quickly. However, within three days of work, the domestic media was sprayed by foreign media with no skin. What is the response? use?

It is impossible to deliver personnel and equipment to the disaster area, unable to carry out systematic treatment, and can only do simple treatment for the wounded and then evacuate them. What is called a hospital? Just let people carry a medicine box and send a painkiller to one person... Uh... I'm sorry, it seems that a big country in the East doesn't even have painkillers, so just give a slogan to the wounded and let the wounded use spiritual victory. Disasters and illnesses.

These words looked at the domestic media reporters gritted their teeth, wishing to go to the overseas media headquarters and die with Ya Ting.

So when they learned that the headquarters was planning to build a temporary hospital that can treat critically ill patients at the Timber Railway Station nearest to the fire site, they all felt excited, and finally they had a strong basis for returning.

So all of them came over, just to see if this temporary hospital can really treat severe cases, and because of this, they are very cautious, for fear of exaggerating it and having fun.

"Manager Wang, how many severe cases can you treat in your shelter hospital?"

After listening to Wang Heping’s brief introduction, the leader of domestic media reporters was also Bo Limin. Ren Yuechuan, a colleague of reporters from the University of Beijing, hurriedly asked their media people’s most concerned issues, especially the word severe, which was bitten by Ren Yuechuan. .

"This one……"

To be honest, Wang Heping still has a headache for the media reporters, especially a bunch of unfamiliar media reporters. They have to think about each word for a long time. It's okay. For so many years, the whole person has been trained with Zhuang Jianye. The problem is for this group. The Fangcang shelter hospital was able to be transported to the front line of the disaster area smoothly. Wang Heping has been busy day and night until now, his head is not enough to change, so it is a bit stuck.

This made Ren Yuechuan feel a little bit in his heart. He asked if the question was too direct, making it difficult for people to answer? So Ren Yuechuan thought about changing his mind, ready to take a side attack from a different angle, but before he could speak, a middle-aged man in a white coat and a few people in the same clothes rushed over and yelled at them before he could get there. : "Which is Wang Heping, General Manager Wang?"

"I am!" Wang Heping responded quickly.

The middle-aged man rushed to Wang Heping in three steps and took two steps, and said anxiously, "I am Zhang Zhonghua from the Songjiang Medical Expert Group. I heard that your hospital has been built? Can you show me? ?"

"Yes!" Wang Heping knew that this was the person from the receiving hospital. Even if his head is not bright, he also knows that this is a matter of life and carelessness, so he hurriedly asked the staff beside him: "Xiao Song, Power supply, gas supply, water supply and other equipment are all activated, right?"

Xiao Song nodded: "After the assembly is completed, it has been activated."

After hearing this, Wang Heping nodded his head with satisfaction, and then led Zhang Zhonghua and others to the entrance of the Fangcang shelter hospital. Ren Yuechuan and others saw this, so naturally they couldn't miss this opportunity, so they all followed after getting permission.

In this way, the group of people quickly followed the entrance into the Fangcai Hospital~www.ltnovel.com~ As a result, as soon as they entered the door, the expressions of everyone became very surprised. You must know that the northeast evening in early May was still chilly, especially in Lin. District, even makes people feel unbearable chill.

But after stepping into the shelter hospital, everyone felt a warm breath, which made people feel very comfortable.

"You have air conditioners installed?" Zhang Heping didn't mean to be procrastinated. He asked directly, and Wang Heping answered directly: "It's not an air conditioner. It's an air circulation control system based on the air circulation system of the aircraft pressurized cabin."

Hearing this, Zhang Heping narrowed his eyes slightly: "What is the circulation rate?"

"The general standard for air circulation in the operating room is 12 minutes, and our shelter hospital can purify the air every 5 minutes."

After hearing this, Zhang Heping immediately turned to a doctor in a white coat next to him, and said quickly: "All operations can be moved here first."

Ren Yuechuan, who followed behind, listened to the conversations of several people, and his eyes suddenly brightened. It is too important to be able to perform surgery. So he quickly wrote a paragraph in the interview book: The latest embodiment of aviation technology in the medical field, air circulation rate Exceeds hospital operating room standards.

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