Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 439: What is missing, we will produce what

Gianandra heard Marcelo's words without any expression on her face, but she was shocked.

Although he brought some so-called aviation technical experts to China for inspection, but the poor and poor Nepal does not even have a serious aircraft repair shop. Those so-called aviation technical experts are just retired pilots, and at most they are replaced with wrenches. Two screws, or open a certain hatch and fill it with lubricating oil or antifreeze.

This is like a driver who can drive. Can you expect him to understand those things on the car production line? Not even an old driver.

So it's better to expect these "experts" Gyanendra to get tired, ask more and watch more.

The problem is that he himself is also dissatisfied with a bottle, half a bottle is smashing, listening to Zhuang Jianye and others, what materials, what craftsmanship, the brain hurts so much, coupled with the kind of preconceived ideas that do not trust Chinese technology, it makes him instinctive I think the statement of Ascendas Aviation Manufacturing Corporation is a bit exaggerated.

It was prepared to take the opportunity to suppress prices, and the result was very unhappy for both parties.

Of course, Gyanendra does not want to find a third party to help with the assessment. After all, there are many similar institutions abroad. The problem is that both institutions and individuals are asking very high prices.

Especially for some senior aviation consulting and accreditation agencies, the minimum asking price is about 5% of the total transaction volume. Even if the transaction fails, they will take 1% of the total transaction as a commission.

With a total cost of 15 million U.S. dollars, Gyanendra is planning to purchase six to eight small transport aircraft. On average, one aircraft is less than three million U.S. dollars. It really means that every penny has to be spent. So he doesn't have to pester the Ascendas Aviation Manufacturing Corporation to ask for a price reduction. Then there is extra money to hire a third-party consulting and certification agency?

But if you really give up the Plateau Eagle, Gyanendra is not reconciled. After all, in terms of price and basic performance, the Plateau Eagle is quite suitable for the current Nepal. No way, they can't afford similar aircraft in European and American countries.

So Gyanendra is very tangled.

As a result, when he had a headache whether he really returned to China after completing the transfer mission of French and German reporters, Marcelo's words to Merklein immediately made Gianendra's eyes bright.

Thanks to the all-knowing and all-powerful God, let him learn French from members of the Nepalese royal family when he was a child, otherwise such precious information would definitely miss him like a duck.

The loss can be huge. You must know that in professional organizations, these words are worth at least 5%, 5% of 15 million US dollars.

Of course, Gianandra would not be so stupid to talk to Marcelo about the consultation fee in person. He was like a layman who was suddenly excited, and asked with a surprised look: "It turns out that he is hiding in such a humble airplane. With so many secrets, I really don’t know how the Chinese made them. I think it is most likely that they have introduced European and American technology."

Marcelo is not a person who likes to chat. He can talk so much to Gianandra, except because Gianandra is the middleman who rescues them, but the most important thing is because of Merklein's admiring and suspicious look.

It is said that a woman can break a man's heart, but here in Marcelo, he, who has been bent by the magical land of the South Asian subcontinent, will also be heartbroken by a man.

So it's okay to have a chat, as long as Merklein is happy.

But now, Merklein was obviously tired, and he even yawned twice, not already starting the third one, Marcelo naturally lost the interest in speaking, and was going to let Merklein lean on him for a good night's sleep.

As a result, Gianendra asked such a terrible question without insight, which made Marcelo very upset. Didn't you see that Merklein wanted to rest?

So Marcelo glared at Gianendra in the front row, learning the gesture and tone of Gianendra just now, and said: "It's not a polite behavior to let people clear their dreams."

Gyanendra's old face blushed, an awkward apology, and then turned around. While sighing disappointed, she also felt a little irritable, so she was ready to put her hands on her chest and leaned on the seat to sleep for a while.

But at this moment, Merklein's soft voice came faintly: "Dear Marcelo, I like to hear what you just said, wise, rational and very sexy."

"I'm afraid to interrupt your rest." Marcelo replied gently.

"No, Marcelo, that will make me fall asleep better, then plug my wings and soar in the blue sky." Merklein's tone was pure, with undisguised alternative feelings.

I heard Gyanendra's chills and got goose bumps all over the place. I finally understood how something was wrong when I saw the two of them. The people from the embassies of the two countries were also chasing the **** of the two of them just like a babbling old woman. I asked eagerly, it turned out...

"But my dear Merklein, my recklessness just now caused the previous husband to end the conversation. I don't know if I can get his forgiveness and continue the previous topic."

Just when Gianandra was feeling unwell, Marcelo’s words came to his ears again. At this moment, what disgusting and discomfort were all conquered by a 5% fee, well, a full 15 million dollars. 5%.

So Gianandra immediately turned around, smiled at Marcelo with the warmest smile, and said to Marcelo: "Presumably the husband next to you was frightened in Ruger Town. If you can help him rest, I'm willing to help. "

After hearing this, Marcelo immediately responded politely: "Thank you so much, sir."

Gyanendra waved his hand indifferently: "Can that answer the question just now?"

"Yes, sir." Marcelo nodded, and at this moment Merklein had put his head on his shoulder. Marcelo gave his companion a gentle look, then said in a gentle tone: "I'm not very specific. After all, I have left the aviation manufacturing industry for three years. I don’t have first-hand information about new technologies and new developments, but one thing is certain. Similar to the materials and manufacturing techniques used in this aircraft, European and American countries It should be limited to European and American countries, and it is impossible to export to other places.

After all, the innovation of this kind of new materials and new technology brings about all-round product innovation, fuel-saving, lightness, and comfort. These are the core pursuits of the aviation manufacturing industry in European and American countries, but it is not something European and American countries. To be honest, I don't think that China can make such an excellent aircraft with China's capabilities. Therefore, I am also very confused about the technology source of this aircraft, but one thing is certain, its success is bound to be groundbreaking. "

Gyanendra nodded: "In that case, if there are no corresponding regulations and regulations in Europe and America, what about the airworthiness certificate of this aircraft?"

Marcelo couldn’t help frowning when he heard this: “It’s really difficult to do ~ www.ltnovel.com~ unless there is a new standard, but if so, the time will be very long. You must know the superior officials of the European and American aviation safety agencies. One is more rigid than the other, I want them to set a new standard..."

Speaking of Marcelo, with the exaggerated expression unique to the French, he joked: "Unless God can create another group of people."

Gyanendra heard the words, his eyes lightened imperceptibly, and after some calculations, he finally had an idea.


"What? One Plateau Eagle C, four Plateau Eagle B!"

In the aircraft assembly workshop of Xiping Aircraft Manufacturing Plant of Ascendas Aviation Manufacturing Corporation, Assistant Xiao Zheng told Zhuang Jianye aloud the latest request from Gianendra. Zhuang Jianye was taken aback when he heard the words, and then frowned and shook his head without hesitation. : "Reply to him, the head office is currently suspending all product sales. If he is willing to wait, he will talk about it next month. If he doesn't want to, then forget it."

After finishing talking, I ignored the assistant, and turned to look at an anxious official next to him: "Don't worry, Director Sun, we will produce whatever is lacking in the front line of Daxinganling."

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