Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 426: There is no harm without contrast

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It's no wonder that Marcelo will behave now, because there is really a small single-engine monoplane transport plane with the words "Chinese Air Force" and military emblem painted on the fuselage, hovering at low altitude on the Chinese side.

Seeing this scene, let alone Marcelo, Mendinger and even the younger Merklein opened their mouths in surprise, eyes full of incredible.

what happened? How to do it How is this possible?

The three consecutive tortures that hit the soul directly, echoed like a resonating church bell in the hearts of the three.

Yes, without the help of developed Western countries, how could China have a small transport plane flying over the Himalayas?

You must know that it is the Himalayas, with an average elevation of more than 6,000 meters, and the mountains behind the Chinese villages and towns on the opposite side have an average elevation of 7,000 meters.

This requires that the supporting aircraft must be able to fly for a long time at altitudes above 8,000 meters.

It is not difficult to fly at an altitude of more than 8,000 meters. As long as the aircraft has no major problems and wears an oxygen mask, old aircraft from World War II can fly to this altitude.

But flying for a long time is not that simple. After all, at this altitude, the temperature is very low, the oxygen is thin, and the air pressure is unbalanced. If you want to fly at this altitude for a long time, the oxygen supply inside the aircraft, the pressure maintenance, and the warmth must be followed. Otherwise, the plane will go to heaven instead of performing a mission, but to take the people on the plane to heaven.

To achieve this, it is necessary to increase the weight of the aircraft's mechanism, resulting in a decline in the basic performance and flight quality of the aircraft.

However, this is only one aspect of flying at high altitudes for a long time. How to deal with the icing of wings and propellers? Is it necessary to install weather detection equipment for the changing climate on the plateau? The power attenuation of high-altitude flight is obvious. How should the structure of the aircraft be adjusted? There are oil, wings, even takeoff and landing performance...

In short, all these are technical problems that are enough to drive aircraft designers crazy.

Not to mention anything else, it is difficult for the Dornier-228 small transport aircraft, which is hotly hyped in New Delhi and the Federal Republic of Germany, to do this. Although the manufacturer of the Federal Republic of Germany went to China to promote sales, they gave a plan. It is not directly through the high-altitude mountain range of six or seven kilometers, but it is recommended to support the southern part of Tibet for a long distance from southern Yunnan.

In this way, the average altitude of the route is only about 5,000 meters, and the Dornier-228 small transport aircraft can fly directly to the southern part of Tibet without major changes.

But if you let the Dornier-228 small transport aircraft take off from high-altitude areas in Tibetan areas and cross the Himalayas for a long distance of six or seven kilometers, even though the index given by the Germans is called the highest ceiling of the Dornier-228 small transport aircraft Reach 8,500 meters.

But in fact it is a theoretical limit index, can it fly? It can fly, but it won’t last long, because the various auxiliary systems on the Dornier-228 small transport aircraft simply cannot support such high long-term sailing conditions.

After all, the original design of this aircraft was based on the environment of the Great Plains of Europe. The ideal mission altitude is only about three kilometers in the middle and low altitudes. Under such conditions, the pressurization and air conditioning of the cabin can be very comfortable without being particularly complicated.

Despite this, the DORNIER-228 small transport aircraft that claims to use composite materials is not outstanding. In the case of dual engines, although the payload has reached 2.3 tons, the maximum flight distance is only a mere thousand one. Hundred kilometers.

On this index, if you add complex pressurization, air circulation, rapid deicing and a series of avionics equipment, the performance of the DORNIER-228 small transport aircraft will be instantly reduced.

Not only the Dornier-228 small transport aircraft in Germany, but similar models in Britain and France are also similar, but even so, they feel that their own is also stronger than China by a thousand miles, because so far, China has even There are no such models, so what else is it to say, naturally I want to despise you, crush you, and then rub you on the ground, and finally drew out the sickle and happily cut this Chinese leek completely and completely.

However, just as the interests of the three countries of Britain, France and Germany sharpened their knives and continued to press China to cut a wave of leeks with a small transport aircraft that was not suitable for long-distance flights on the plateau, they jumped straight out from the north of the Himalayas. Can freely travel through high altitude areas.

How could Marcelo and others not be shocked.

However, contrary to Marcelo’s shock and inconceivability, local people, officials, and even garrison officers and soldiers greeted the Chinese Air Force’s Yun-6 planes and cheered. Some excited officials even took the lead in shouting "Long live New Delhi!"

Obviously they regard the Chinese Air Force aircraft as their own country.

It is no wonder that during this time, New Delhi has been publicizing that they will send the world's most advanced, purely New Delhi-made Dornier-228 small transport aircraft to the disaster relief.

But the victims in Rugel Town waited and waited and didn’t even see a plane. Now a plane flew towards them suddenly. The victims immediately regarded the plane as their own without even thinking about it. The excitement was great. Yelling.

As for the obvious Chinese characters on the plane and the Chinese Air Force military emblem, when the enemy doesn't even know a few words of his own country, how can he expect them to know the words of other countries?

Not to mention them, even the officials and the garrison are no good.

Anyway, New Delhi told them that the plane would come, and now that they are coming, it is their own.

So they cheered, sang and danced, amidst crazy excitement and cheers, the Yun-6 hovering in the air finally lowered its height, then landed beautifully, and landed steadily on a six- to seven-hundred-meter-long open space that was just leveled out.

The crowd in Luger Town, who was still cheering, immediately followed the duck that was pinched around the neck, and stopped abruptly. Countless pairs of eyes stared at the plane on the Chinese side. They couldn't say a word for a long time. This terrible silence.

"How did our plane stop to China?" a local old man asked the official beside him in surprise.

"This..." The official hesitated, but before he could answer, he saw a bright red five-star red flag sticking out of the cabin ~www.ltnovel.com~ slowly unfolding in the breeze, seeing this scene, China One The victims on the side burst into cheers and ran out of the simple shack where they lived.

At this time, the cabin door at the rear of Yun 6 was raised high, enough for two people to enter and exit side by side. The huge space was densely packed with military compressed biscuits, essential medicines and other disaster relief materials. A Chinese officer in military uniform shouted to the victims: Guys, the country has not forgotten you. We are the first rescue team to arrive here. There are four planes of the same model and full of relief supplies will arrive soon. Fellows please keep order and distribute according to each household. Disaster relief supplies."

The words fell off, and the victims on the Chinese side burst into cheers again, and then consciously formed a line. The crew members began to distribute supplies to the victims with the cooperation of the local garrison.

There is no harm without comparison.

Residents here in Rugel Town quietly watched the scene on the Chinese side. They were silent, silent, and they could only hear their stomachs groaning from hunger. Finally, a middle-aged man broke the silence suddenly. Grabbing the collar of an official next to him, he yelled, "Where is our food and our supplies?"

Saying that a punch was hit in the face of which official, and with a bang, the whole Lugel town was in chaos.

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