Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 420: Aerodynamic core machine

"This..." found that Wu Changcheng was asking seriously, and the temper of Zhuang Jianyejue was a bit bad, so he considered the language, but still couldn't find the right one, so he kicked the ball back shamelessly: "You Haven't I been to the Ascendas Aviation Power Plant, I know it in my heart."

  Wu Great Wall didn't expect Zhuang Jianye to say this, he was taken aback for a moment, his dark face suddenly chuckled, and pointed at Zhuang Jianye with his finger: "Old Ding, they said you were slick, that’s true."

After finishing speaking, he sighed again: "Fortunately, your factory has a strong sense of crisis. You have invested in research and development of small gas turbine power plants early. Now, the small turbojet power technology of the aerospace department has been added, and preliminary results have been achieved. The results, so that people can rest assured, if it is the same as the small twin-engine transport aircraft of the Binjiang plant, then...Hey...it's far away, let's eat first, I will be busy in the afternoon."

  Wu Changcheng had been talking well, but he showed a trace of unspeakable loneliness and regret. He immediately waved his hand, wrapped his army coat and walked towards the barracks not far away.

   Looking at Wu Great Wall, which was a little dull in the cold wind, Zhuang Jianye's head was dizzy for no reason. He picked up the oxygen bag and took a couple of breaths, which made his head sober.

  Xuan even complained in her heart, knowing that her brain was hypoxic, and said these things that made people waste brain cells.

However, complaining is to complaining, Zhuang Jianye actually also knows Wu Changcheng’s seemingly headless remarks, which are actually for the benefit of them taking off the Aviation Manufacturing Corporation, because those remarks are translated into one meaning. Don’t give up the existing ones anyway. Small gas turbine power plant.

   also specifically mentioned the small twin-engine transport aircraft of the Xia Binjiang Plant.

   Although Zhuang Jianye is hypoxic in his brain, he is not a fool. After inhaling oxygen, his smart IQ will naturally re-occupy the high ground. The implication of Wu Great Wall can not be heard.

The reason why Yun6 was able to establish a project is that in addition to its precise positioning and unique technology for the plateau, the more important thing is that a series of imported technologies around Yun6 are supported by corresponding localization support, especially in terms of power. The aviation power plant has been stepping up the development and improvement of the D-40 series gas turbine power plant of the same level as that produced by Honeywell of the United States.

   and it is progressing very fast.

This aspect is the predecessor of Ascendas Aviation Power Manufacturing Plant. The Jet Power Office of Ascendas Plant has continuously invested and developed aerodynamics over the years. After the development and production of D-20 and D-30 series of combustion turbine devices, a large number of technologies have been accumulated. experience.

In particular, D-30, as the core power equipment of the cooling/heating and power unit, has given Tengfei Aviation Power Plant a lot of useful feedback in practical applications, so that it can optimize and improve D-30 more specifically. In addition, it is more mature and reliable.

   On the other hand, it is the digestion and absorption of foreign technology. Whether it is a former H company or a current actor company, in addition to being a business partner of Ascendas Aviation Manufacturing Corporation to earn foreign exchange, it is also an important channel for foreign technology input.

   Especially in terms of aviation power, whether it is the T-6 series APU auxiliary power unit produced by the American Hamilton Company provided by H Company, or the TPE331 series turboprop engine produced by the American Honeywell Company provided by the Actor Company.

  It is this series of small turbine gas power plants that give Ascendas Aviation Power Plant a subversive and huge boost.

   It can even be said that without these two series of small turbine gas power plants, the Ascendas Aviation Power Plant would not have been upgraded from a research institution like the Jet Power Office to an exact manufacturing plant.

Because the aerodynamic research and development of Ascendas Aerodynamics Manufacturing Plant has absorbed the technology of two American companies, coupled with the practice of its own products, gradually shifted from a single model, a program, and a single mode of specialized production to a core aircraft. The main structure, supporting links are strengthened, and the core composite model is transformed.

The reason for such a big model change, apart from Zhuang Jianye’s guidance, is mainly because the foundation of the Ascendas Aviation Power Manufacturing Plant is too thin. Although it is supported by the Ascendas Aviation Manufacturing Corporation, it is inferior to those with national endorsements. Power plant.

If the Ascendas Aviation Power Manufacturing Plant is a high-thrust aero engine, it may be improved. After all, the ministries and commissions have been vigorously promoting the high-thrust aero engine project since the 1960s. No matter how the model changes, the route has been insisted. No matter which factory, as long as the district does it, there will be more or less financial support.

   Ke Tengfei Aviation Power Plant was based on the UAV at the time and made a small gas turbine power plant, which is very embarrassing.

   It’s not that the ministries don’t want to help. The problem is that in the domestic industrial structure, small gas turbine power plants are generally attributable to the aerospace sector, because they are matched to their missiles; the aircrafts of the aviation sector are equipped with high power.

   Ascendas Aerospace Power Plant is not too big or small. It is just in the middle. The aviation department wants to support the aerospace sector. The aerospace sector is somewhat self-enclosed, and there is no need to see the Ascendas Aerospace Power Plant.

   So in those few years, Ascendas Aviation Power Plant was really a Zhu Bajie looking in the mirror and could only develop wretchedly.

   This state was not until the Ascendas Aviation Manufacturing Corporation became a pilot reform of the two major businesses of aviation and aerospace, which received due attention.

   However, if everything has to wait for this kind of pie in the sky, it is estimated that the grass will be buried in the grave. The same is true for the Tengfei Aviation Power Manufacturing Plant.

   So how to better bring products to the market ~www.ltnovel.com~ and reduce costs at the same time, has become the core business idea of ​​Ascendas Aviation Power Manufacturing Plant during the period before the pilot landing.

Needless to say, when    was introduced to the market, the market share of the D-20 and D-30   series of cold/heating and power units is fairly good, and the marketization results are very good.

   As for cost reduction, Ascendas Aviation Power Plant uses the core machine idea.

No way, if the small body of Ascendas Aviation Power Plant is the same model, a set of ideas, and a set of solutions as other major aerodynamics manufacturers, it will not be able to consume at all. If the model is okay, the probability of aviation power failure Great, if it collapses, it is estimated that there is no chance of turning over.

At exactly this time, Tengfei Aviation Power Manufacturing Plant studied the T-6 series APU auxiliary power unit and the TPE331 series turboprop engine and found that the power, size and even purpose of the two power units are different, but from the compressor, the combustion chamber The structure, operation mode, and working characteristics of the turbine section are very similar.

  The remaining air intake, air compression, and nozzles are more derived from different equipment of this core equipment.

   With this discovery, the Ascendas Aviation Power Manufacturing Plant feels an immediate epiphany. Since aviation power can be derived from different tasks based on core equipment, can the cost be greatly reduced?

   So Tengfei Aviation Power Plant accidentally opened a door leading to the Cotai Strip when grandpa was not kissing and uncle was not loving.

  :. :

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