Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 409: 2 kinds of pulsating production lines

   Yes, just cut the leeks.

   Some people may say that the technology output by the Ascendas plant is so subverted, but it is the manufacturing technology of ordinary European and American small aircraft, which is not cost-effective after careful calculation.

   This argument is true in Europe, because both Cessna’s 280 general-purpose aircraft and Citation II business jet, or Dassault’s Falcon 100 business jet, are all old products that have been put into production in the 1970s.

   Whether it is the design ideas or the materials and processes used, there is bound to be a gap with today.

   However, looking at the problem from a different perspective, the conclusions drawn will naturally be different. This view may be valid in Europe, but it is a little laughable to say this at Tengfei Factory.

  As the pioneer of the pulsating production line, Tengfei Factory has proposed two different concepts for this subversive production model in the aviation manufacturing industry.

The first is based on an information platform, combined with high-precision measuring instruments, automated production equipment, and a modular mobile platform, through lean management innovation, further reducing costs and improving efficiency, and constructing a complete set of aircraft rapid assembly systems .

   The second is a U-shaped aircraft production line that is oriented to user needs, driven by Kanban management, and supported by production planning and operation management systems.

  Comparing the concepts of the two pulsating production lines, it can be seen that the two are not the same thing at all. The first has a higher level of technology, a higher degree of automation, and a higher efficiency.

  In fact, this is true. If those European aviation companies come to the aircraft assembly workshop of Ascendas Plant in Xiping, they will definitely feel that they are in another world of science fiction.

   Benefited from the wide application of laser precision measuring devices, the preliminary integration of computer professional control technology with production equipment and the promotion of modular mobile platforms.

  Xiping's aircraft assembly workshop can not only produce small airplanes, but also medium-sized airplanes weighing tens of tons.

   As for the large aircraft of hundreds of tons, there is no way. This is not to say that the entire production line structure cannot be done, but the assembly workshop of the Xiping Plant is too small to accommodate the giant aircraft.

If you can give the Ascendas plant enough space, and the corresponding preparation time and process parameters, the Ascendas plant can complete the preparation of various tasks for the production and assembly of large aircraft within a few months, and only need to divide the components of the large aircraft. Shipped in batches every hour, the Ascendas plant can continue production at a rate of one aircraft every three days.

In contrast, the impulse-type 1 production line obtained by the actors is much simpler. Although it is also called the impulsive production line, it is essentially not a technological advancement, but a management innovation. Compared with the real pulsating production line, the technical level is poor, and the compatibility is also very poor.

   so that each model must be redefined, classified design, re-adjusted.

   In contrast to the production line of the Ascendas plant, as long as the aircraft production outline and related process requirements are provided, the layout of each station can be adjusted according to the established parameters, and then continuous production can be carried out without the need for repeated construction.

   With higher technology, more flexibility, and stronger compatibility, Ascendas, a leader in aviation special equipment, naturally has to take this high-end aircraft production route.

   As for the second pulsating production line derived from it, of course it is used as a tool for making money at high prices. Anyway, it is not a core technology. Naturally, the more money can be made.

   Because of this, because of a low-end concept, in exchange for a series of much-needed aircraft production technology and high financing, it is not just cutting leek for Ascendas Plant.

  Qin Hongjun saw Zhuang Jianye briefly and sat there in deep thought. He didn't bother at first. Zhuang Jianye, who is the leader of such a big thing, should really digest it, and then think about how to reasonably use these technologies and funds.

   So he has been drinking tea quietly on the sofa, but while drinking it, Qin Hongjun suddenly remembered something, so he put down the tea cup and frowned and said:

"Oh, yes. Recently, there may be a lot of related materials imported from Europe, which has attracted the attention of the European Community Trade Commission. You also know that some things are strictly controlled by the West, so... Is the head office established more here? A few channels can also predict the operating space."

   "Let me see that it is unnecessary." As a result, Qin Hongjun's voice just fell, before Zhuang Jianye could answer, a sonorous woman's voice came from the door, and the office door was pushed open.

Song Yanan wore a plain woolen coat with a snakeskin bag in his hand. Like a middle-aged rural woman who was about to break into the special zone, he walked in like this: "The head office invests so much money in our technology center every year. If you have to spend money to buy materials from outside, then it will hit me Song Yanan in the face.

   Domineering, arrogant, shocked.

   Song Yanan, who is already the mother of two children, really doesn't seem to know what EQ is. Not only does his face look horribly cold, but what he says is even more straightforward.

   Don't say anything else, just look at Qin Hongjun's face at this moment, and a mouthful of old blood is held in his chest.

   If this were put in the past, this buddy would have been mad. How can I say that Lao Qin is also the person in charge of the European channel, and his position is detached. Song Yanan can't keep up with the horse.

However, it is just such a woman who can't catch up with a horse, but at this moment, Qin Hongjun is holding back the old blood and can't vomit it~www.ltnovel.com~ There is no way, it is true that Song Yanan is no better than before, especially in conquering T300. After the development and processing of the two composite materials and T500, Song Yanan has become an authoritative task in this field.

   Especially Ascendas Headquarters began to get involved in the aerospace field, and the carbon fiber composite project led by Song Yanan was strongly supported by the aerospace department.

   not only placed a large order to the technology research and development center of the head office of Ascendas, but also added a lot of investment.

   However, this is not enough for Qin Hongjun. After all, Qin Hongjun's background is also very hard. The problem is that Song Yanan seems to be leading a high-level project involving the military.

   What exactly is it? Even people like Qin Hongjun who have background, connections, and wander through half-black and half-white channels don’t know it. He only heard that it is vital to the future of domestic military aircraft.

   This shows how secret this project is.

   And the person leading this kind of project, let alone Qin Hongjun, it is not easy for his father and grandfather to come over, whoever touches them will die.

   Since I can't provoke me, can I still not hide?

  Qin Hongjun made up his mind, stared at the sky, and Song Yanan, with a cold face, found a crappy excuse for being busy, put on his coat and ran away dingy.

  Zhuang Jianye looked at Qin Hongjun running like a rabbit, and couldn't help shaking his head with a wry smile, and persuaded Song Yanan: "Can't you be more tactful?"

   "It's euphemistic enough that I didn't tell him to get rid of him." Song Yanan replied stiffly, and then put the snakeskin bag in his hand on the desk: "The body honeycomb component you want."



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