Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 399: Opportunity to break Europe

The article cites a lot of data to prove that lithium bromide units have been used in a wide range of applications decades ago. Although the application effect is obvious, in fact this kind of thing is very harmful to the human body and the environment, especially the inside Refrigerants include almost all carcinogens listed by the International Health Organization. Because of this, developed countries have eliminated this product as early as the 1950s.

In addition, the article also conducted a "professional" analysis of the gas turbine power plant provided by the Ascendas Plant, and believed that the data of this core equipment is good, but it is also limited to the data. In fact, the failure rate is surprisingly high. .

In order to confirm this point of view, the article lists several domestic aeroengine data, especially the overhaul time interval and the general attendance statistics of fighters. The results are very unoptimistic. It is believed that even the domestic military gas-powered devices cannot guarantee a proper integrity rate. , And how to ensure the quality of civilian products?

   finally came to the conclusion that the so-called gas turbine power unit in the UMC 2 is just a gimmick, and even if it can be used, there is a serious risk of accident.

   Then the article cited two examples of gas turbine power accidents that occurred in other countries, both of which were major accidents with heavy casualties.

   Outdated technology, carcinogenic culprit, time bomb.

Although there is no mention of these words in the article, the meaning between the lines is more shocking than the actual writing of these words. Then look at the newspapers published. Although it is not the mainstream media, it is also national. Important publications.

   I can imagine, at this moment, I don’t know how many people are jumping around and scolding the two unscrupulous enterprises, Yuanli Factory and Tengfei Factory.

Zhuang Jianye's brows can't help but frown. If it's just one or two Hong Kong and Taiwan businessmen who play a little bit to think carefully, he is really not afraid. Those two devils with yellow skin and white core, Zhuang Jianye has some ways to get them to kneel down and call father, don't say goodbye Yes, letting Ning Xiaodong out can kill a large piece.

   After reading this report, Zhuang Jianye suddenly discovered that it is not simple behind.

  Because of the method of this article, Zhuang Jianye feels particularly cordial. Data analysis, analogue enumeration, and international standards. It’s impossible to keep your mouth shut. It looks very professional, but in fact it is nonsense. This is what the Western media leaders do.

   Talk nonsense with a professional spirit.

   For more than 100 years, the Western media has been adhering to this faithful creed from beginning to end.

   "Mr. Zhuang, what are you..."

Seeing that after Zhuang Jianye finished reading the newspaper, his face was not so good. Cheng Song felt a little bit in his heart and asked. Zhuang Jianye didn’t answer either. He passed the newspaper in his hand to Cheng Song. Cheng Song took the newspaper and took a look. Become pale.

   "Mr. Zhuang, this...this...this is absolutely slander. There is nothing wrong with our lithium bromide unit..."

   "If you want to add to the crime, there is nothing wrong with it, people said so, what can you do?" Zhuang Jianye gave a wry smile.

   Cheng Song is even more anxious: "What should we do? If things continue to ferment like this, our factory will really be over."

   "Have you offended anyone recently? Especially foreign businessmen?" Zhuang Jian also asked suddenly.

   Cheng Song thought for a while, and then shook his head: "No, we went to the project, and basically went directly to the immediate superior of the relevant unit, and the matter was finalized."

  Zhuang Jianye is very emotional. State-owned enterprises with backgrounds are so arrogant, and they follow the upper-level route. As for cutting people and grabbing meat, they all swallow them. They don't even know where the gods are offended.

   So Zhuang Jianye sighed: "Next month Tengfei Factory will lend you 20 million in the past. As for this report... I will go back and ask some friends in the media circle."

   After hearing that Zhuang Jianye was willing to help in an emergency, Cheng Song was grateful and sent to the hospital door to personally help Zhuang Jianye open the car door, and then he reluctantly said goodbye.

   But after getting in the car, Zhuang Jianye's face sank. In the Western media, these four words are like a thorn, which makes Zhuang Jianye very uncomfortable. There is no way that once anything gets on the side of the four, there is no good thing.

   What's more, the enemy on the other side of the ocean is still surviving in another way, which makes Zhuang Jianye have to be wary of whether the old guy Lindeman is going to make trouble again.

   But it’s wrong to think about it carefully. After so many years of dealings, Zhuang Jianye still knows Lindeman to some extent. The old man is just a ruthless character who will kill him once he does it.

  If Lindeman had done the sword, he would directly stabbed the Tengfei factory and hold on to the factory in the garden. What's the matter? Although it has an impact on the Ascendas plant, it will not hurt the bones.

   But if it is so determined that Lindeman did not do it, Zhuang Jianye is not sure, what if this old guy changes his style because of the bloodshed of the previous encounters? There is no way that the flash of the western media makes Zhuang Jianye really have to think more.

In this way, with a forehead question mark, Zhuang Jianye returned to Xiping. Although it was already evening, Zhuang Jianye did not go home. Instead, he returned to his office and gave it to Bai Limin, who was the deputy editor-in-chief of an authoritative media in Beijing. The big reporter called, told him about the report, and asked him to help find out who published it.

   This was a trivial matter for the reporter from Bai University. They agreed very happily, and then the two chatted for a while before putting down the phone.

   Then he rubbed his swollen temples, feeling a little hungry, and when I looked at it, it was almost eight o'clock ~www.ltnovel.com~ and picked up my coat and got ready to go home and rest.

However, when he came to the door and was about to turn off the lights and leave, the office door was suddenly pushed open, and Qin Hongjun, who was wearing a European-style windbreaker, rushed in. Seeing Zhuang Jianye's obviously fattening two circles, his face was wrinkled like a chrysanthemum: "Lao Zhuang, why did you come back? I have been waiting for you for a day. Hurry up and help me figure out a solution, otherwise the European line will be completely broken."

   The moment he saw Qin Hongjun, Zhuang Jianye was shocked. Didn't this guy be his imperial emperor at the Actor Company in Germany? Why did he come back?

   When he heard what he said again, his already surprised expression became even more astonished. What was going on.

Looking at Zhuang Jianye’s surprised and dazed appearance, Qin Hongjun also knew that he had come over without saying hello, which scared people, but now that the actor aviation system company has reached the point of life and death, he has no time to take care of this, and quickly Pulling Zhuang Jianye to sit down, he explained the things in Germany in detail.

After listening to Zhuang Jianye, he stood up and walked around the office twice. When the Western media he noticed today overlapped with German actor companies, a vague chain of evidence emerged. Zhuang Jianye's mouth moved: "There is indeed one. If it doesn't, the actor company will be over."

   Turned around and stared at Qin Hongjun: "But if you think about it from another angle, isn't this a chance for us to break Europe?"


   Germany, Stuttgart.

  In the headquarters of Actor Aviation Systems, Evans angrily slapped the newspaper in his hand on the table: "Damn Brit, **** BBC, I swear I will tear their mouths one day!"


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