Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 371: Power multiplier

   "What? Chinese? Our own country?"

   After hearing Zheng Quanli's words, Jiang Liang followed the cat that had stepped on its tail, pointing to the front cabins and yelling, as if he had encountered a puzzling supernatural phenomenon.

   It’s no wonder that Jiang Liang would be like this. It is necessary to know that the mobile battle command communication system of his unit was imported from France with a huge sum of millions of dollars.

   is to improve the mechanized combat capability of the troops. Otherwise, the command organization cannot keep up with the speed of frontline armored assaults and cannot cope with the complicated radio calls and forwarding on various vehicles, which would be a very troublesome thing.

   In this regard, due to the backwardness of electronic technology in China, there is no good solution, so it can only be imported from abroad.

   The French are still very enthusiastic about this and offer four or five different types of packages to Chinese buyers. I have to say that the French products in the mid-1980s are really good, at least very attractive to China.

   It's a pity that the Chinese were shy at this time. They wanted to buy a good one, but didn't have that much money, so they grind it away with the French. In the end, they only chose to import accessories and main equipment, and then use the domestic platform to integrate and assemble the reduction plan.

   But even so, the price of each set is more than one million US dollars, which is several million when converted into RMB.

   However, in order to improve the domestic mechanized combat capability, five sets were introduced through gritted teeth. Except for two sets for localization research, the remaining three sets were equipped with three domestic heavy armored armies to enhance their overall combat capabilities.

Jiang Liang’s army was fortunate enough to get such a set. After training and exploration, the French’s field battle command system really has nothing to say. The uploading and issuing of instructions is clear and accurate, the range of action has been greatly improved, and the confidentiality has also been obtained. Enhancement can be called a force multiplier.

And this time Jiang Liang’s unit applied this field battle command system to this strategic headquarters exercise, and it was also used as a killer tool. It was prepared to rely on the system’s efficient command rhythm to form a ferocious armored iron fist, one by one. Hammer and attack the troops.

   As a result, before this system came into play, I was given a pot of food. I was told that there are domestically produced ones.

This is like someone who bought top luxury goods from abroad. Although he did not show off, he invisibly gave birth to a chain of contempt in his heart. However, before he could tie up the chain of contempt, they told him You have lost money in buying things, and domestic products are better and cheaper than yours.

   The state of shock and embarrassment intertwined is beyond words.

   At least Zheng Quanli didn't know Jiang Liang's complicated mental activities at this time. He shrugged his shoulders and pointed to one of the cabins like Zhuang Jianye: "If you don't believe me, you can go in and take a look."

Jiang Liang was not welcome. He raised his leg and walked to the front of the cabin, and then climbed up expecting the ladder. After entering the cabin, he was stunned by the sight in front of him. Four or five screens became the entire control. The main body of the station, with two or three sophisticated communication equipment, constitutes a set of command and control system with strong sense of science and technology.

Jiang Liang is not an ignorant person, at least he has actually applied the French field battle command system, but compared with the equipment in front of the French, it is simply a scum, let alone the French. The device does not have the display function of the real-time screen of the battlefield.

   didn't look closely, just took a look around, Jiang Liang began to doubt life, when there are such good things in China? So he quickly turned his head and looked at Zheng Quanli seriously: "Old Zheng, are you telling the truth, this set of things is really our domestic product?"

Zheng Quanli just spread his hands: "Look at it for yourself, the operation interface and the image display are all in simplified Chinese. Apart from China, who do you think has the Xianxin to do it for you so fine? How? Your set of French goods did not let you speak French Did you vomit?"

Jiang Liang heard the words and ignored Zheng Quanli's teasing. He immediately turned his head and looked at the text on the console. It was indeed all in simplified Chinese. The same was true on the screen again, but the next moment Jiang Liang pointed to the picture on the screen and rushed. Zheng Quanli shouted: "You are too shameless, right?"

It’s no wonder that Jiang Liang speaks this way, because the airborne troops used the only anti-tank force on hand to pinch heads and tails on Highway 46 on the foot of Yanshan Mountain, trapping a whole right-wing attack group in this way. A long way.

   Then he didn't fight, and just watched the right-wing attack group that lost its command scurrying like headless flies.

   Jiang Liang is also a person who can enter the National Defense University for further studies. There is no doubt about his ability. When you look at this situation, you know that Zheng Quanli is here to fight for aid, intending to lure the reserve team of the imaginary enemy force.

  If so...

Jiang Liang suddenly calmed down again, he hehe smiled: "We fought before, and your losses are not small, right? Looking at the defense of your command post, it is actually only a platoon of troops. It must be filled in. Just this little capital, pay back Want to hold our reserve team? It's a fully loaded mechanized infantry regiment."

   said, he glanced up and down at Zheng Quanli with a playful look: "Old Zheng, can your body work?"

   Zheng Quanli shook his head: "I told you in the school dormitory~www.ltnovel.com~ The greatest value of paratroopers is to hit the enemy's high-value targets, not to force the troops head-on."

   heard this. Jiang Liang was taken aback for a moment, then he reacted and lost his voice: "You are not the reserve team that attracts us, your goal is our headquarters!"

   After speaking, he immediately shook his head and denied: "Impossible, impossible...You can't find out at the headquarter. The distance is too far, it's impossible..."

"There is nothing impossible in this world. You have a power multiplier that can make your armor stronger; can't our power multiplier make our eyes sharper? Xiao Lu, cut out the latest reconnaissance picture. "Zheng Quanli replied blankly, and immediately ordered one of the staff officers inside.

Soon there was a beating on the display screen in front of the two of them. After a while, an inverted **** of the mountain in the north of Yanshan appeared on the screen. In the center of the lush pine and cypress, there is a clearing area with tents on it, and people are coming and going. The rigorous and orderly ant nest was unreservedly displayed in front of the high gods.

When Jiang Liang saw this scene, he was just as strange as he saw him. He took two steps back and tripped on the chair behind him. He sat down on the backside and pointed to the screen: "This...this...this... "

   It turned out that I couldn't say a word for a long time.

   Seeing Jiang Liang's speechless speech, Zheng Quanli was ready not to sell the door, and explained directly, but before he could speak, the square hatch suddenly opened and a spirited old man stepped in.



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