Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 318: premature baby

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Similar words are not only Chen Dewang talking to Liu Chun, Wei Guangping of the Zero Degree Factory also begged again and again with Master Ju who came to install the cold and heat combined equipment.

Compared with Qingcheng Plastic Factory's requirements on electricity and temperature, the zero degree factory is not low.

Especially the electrochemical drilling equipment they are currently undertaking, whether it is chemical agents, titanium alloy parts, or even small nozzles, all of them are precision parts.

Not to mention the need for dust-free processing in the semiconductor industry, the environmental temperature requirements are also quite harsh, especially for the manufacture of parts made of several rare metal materials such as titanium alloys, and the control of each element is even more outrageous. .

Because of this, the core area of ​​the electrochemical perforation equipment development project of the Zero Degree Plant is not large, less than 500 square meters in total. The reason for this is no other reason, only because of the current conditions of the Zero Degree Plant and the funds allocated by the superior. , Can only be a constant temperature research place of about 500 square meters.

Such a size is not small for a family, but it is too stretched for a key equipment development project team, so that even the equipment can't be put down. There is no way, Wei Guangping can only take the guest appearances of the project team. Only by moving workers and tossing about the equipment in the project laboratory several times can the whole process test products of one or two key components be completed.

Then continue to pound, and then get the test results out.

In this way, efficiency is naturally impossible to talk about, and the entire development progress is like a turtle, moving forward a little bit.

Well now, Master Ju replaces the original diesel standby generator set in the Yuanli factory with the cold/heating and power combined equipment based on the D-30 gas turbine of the Ascendas plant. After the installation is completed, it can only support a constant temperature system of 500 square meters in the past. After intervening in the air conditioning system derived from the cold/heating and power unit of the Ascendas plant, the constant temperature area suddenly reached 2,000 square meters.

It has been enlarged four times, enough to hold all the equipment for the electrochemical drilling equipment development project, not to mention, it can also establish more efficient processing areas, test areas and test areas, and even the logistics area for developers to rest and eat. Landing, in this way, the efficiency brought up is not a little bit.

That’s all, more importantly, because the D-30 gas turbine of the Ascendas plant can use natural gas or coal gas, these two fuels are not lacking in Southwest China, and the local petrochemical department is still worried about how to digest these extracted things. .

We must know that the living conditions of the domestic people at this time are generally not high, and every family still uses briquettes or firewood as their main fuel.

Natural gas or gas is good. The problem is that you need a special gas stove to use this kind of thing. It's expensive, and you can't do anything except cooking.

Unlike coal stoves and wood-fired pots, they can boil water, heat, and dry the washed clothes if necessary. Of course, the price is very affordable. The old king next door is a blacksmith, hello A good stove can be built the next day with one sound. It costs only five or six yuan, which is more cost-effective than natural gas and gas.

Without a universal basis for use, the natural gas mined by the petrochemical sector can no longer be stuffed into the earth’s crust. It can only be provided by government departments to industrial and mining enterprises within its jurisdiction. The price is naturally much cheaper than oil, but even if the supply is more than The status quo of seeking is still not alleviated.

Under such circumstances, as long as the zero degree plant is willing, the supply of natural gas can be said to be as much as there is no shortage of fuel, and the D-30 gas turbine of the Tengfei plant can be considered as reliable. The zero degree plant can completely remove the cold. The combined heat and power equipment is the main source of electricity.

After all, the zero degree plant is not as large as Qingcheng Plastic Factory in terms of power demand. The power generated by the D-30 gas turbine can fully meet the needs of a workshop in the zero degree plant. As for the external power plant line, it can be used as a backup power supply.

In this way, the zero degree plant can be fully self-sufficient in electricity, which not only reduces the possible risk of power outages, but also reduces production costs.

What's more, this set of equipment only has synchronous heating and cooling functions, and hot water is constantly flowing. It is simply the dream of the zero degree factory. How can it not be completely popularized in the factory?

If Liu Chun is in the zero degree factory at this time, his reply promises to be the same as in Qingcheng Plastic Factory, telling Wei Guangping: "Relax, the Ascendas factory is working overtime now, but the production capacity is limited. It will take a while to wait. ."

The problem is that Master Ju, not Liu Chun, came to the zero degree factory.

This old man's processing technology has nothing to say, his temper is straightforward and loyal, but to be honest, he is really not as flexible as Liu Chun, to be more precise.

So when he listened to Wei Guangping's request, Master Ju was embarrassed.

It's not that Master Ju didn't want to get another set for Zero Degree Factory. After all, Zero Degree Factory now has a very close upstream and downstream supporting relationship with their Jet Power Office. Helping Zero Degree Factory is also helping themselves.

Therefore, Master Ju was more anxious than Wei Guangping. He heard that the zero degree factory was also blocked by the factory in the garden. He ordered a set of indicators and brought people over.

But this is also Master Ju's greatest ability. Let alone him, Liu Chun, Qian Qiang, Yan Tiancheng, and even Zhuang Jianye can get a set of indicators at most, but no more.

There is no way. The D-30 gas turbine at Ascendas Plant has just completed a 10,000-hour test run and entered a small batch of trial production. It can only produce five units after a month of milking effort.

This is due to the fact that Ascendas has digested the production equipment and raw materials of aero engines in the Yunshi project, and it has successfully broken through the limitations of basic technology and high-performance alloy materials and made a usable small gas turbine power unit.

But it is precisely because of this ~www.ltnovel.com~ This new product of Tengfei Factory, which has only achieved stage results after several years, still has an insurmountable structural shackle, that is, the scarcity of high-quality alloy materials.

After all, the remaining aero-engine high-performance alloys of the Yunshi project received are so much, a little bit is used, a little less, if there is no supplement, the usable D-30 gas turbine will have to be beaten back to its original shape.

That's all, the cold and heat and power equipment is not a matter for the Ascendas plant to have the final say. In addition to the core power unit of the D-30 gas turbine, the matching reduction gear set, generator, lithium bromide unit and even some pipelines and controls The equipment is all imported from Japan in complete sets.

It took a lot of effort to get eight sets. Ascendas plant left four sets of spare diesel generator sets to replace the garden plant. The remaining four sets, one set was given to the zero degree plant at the cost price, and the remaining three sets were close It is sold at a price of 4 million. If you want a new one, you must place an order with a Japanese partner in advance. It is not up to the Ascendas factory when you can get it.

Low production capacity, unresolved structural difficulties, and severe external dependence make the seemingly glamorous Ascendas cold and heat and power combined equipment is just a weak premature baby, and has not reached true maturity, so and so, honestly. How did Master Ju agree with his chest?

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