Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 307: Get rich

Qiu Dalin is not alarmist. Today, Tengfei Factory is the backbone of Runcheng’s economy. I don’t know how many people live around Tengfei Factory. Once Tengfei Factory leaves Raccoon City, it will definitely be fatal to the economy.

And this deadly culprit was actually Xiao Liu who wanted to sell Tengfei Factory. It's strange that the people of Huancheng could spare him.

But Qiu Dalin couldn't stop it, because Zhuang Jianye's approach was reasonable and reasonable. Since he stayed in Huancheng and got angry, he just left.

But then again, Zhuang Jianye can also be considered as a face to himself. Although several important new factories are not in Huancheng, but the headquarters have stayed. Finally, the economy of Huancheng has not been touched to the end. Enough for the old leader.

As for whether Xiao Liu was ruined or sat in prison, what did he do with him? If you do it yourself, you have to pay the price.

So Qiu Dalin didn't mention Xiao Liu's matter, and nodded to himself: "It's good to stay at the headquarters, and it's good to stay at the headquarters."

Having said that, the two had returned to the factory. Zhuang Jianye told Qiu Dalin about the past of the twenty-third branch of the factory. It was inevitable to be sighed. After that, he made a transcript with the police and the disciplinary inspection agency to keep Qiu Dalin from eating. Later, it was convenient for the old leader to say goodbye.

Waved to send people away, watched the car go away, said hello to Lao Xu, then returned to his office, just took out the Maojian tea, ready to rush to a cup of tea to taste, the phone on the table rang Before I answered it, I heard Lin Guanghua's strange call on the other end of the phone: "Lao Zhuang, we are rich, we are really rich this time!"

Hearing this, Zhuang Jianye immediately sat up straight with his eyes: "Is everything figured out?"

"I figured it out, I figured it out, come here soon, and you will know how big the material we are sending this time!" Lin Guanghua was very excited, and Zhuang Jianye didn't talk nonsense when he heard the words, and he would be there tomorrow after saying something. phone.

When I picked up my clothes and just put them on, I saw the Maojian tea in the cup. I suddenly remembered something. I took out three bags from the cabinet and pulled my face a little painfully. Then I put another bag back. This was satisfied. Nodded, put a pack of kraft paper into the briefcase, called the assistant Xiao Qin next door, and went out.

I went to Xingzhou on the way to pay tribute to Mr. Ning. Unexpectedly, Mr. Ning gave Zhuang Jianye a six pack backhand, and said generously: "When I was the head of the organization, I was more generous than the director. I am still more generous than the factory manager, Xiao Zhuang, tell me, is this fate?"

Zhuang Jianye wanted to find a place to drill in. He thought Mao Jianer was precious and the old man loved to drink tea, so he brought two bags to show respect.

But I forgot that my tea was also given by the prospective son-in-law named Zheng Quanli. I even have a share for myself. Is there still less husband? Alas, blunder, blunder.

"Okay, Dad, I know that you are always good, but I can tell you that if Xiaoxue gets married, you can't like the new and dislike the old." At this time, Ning Xiaohui came over with a few cups of tea and put it on the master. On the coffee table in front of them.

Then he sat back on the sofa and started putting on sweaters. Elder Ning picked up the tea cup and blew it into the air and took a sip, and snorted coldly, "I like the new and hate the old? That's the old? Except for toot, there is no one who is promising in this house, not me. Say, one by one, if you can be half as capable as Dudu, I don't have to worry about you all day long, um~~ Dudu is asleep, right?"

"Sleep!" Ning Xiaohui replied.

"Okay, then I have to go to sleep, and tomorrow I have to go to the Children's Palace to fly a kite with Dudu, but I can't delay!" After another sip of tea, he got up and walked to the bedroom. The positive appearance was no better than in the Yonghong factory. How much is the difference in production in the leadership workshop.

Zhuang Jianye was dumbfounded, and after a long time he asked his wife, "How can we be able to endure Dudu?"

"I'm not helping our dad comb his hair and urging him to wash his face and brush his teeth every day."

"That's it?"

Zhuang Jianye was very surprised. It seemed that the three Ning brothers and sisters often urged his father to pay attention to his own personal hygiene. But the old man Ning has always been very sloppy in this regard. He feels that he is sloppy and sweaty, and he can be closer to the people, so the three brothers and sisters It's useless.

"We said it was useless, but people just listened to toot, they said to catch ants, they caught ants, and they said to find loach, they looked for loach. Just yesterday, two people stuffed a toad in my bag, which shocked me. , Guess what?" Ning Xiaohui put down the sweater in her hand, looking angrily.

"What's the matter?" Zhuang Jianye licked his face and leaned forward, holding it in place.

"Before I can say toot, the old man will criticize him first, saying that when I was a child, I was not afraid of cooking the rice in the toad's home pot. When I got married and had a baby, I lost my original spirit and spirit. I have regressed, don’t you know, give me a good ideological education."

"Hey, I know you are upset, how about it? Do you want me to help you dredge?" Before the voice came, Zhuang Jianye picked up Ning Xiaohui.

Ning Xiaohui flushed with shame, punched Zhuang Jianye on the chest twice: "Dad hasn't slept yet!"

"Then let's sleep first!" Zhuang Jianye rushed into his bedroom while holding Ning Xiaohui.


No words for a night, the next day, Zhuang Jianye got up very early, although he was a little tired, but he was physically and mentally comfortable. He bought two buns at the stall in front of the family building in the factory. After eating two, the assistant Xiao Qin drove the jeep in the factory. , Zhuang Jianye sat up and drove out of the family area.

A few retired workers from the Yonghong factory who had morning exercises saw this scene, and one of them said: "Look at the small village of the Lao Ning family. They have built such a big factory. The car is still a jeep. Look at us. In the past two years, we have replaced three of them ~www.ltnovel.com~ and all of them are imported. The wages have not risen, but the leaders of the factory have eaten well one by one. I see, the Yonghong factory will be finished sooner or later. "

"Hey~~ Don’t say that, it’s not well heard by others. In the past two years, the benefits of FATEK's factory have been okay. You can make do with it. Tengfei factory is not bad, but there are too many people who offend, let alone anything else. There are conflicts with them in Huancheng, and they can't stay any longer." The other spoke to persuade them.

"Yes, oh...it looks better here, at least we don't need a hammer in the east and a stick in the west." The attitude of the old staff who had just spoken praises changed rapidly, and they began to identify with Yonghong Factory.

Zhuang Jianye has no time to pay attention to the gossip behind it. Now the two pillars of Tengfei Plant’s gas turbine power and aircraft manufacturing have taken shape. Although Huancheng is good, the location of the former Tengfei Plant’s professional production equipment was done by himself, not professional. , And because of production capacity problems, good benefits cannot be formed.

However, now the Ascendas plant has a strong ability of unified purchase and sales to hold the zero degree plant in Xiping, a professional aerospace processing equipment manufacturer, in its hands. Naturally, it has to give full play to its greatest advantages. In addition, the distance between several nearby aeronautical supporting factories is not enough. Considering it far away, it is easy to form an upstream and downstream industrial cluster model, so the new aircraft manufacturing plant of Ascendas Plant is located here.


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