Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 293: Stop cooperation

, The fastest update to take off the latest chapter of my aviation era!

We must know that the most prominent feature of the fourth-generation fighters in the future is stealth. This is like two martial arts masters. The third-generation fighters have nothing to say about their legs and feet. The fourth-generation fighters of internal strength can't even touch the corners of other people's clothes, just like being shocked into internal injuries.

The key to the stealth of the fourth-generation fighter is the material. It should not only refract the radar, but also absorb part of the radar wave to attenuate it. When the two are superimposed, even if the detected radar wave is not completely cancelled out, the energy efficiency will be high. Sharply reduced by half.

This is enough for fighter jets, because whether it is an enemy fighter or an air defense system, the effectiveness of the detection radar is halved, which means that it can hit a fist of 100 kilometers, but now it can only hit 50 kilometers.

In this way, as long as one's own fighters launch an attack 60 kilometers away from the opponent, they can knock out the opponent without knowing it.

If combined with the advanced stealth aerodynamic layout, stealth efficiency will be doubled. Of course, this premise is still a breakthrough in stealth materials.

Because of their unique interest, most of the traditional metal materials, except for a few radioactive materials, have no obvious specular reflection or absorption effect on the detection of radar waves. They can only be combined with expensive absorbing coatings, combined with sharp edges and corners. The scattering aerodynamic layout to complete the so-called "stealth" effect.

For example, the American F-117 is a representative of this stealth function.

The effect is not to say, the performance is reasonable, but this kind of aircraft is expensive, and the maintenance cost is also ridiculously high, especially the stealth coating on the surface of the body, which is called a gold, and it is not hot, cold, and moisture. Too much is not enough, it is simply a nightmare of logistics maintenance.

If you want to solve this problem fundamentally, you can only work on materials, and carbon fiber composite materials, which have gradually been widely used in the aviation manufacturing field, are a good carrier.

Because it is essentially a fabric woven with threads, other things can be added to it, such as Song Yanan accidentally discovered that the participating metal threads form a microscopic refraction effect inside the material, thereby achieving the characteristics of overall specular reflection.

By analogy, if you add some materials with the properties of absorbing electromagnetic waves, will it shield part of the irradiated radar waves?

If absorption and specular refraction are applied at the same time, what extent will this material achieve in radar stealth?

If we dig deeper and balance the strength, toughness and structure of this new carbon fiber composite material, is it possible to reduce the use of expensive absorbing coatings, thereby making the stealth fighter's maintainability Improve?

At that time, Zhuang Jianye, who was holding a technical briefing, could be described as imaginative. There was no way. If he could lighten up this fast tree of science and technology, let alone catch up with the world's advanced aviation-grade carbon fiber composite materials, it would be easy to achieve corner overtaking.

Not only does this matter need to be done, but it also has to be done. For the key projects of the "Seventh Five-Year Plan", even if you go to the ministries and commissions, you have to ask.

As a result, Song Yanan had a big belly, and had no more requests. He refused to say anything, and Song Yanan had to be dealt with.

No plan or anything, Zhuang Jianye can hold his teeth through gritted teeth. Over the past few years, Zhuang Jianye doesn’t care. But if Song Yanan is dealt with, let’s not talk about the carbon fiber composite material that has made great progress, but he just got invisible. The material will die immediately.

This loss can be too great.

In addition, Pengchuan, an aviation machinery expert, is also inseparable from the transformation of equipment in the factory, the research and development and assembly of special equipment, and the transformation of numerical control.

Therefore, Zhuang Jianye simply ran to the capital by himself and squatted in front of the office building of the ministries and commissions. He leaned forward without skin and face when he saw a major leader came out. He first took two bags of salted duck eggs from Huancheng, and then he burst into tears. It’s not easy to take off the factory. By the way, I reviewed my negligence in implementing the family planning work, and finally went straight to the topic to ask all the leaders to let it go.

Having been so busy for almost half a month, I finally bored enough with the leaders of several ministries and commissions. He called Zhuang Jianye to criticize and ordered him to earnestly implement family planning work throughout the factory and signed a letter of responsibility with the ministries and commissions. This matter was blocked by Zhuang Jianye's cheeky.

However, there is no heavy responsibility for Peng Chuan and Song Yanan, but the admonition is inevitable.

Peng Chuan was warned by the party, and Song Yanan was removed from the title of researcher at the Materials Research Institute of West Air.

It was lifted high and put down gently, and it did not affect the existing work of the two.

As a result, the two parties did not expect to know that the family planning policy is almost a red line of who touches and dies, and the two are psychologically prepared to accept punishment if it fails.

For this reason, Peng Chuan is ready to go home to farm, and Song Yanan simply prepares to go abroad and start again.

Unexpectedly, their factory director actually took care of the relationship and ran to the capital to help them out. In the end, he was only given a serious punishment. Faced with fines of tens of thousands and expulsion from public office, it was like a spring breeze. It's almost negligible.

But because of this, it goes without saying that the two of them are grateful to Zhuang Jianye. Peng Chuan directly expressed with actions that those who work overtime are more crazy than before.

As for Song Yanan, after receiving the notice of his dismissal from West Air, he asked Zhuang Jianye for a badge for the Ascendas factory, and he never took it off in the next half of his life.

For the sake of talent, Zhuang Jianye would rather postpone the plan, but when a cold came, Zhuang Jianye had no ability to push the disease away.

Speaking of it, I didn’t pay attention when I was in Beijing. I caught the cold. When I returned to Huancheng, when the cold and heat alternated, I immediately caught a bad cold. Otherwise, there are so many things in the factory at the end of the year. Why is this person in charge still at home? The quilt has a good night's sleep.

It's not that I don't want to go, but I feel uncomfortable when I move, take a look? These snots and tears will come down as soon as you say... Damn...

Zhuang Jianye felt that as soon as it came out, a sneeze came out uncontrollably.

Fortunately, Zhuang Jianye opened the quilt in time, otherwise his tears and nose would spray into the quilt, but even so, he still suffered a disaster on his clothes, so he could only wipe it with his handkerchief.

He was busy here, so he heard someone ask outside the living room: "Director Zhuang is awake?"

Then I listened to my wife’s voice: "I have been asleep for two hours after taking the medicine. You should have gotten up. Sit~www.ltnovel.com~ I will go in and have a look."

Before he finished speaking, he heard the sound of getting up, and then the bedroom door was opened. Ning Xiaohui almost laughed when he came in, and quickly took out a handkerchief to help Zhuang Jianye tidy up his clothes: "How old are you, how can you talk to Xiaodu? Like a beep, the nose can still get on your clothes."

Xiao Dudu is Zhuang Jianye’s daughter. Her father was ill and was afraid of infecting her daughter. So Ning Xiaohui sent her to her grandfather Ning Zhishan. However, the ridicule of Zhuang Jianye’s cheeky was nothing at all. He smiled and pointed. There was a slap in the mouth: "Who is here?"

"Director Song's lover, I heard that you are sick, so I came to see you specially!"

With that said, Ning Xiaohui handed Zhuang Jianye a look that you know, and Zhuang Jianye naturally understood that he was saved after stepping on the red line. This was thanks to others who came over through his illness.

So this bed is because I don’t want Lai to make it, so I can only get up and get dressed, and I can meet Song Yanan’s lover in the living room. After a while, I also talked about some local anecdotes about Huancheng. Song Yanan’s lover is a good talker Turning around, he said something that shocked Zhuang Jianye:

"Director Zhuang, I heard that the civil aviation side is going to stop cooperating with Tengfei Factory, don’t you know if you do?"

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