Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 279: A new era of drones

, The fastest update to take off the latest chapter of my aviation era!

Langdon and Mike are dumbfounded, miracle? What miracle? Shouldn’t the Particle Company be the first to test it? How come Colonel Moore got on the operating cabin of Company H?

Until the warhead drone on the runway began to glide, then accelerate, and then jump into the air. If the two of them didn't know that the warhead drone was the latest product of H company, they could really hit and die.

"Mike, tell me, why didn't they use Discovery drones? Tell me!" Langdon grabbed Mike's neck and snarled.

The coffee in Mike's hand is spilled all over, but he doesn't care about it now, because at this moment he also wants to know how company H can make a new drone different from the discovery series.

No way, if this matter is not clear, once H company’s product crushes the particle company’s "sports god" into slag, then he is tantamount to cheating General Motors with fake business intelligence. Ten thousand dollars are going to be lost, and all the wealth he has accumulated in half of his life may be taken in.

Let’s not talk about how Langdon was angry or how Mike’s defense was. Just talk about Colonel Moore sitting in the operating cabin in the operating cabin, holding the same joystick as the airplane in his hand, looking at the display on the front screen. The flight attitude and various data, excited like a child.

Especially on the next screen, the real-time image of the "Eagle Eye" 2 integrated view detection system improved by the Apache armed helicopter integrated photoelectric system was uploaded, and it was even more shocking.

It's not about how real the real-time images are, but the level of clear and recognizable fluency. Not to mention watching the live broadcast, but it's not that bad.

"How did you do it?"

When the bullet drone entered level flight, Colonel Moore pointed to the middle screen and asked Liszt.

"The C-band data link is used within two hundred kilometers, that is, the senior executives of major companies often use video conference terminals, a short-distance data transmission system, which converts various data signals on the plane into analog signals. , Transmitted back to the ground control station, and then controlled by the ground control station according to the signal, with a delay of about ten to twenty seconds."

Hearing that Moore nodded, the middle screen is indeed one card, one card, but it is much better than what he has seen in the Ministry of Justice—1 The real-time transmission image of the drone is not a card, but a pause. , Because the highest delay there reaches two minutes.

Obviously H Company has made improvements to the communication system. Moore can’t help but nodded in satisfaction, but the next moment I remembered that General James had just flew the drone for more than 300 kilometers, and it could land on the base accurately. This distance is already long. Beyond the scope of the C-band data link, he continued to ask: "How did General James achieve long-distance flight?"

"Satellite!" Liszt replied simply.

"Satellite?" Moore frowned in confusion.

"Yes, Colonel, we are using satellites." After saying that, Liszt pointed his finger to the side: "In the cabin next to the car is a complete set of'Trojan Spirit' satellite communication system terminals, using the Army's'Trojan Spirit' Communication satellites relay communication to our bullet-head UAVs to complete the two-way transmission of flight attitude and reconnaissance data.

Of course, the Army’s "Trojan Spirit" communication satellites have only four, not only there are certain blind spots, but the Army’s communication channels are also insufficient. At this time, our bullet-head drones will use the high-frequency data communication channels of commercial communication satellites. In other words, as long as the communication satellites in the sky are still operating normally, our bullet-head drones will swim in the sky without being restricted by the traditional communication distance. "

As soon as these words came out, all the base officers, including Moore, showed surprises. They never expected that the communication satellite technology could be applied to drones, which made the drones never get rid of it before. The kite becomes a free bird that can fly in the sky.

It is important to know that the reason why drones are not widely used in various countries is not to say that drones are not good, nor that countries are not aware of the bright future of drones, but that under existing conditions, the communication distance is limited, so that no one The range of the machine is very awkward.

Take the United States as an example. Even the most powerful ground control station can only control a distance of 500 kilometers at most. There is no way to be affected by signal failure and the curvature of the earth. This distance is already at the limit.

To control the drone to fly farther, it is necessary to set up multiple ground stations to perform relay control similar to aerospace measurement and control.

As a result, the cost of using drones is too high, because such a ground station can become a satellite ground receiving station with a little modification, and the satellite can perform round-the-clock reconnaissance. Why not use more efficient satellites?

what? What if the satellite can't see clearly?

Are so many people driving reconnaissance aircraft built without leaving rust? As for the UAV... let's keep it as a supplement to short-range tactical reconnaissance.

But now, H company not only uses military communication satellites to solve the problem of confidential communication, but also creatively integrates commercial communication satellites. This is equivalent to saying that the long-distance drone control completely gets rid of the shackles of the ground control station. Putting it from the ground into space not only got rid of the long-distance control problem of drones, but also greatly reduced the use cost to an extremely low level.

Because whether it is military or commercial, the service fee for the use of communication satellites is much cheaper than that of ground stations.

As for the technical feasibility of this model, Moore and others are too lazy to even think about it. Military communication satellites are not mentioned. Even commercial communication satellites have very good communication transmission effects. If nothing else, American TV programs can Let the whole world watch ~www.ltnovel.com~ not relying on communication satellites in the sky.

Even TV signals can be sent and received, so can't the transmission of flight data, reconnaissance pictures and even simple factual images that are much smaller than the signal?

All in all, these well-versed officers in the Office of Advanced Research Projects of the Ministry of Defense are too aware of the value of this long-distance control system, because H Company is not just a simple innovation, but a new era of drones.

"Captain Carlos, write this important performance into the test report. Remember, you must write in detail. I believe the generals of the Air Force will be very interested." Colonel Moore, who is still operating the bullet drone, thought I didn't want to just tell an officer with a folder behind him.

The captain named Carlos nodded quickly: "Yes, sir." He picked up the folder and began to write on it.

Moore turned his head back and focused again on the manipulation of the bullet drone. Just as he was holding the joystick and preparing to circle the hills, the screen in front of him suddenly flashed a string of red characters: "There is a target, Attackable!"

Moore was surprised and asked Liszt quickly: "Your drone can really use weapons?"

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