Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 267: Sadness

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Hearing what Zhuang Jianye said, the leader of the aviation system who led the team immediately showed a satisfied smile. This little Zhuang is good and has a good eye. No wonder he can make a small branch factory look like it is now at a young age.

After hearing this, Hong Xiaosong became short of breath, and hurriedly said: "Ventilator, did you also make a ventilator?"

Zhuang Jianye nodded: "Like gas turbines, they all apply the latest aerodynamic technology. Compared with bladeless fans, our Ascendas plant is more focused on improving the health of the people across the country, and using this as the creed, we will continue this business. Go down."

These years, I still don’t know what corporate culture is. When Zhuang Jianye said this, he immediately resonated with people around him. Hong Xiaosong’s eyes were even brighter: "Okay, okay, there is a shortage of responsible companies like you in China. A turbine is a good thing, and a ventilator is a good thing. Especially in the field of emergency, every additional ventilator in the hospital may save a lot of lives. Unfortunately, our country is still very backward in this area. Better ventilators are only It costs tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of dollars to import from abroad, which is too expensive to be popularized by hospitals across the country..."

Hong Xiaosong said it painfully, and everyone around became silent. Until Hong Xiaosong finished speaking, the scene was still quiet and terrible. Only Ju Tao, a person who didn't care about photography, was still holding the camera and pressing the shutter. child.

No way, everyone is human, no one dares to say that this life will not go to the hospital to see a doctor. The quality of the hospital is related to everyone's vital interests. This is why Hong Xiaosong's appeal can resonate with everyone every time. Throw a basket up.

But when I turned around, I realized that it was not easy. I thought that I had more than ten years to go to the hospital when I was old. I shook my head and sighed inwardly. It was better to support Professor Hong mentally.

Today's situation is almost like a mold carved out of Hong Xiaosong's public call for increased investment in medical equipment research and development.

Just when Hong Xiaosong was secretly sighing that it might be wasting his tongue, the expression of Zhuang Jianye beside him suddenly became tangled. He opened his mouth several times and closed it several times. Finally, he gritted his teeth and finally said: "Professor Hong, since the country is medically Equipment is so scarce. As an enterprise dedicated to achieving health for all, I would like to assure you that no matter how high our R&D investment is, the domestic price of the ventilator will never exceed RMB 120,000. The gas turbine plus a full set of accessories can be controlled within 15,000.

At the same time, I also solemnly promise here that after the ventilators of the Ascendas plant are on the market, 50 units will be donated to hospitals in the poor areas of the old and the young to improve the medical level of the backward areas. "

After speaking, he looked at Hong Xiaosong with a look of guilt: "Professor Hong also asks you to be considerate. In the past few years, our company has invested more than 50 million yuan in the research and development of two medical equipment, resulting in a loss of more than 8 million yuan this year. In order to develop more medical equipment, tens of millions of R&D funds are invested every year. There are still hundreds of workers in the factory waiting to eat. I can only spend so much."

The words fell, and Zhuang Jianye's face flushed even more. With the kind of compassionate expression that I will not go to hell, who will go to hell, it just right explains a kind of tragic feeling of killing the enemy but powerless to return to heaven.

The master Ju behind him looked stupid. He said that he was the only one who could justify the loss of the company and his own factory director. Is that okay? There are a lot of leaders around, and the ugliness must not be publicized. It's too late for others to cover their covers. The director of my own factory has said so in the public, so I am not afraid of others' trouble.

Similar thoughts are not only from Master Ju, but there are many people around who think so. There is no way. It is normal for companies to report good news these years. It is normal for companies to report good news and bad news. It is obvious that the loss is so bad that even the **** are gone, but the report still keeps pulling. He got a lot of results, as if he was very good.

But what they don't know is that there is something called a card of sadness, once used cleverly, it is more effective than you blow your results out of the galaxy.

No, Hong Xiaosong, who could still pretend to be calm, finally couldn't hold it this time. He was so excited that he couldn't even speak, holding Zhuang Jianye's hand, just kept patting.

There is no way, senior intellectuals like Hong Xiaosong are the most unbearable to do it knowingly, although the world is full of sadness.

What's more, Hong Xiaosong has been calling for it in recent years, but he has not seen a practical action. Now he has seen Zhuang Jianye spend huge sums of money in research and development silently. In the case of the company's huge losses, he has come up with real things to support the poor, young and old. How could Hong Xiaosong not be moved by the local hospital.

"Good~~Really good~~~"

His lips murmured for a long time, Hong Xiaosong only squeezed out such a few words, then turned around and waved, the secretary next to him hurried over and listened to Hong Xiaosong's instructions: "You will inform the major hospitals in the capital today, and send someone over here tomorrow. The quality of the gas turbines is good and the performance is also very good. Let all the hospitals purchase them to try it. So much money every year is not for them to go outside to earn a commission. Just according to my original words..."

Before he could finish his words, Hong Xiaosong shook his body unconsciously. Obviously he was too excited just now. The old professor was a little bit unbearable. The secretary hurriedly held his arms, responding with his mouth, while hiring other health system officials. Hong Xiaosong helped out.

The incident was a bit sudden, and other leaders had no intention of visiting when they saw it, so they all went to condolences Hong Xiaosong. As for the others, the excitement disappeared naturally.

Zhuang Jianye naturally followed the cadres of the health system to send Hong Xiaosong into the car and he was slightly relieved. As soon as he was about to turn around and go back, he heard a lazy voice behind him:

"Let's play big!"

I turned around and looked at ~www.ltnovel.com~ and I saw that Ning Xiaodong was stubborn, wearing a toad mirror, dangling cigarettes, wearing a windbreaker, dancing in the cold wind of early autumn in Beijing, really very Of...two.

"Do you think your look is awkward?"

"Lao Zhuang, you are good at everything, but this vision is too bad, in the words of my leader Lu, it is not aesthetically good." With that said, he turned around in front of Zhuang Jianye very awkwardly: "The latest model from Hong Kong and Taiwan , The underworld brother comes standard, how about it? Cool!"

"If you have a striped fish on your chest, you will be even more handsome."

"Hey, let's not say, I really wanted to do it like this, but my leader Lu did not agree, so I didn't do it!" Ning Xiaodong smiled and took a cigarette, and then the topic changed: "Things are better than you think. It's much smoother. The township and village enterprises in the southeast coast are rushing to ask for them, and the prices are higher than each. When it comes to you, I think you have paralyzed the leaders. Do you need me to help you drive? , Buddy is also a good person in Beijing."

"You have a great face in your life. Is the pen of a reporter from the University of Pediae great?" Zhuang Jianye said, stunned by Ning Xiaodong's old face.

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