Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 262: opponent

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The so-called military-to-civilian achievements exhibition is obviously a concentrated display of the achievements of higher-level ministries and commissions in order to promote the development of national defense and military enterprises and to promote the reform of military-to-civilian reform.

In fact, it is a new model in which several ministries and commissions take the lead to gather civilian products produced by subordinate national defense and military enterprises and sell them to domestic and foreign distributors.

After all, it was led by the ministries and commissions, and the sales meeting was too explicit and unpleasant. The results fair was not only elegant, but also sounded tall. The key was that domestic and foreign distributors were easy to accept.

When the stunned head and brains break in, several ministries and commissions will secretly work hard. Foreigners are not recruited, but domestic supply and marketing cooperatives, trading companies, and major department stores can’t run away without a bit of blood. Will not let it go.

Seeing that several ministries and commissions have turned into red-eyed hungry wolves for their subordinate defense and military enterprises, the ministries and commissions are uncomfortable, but they would not come up with such an idea if there are other ways to get the subordinate enterprises out of difficulties.

Since the focus of the country’s work has shifted to economic construction, the army has entered a period of endurance. The military orders that were in full swing have quickly tightened, and the lives of various defense and military enterprises have become sad.

Especially in recent years, since military products are priced by the state, they have not changed for many years, but the prices of basic raw materials have been rising year after year, resulting in a small number of military products that have weaker profits. For this reason, many defense and military enterprises In trouble.

Contrary to the ever-tightening military products, the civilian consumer goods market is in high demand. At first glance, various defense and military companies show that the living cannot be suffocated by urine. They have to fill their stomachs, so they have launched civilian products so that companies can tide over this difficulty. .

At first, the various national defense and military industrial enterprises were pretty good. After all, they were basically there, and coupled with the shortage of consumer goods on the market, they did make some money.

In the mid-1980s, with the gradual rise of township and village enterprises in the southeast coast and the overall entry of foreign businessmen, market competition began to intensify, and the internal rigidity and inefficiency of various defense and military enterprises became prominent.

In the competition with township and village enterprises and foreign businessmen, they have repeatedly lost their lives.

As the direct leaders of these companies, a few ministries and commissions are in the eyes and anxious to know that many companies are important pillars of military modernization. If they are collapsed, it will not affect the companies themselves, but the whole of China. national defense.

So they have really thought of a lot of ways, such as establishing a model of transformation like Yonghong Factory; for example, actively introducing management methods from other civilian factories; for example, boldly delegating power to implement the factory director responsibility system...

But no matter what method is used, the effect seems to be not very good. Seeing that more and more factories are in trouble, in desperation, several ministries and commissions simply work together to organize a trade fair, attract a few buyers, sell the things, and go first. Let's talk about it after this level.

It stands to reason that such a trade fair aimed at helping military enterprises in difficulty, nothing happened with Tengfei factory, first Tengfei factory is not a national defense factory from beginning to end; second, Tengfei factory has always been a famous exporter Large households can't stick to business difficulties.

But this happened by accident at the Tengfei factory, but the Yonghong factory did. Although the Yonghong factory was kicked out of the key military insurance list, it is not strictly a national defense military industry enterprise, but the Yonghong factory is a large enterprise established by the ministry. A model of successful transformation and turning losses into profits.

In order to set an example and pass on experience to other defense and military enterprises, the Ministry specially approved Yonghong Factory to participate.

Yonghong Factory can participate. As a nominal subsidiary factory, Ascendas Factory can also participate. Moreover, the Ascendas Factory is expected to lose more than 8 million yuan this year. It is considered that the difficult enterprise is also accounted for, so one entry The coupon was taken as it should be.

Carrying samples, I took Liu Chun and Master Ju into the Beijing Exhibition Center. I was taken aback by the excitement inside. I saw that there were many booths, crowds, and a wide variety of products.

There are light industrial products such as color TVs and refrigerators; there are also imitations such as clothing and fabrics; home appliances such as toys and furniture; and there are three major items such as sewing machines, bicycles and watches.

That's all, there are biscuits, toffee and ice cream in it.

In particular, the company that exhibited ice cream actually put up a banner on the booth, which read "The 10th North American Cold Drink Festival Special Gold Award".

The three of them almost didn't laugh when they saw it. You know if the Ascendas factory nowadays, did Zhuang Jianye turn the 23rd branch of the factory back into profit with an award, and some young people who entered the factory even took it. Regarded as a classic.

Now that I see other factories playing this stalk, I don’t feel full of black humor.

However, the people in that company didn't know. Some people from Zhuang Jianye kept looking at them, and pointed out that the merchant was interested in them. The staff hurriedly brought some ice cream to let Zhuang Jianye and others taste it.

Zhuang Jianye and Liu Chun are okay. Master Ju’s mouth is poisoned, and he nodded with a bite, “Yes, it’s worse than the ice cream of our factory who won the gold medal of the 6th Pacific Rim Cold Drink Competition.”

After listening, the staff member immediately hid his face and left.

After eating ice cream and teasing Master Ju, a few people came to the exhibition area of ​​electric fans. At a rough glance, there was no seventy, and there was fifty. There is no way that electric fans are low-tech in home appliances. The key to a large audience is that the profit margin is still high.

The price of an ordinary floor fan is one hundred and twenty yuan, and one with a little decoration and function is about one hundred and five dollars up, which is almost the same as grabbing money.

Therefore, if there are more companies, the competition will naturally increase.

Zhuang Jianye and the others just appeared at their booth and were assembling their own samples. A middle-aged man wearing a light gray suit and a Mediterranean hairstyle came over with a smile, and began to say hello from a long distance away: "Oh, Isn't this Director Zhuang? I heard that you didn't sell the aircraft model abroad? Why did you come to grab food with us little guys?"

He laughed very kindly~www.ltnovel.com~ and his attitude was very enthusiastic, but it was awkward how to hear this.

However, Zhuang Jianye has long been used to it. Meng Jianglin, the director of the State-owned 517 Factory, is a genuine national defense and military industry enterprise that mainly produces submarine batteries and other shipboard electronic equipment.

It stands to reason that one is stirring food at sea and the other is begging for food from the sky. The two factories are simply out of reach, but these two unrelated factories are the biggest competitors in the field of electric fans.

At first, Zhuang Jianye used refrigeration equipment to bundle the sales of ceiling fans, coupled with the distribution of Ningjia brother and sister Edelweiss Home Appliances Exhibition Center, supplemented by five consecutive days of non-stop operation, and quickly won the market in many provinces.

The electric fans produced by Meng Jianglin's state-owned 517 factory were defeated steadily.

However, as the Ascendas factory was claimed by foreign investors, and the backyard was unstable in this system, Meng Jianglin launched a public opinion offensive and immediately wiped out the advantages of Ascendas factory and became the leader in this field again.

So don't look at the two people laughing on their faces. In fact, they can't wait to strangle each other. The so-called enemies are extremely jealous when they meet.

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