Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 260: Young Eagle "Habi"

After saying that Weisberg jumped into the "badger" armored vehicle, Barack was stunned and said nothing, and got in before the vehicle started.

Not shocked, of course very shocked, especially when the four squads of the combat reconnaissance battalion released a total of eight such weird aircraft and carried out go-around attacks, Barak’s shock was not much less than that of Shaojin. , I really think that South Africa has an incredible weaponry. Otherwise, with Weisberg’s ability, he would definitely not expose himself to the enemy, and would cover his head and rush in when he knew it was encircled by the enemy.

However, the battle went on for a while, especially when Barack carefully watched Weisberg re-assemble and release the amazingly weird aircraft in order to supplement other teams of the same kind who fell to the ground due to operational problems in order to maintain dense When attacking the rhythm.

Barak's heart pounding from shock was only slightly calmed down.

It is undeniable that seeing this kind of thing for the first time is indeed very horrible, that kind of air strike-style ground strike can really make the attacked party misjudge.

Fortunately, Barack was not attacked, so he saw more clearly that what Weisberg released was not so much a missile, but rather a manipulable attack aircraft that could be remotely controlled.

The charge inside is very simple, it is a typical hollow charge piercing warhead, and it is also the cheapest touch fuze, because Barack saw an aircraft that failed the go-around, but the whole shot was taken on the ground. There is no explosion, and it is still very sure to make a second judgment based on his rich experience.

And because it is a top cover attack, the charge is not very large, so the aircraft is particularly flexible and light, so that it can be thrown off by hand.

However, the white phosphorus incendiary aircraft is not so convenient. Because the warhead is too heavy, it needs to install a rocket booster to take off from a simple guide rail. However, these things are very convenient to assemble and disassemble. A pickup truck, Two or three people can do it easily.

However, relative to the flexible release and operation, the most interesting thing for Barack is the aircraft itself. The cylindrical fuselage is equipped with a wide delta wing. The small power engine at the tail drives a smart propeller. Except for the obvious upturning of the two wing tips, there are only two vertical tails on the tail for balance, and there is no protruding place. At first glance, it looks weird and weird.

But such a weird guy showed extraordinary mobility in the air. Whether it was climbing or diving, it was able to do well, especially when it attacked, it was almost perpendicular to the target.

Others may not think anything, but Barak, who has participated in special training of the Israeli Air Force, has a second-class military aircraft piloting certificate, and obtained a bachelor's degree in aeronautical engineering from Bethlehem University in Israel, knows that aircraft, especially those in the atmosphere, To do this without stalling, the aerodynamic layout requirements of the aircraft are quite high.

What's more, if the target is missed, the aircraft will go up and go around under the control of the remote control. You must know that the aircraft is very close to the ground at this time, plus the acceleration during the dive. It is not easy, but this aircraft can easily make complex maneuvers thanks to its excellent aerodynamic layout.

Of course, operating errors, except for those shot on the ground.

In any case, under such actual combat conditions, a 30% missed approach rate has shown that this aircraft has excellent performance. However, under Barak’s rough calculation, its missed approach rate exceeds 40%, which is close to 50%. This is not excellence, but excellence.

However, no matter how excellent this aircraft is, its own shortcomings are still obvious. First of all, the number of releases has always remained at eight. Obviously, the interference between each other makes this aircraft unable to launch attacks in batches.

This also leads to the second point. There is mutual interference between each other, which proves that its anti-interference is very poor. This is also in the indigenous battlefields of Africa, placed in the Middle East, in the complex electromagnetic environment, this kind of aircraft can How effective it is is really a question.

Finally, the training level of Weisberg and others is the level of training. It is obvious that they are also rushed into battle. The error rate of controlling the aircraft is quite high. Fortunately, Weisberg is smart enough to add one immediately after a fall. There are always eight aircraft hovering in the sky, not only disturbing the tribal soldiers on the front line, but also making the Soviet commanders hiding behind them stare at Venus.

As the so-called layman is watching the excitement and the expert watching the doorway, he is also a foreign military consultant. Because Shao Jin only focuses on army armored warfare, he is not familiar with the aviation field. He sees a steady stream of aircraft circling and occasionally goes around and attacks again When I met the killer of South Africa, I lost my chance in a panic.

From a professional point of view, Barak quickly came up with the pros and cons of this kind of aircraft, as well as the basic method of dealing with it. Although the two people are in different positions, there will be some differences in the perspective of the problem, but if Barak is placed in Shao Regarding Kim's position, it is really hard to say what the outcome of today's battle will be.

This is the conclusion that Weisberg came to after listening to Barack’s talk about the advantages and disadvantages of the "attacker" drone, because in combat, Weisberg was able to show Barack his killer skills from I never told him a word about the "attacker" drone.

And these advantages and disadvantages, Barak has observed so accurately in a short battle, it has to be said that it is not unreasonable that Israel can strike a piece of the world in the Middle East.

Because of this, after defeating the forty-fourth battle group of the Tribal Army, Weisberg no longer supported him. After listening to Barak’s objective evaluation of the "attacker" drone, he nodded humbly, and then Question: "In that case, what do you think we should do now?"

"Taking advantage of the fact that the tribal army did not master the performance of the'attacker' drone, they quickly tore the opening to Zambia here, and contacted the Eastern Front Group to support as soon as possible. All this must be fast, the longer the'attacker' Unexpected drones will be greatly weakened. Once the Soviet advisers of the tribal army have a general understanding of its performance, it will be really difficult to break through."

Barak was very pertinent. Weisberg nodded in agreement. He could ask the tribal army to surprise the tribal army. The problem is that the Soviet consultant is not an idiot. You can do it once or twice. The "attacker" UAV has the disadvantages, so the most urgent thing is to build it and close it. Taking advantage of the torn opening of the 44th battle group of the tribal army, it is to quickly cover the main retreat.


The development of the subsequent battle was indeed as expected by Barack. Weisberg used the "attacker" drone to hit the tribal army by surprise. After successfully establishing a retreat channel, the Soviet advisers immediately became alert and collected them from the battlefield. The wreckage of the "attacker" drone, coupled with observations in actual combat, soon discovered the shortcomings of this drone ~www.ltnovel.com~ So the 14.5mm anti-aircraft machine gun and high-power electronic jamming equipment were immediately available On the front line, the UAV attack tactics that Weisberg relied on for fame suddenly failed, but at this time the Eastern Front Group of the Alliance Army had already withdrawn the main force to Zambia.

The Soviet Union’s air defense weapons and electronic jamming equipment are still one step too late.

Regardless, the outstanding contributions made by the "Attacker" drone in this tribal army retreat are indisputable facts. Due to the excellent price-performance ratio of the "Attacker" drone, the South African military did not hesitate to Company H has an additional order of 2,500.

Not only that, as the coalition forces retreated to Zambia, Barak was not idle. Combined with the observation and in-depth understanding of the "attacker" drone during this period, he submitted a 16-page report to the Israeli staff.

It put forward a bold vision of using drones as a multi-functional attack platform, and based on this, recommended the "attacker" drones in the hands of South Africa to the Israeli "Habi" project team.

The reason is that its excellent aerodynamics, concise aerodynamics and unparalleled modification potential, like a young eagle, is the natural platform for the "Habi" project!

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