Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 253: Flight design software

Tan Zhen couldn't believe his eyes. He took the document and read it several times. Then he laughed and picked up the microphone again, and said to Zhuang Jianye on the other side of the phone: "Okay, very good. With this thing, what? Don't be afraid."

Tan Zhen called hello here, but Liao Kai was so angry that he almost scolded his mother.

Originally, seeing that Tengfei Factory didn’t have a foreign trade order in the first half of the year, Liao Kai was going to start slaughtering a fat. It was just as he was ready to do it. Tengfei Factory not only received foreign trade orders, but also became the place where six ministries and commissions jointly issued documents. Special enterprises to support and protect.

Liao Kai's tiger's mouth was opened, but he didn't rush to put a spiked mace in his mouth, dare to bite? Leak your mouth.

Since it can't move, let it go first, anyway, Huancheng is not only one soaring factory!

Liao Kai comforted herself in this way, slowly removing her mouth from Tengfeichang’s neck, which was considered a temporary relief.


Different from Tan Zhen's unexpected joy and Liao Kai's disappointment and scolding his mother, Zhuang Jianye felt that Tengfei Factory was included in the list of special industries by six ministries and commissions as expected.

To the extent that the UAV platform of the Ascendas Plant is really awesome, it is enough to make several ministries have to pay attention.

It is the special technology introduction channel hidden behind the UAV at Ascendas Factory, which prevents the huge industrial chain behind it from causing any problems with Ascendas.

Let’s not talk about the Flight Machinery Research Institute, which has achieved a phased breakthrough in fly-by-wire flight control. Let’s talk about the Aeronautical Computer Research Institute led by Qin Hongjun, the youngest senior engineer of the ministries and commissions, the current IBM flight control computer, and other related topics. The core components are provided by Ascendas factory.

If something goes wrong with the takeoff factory, the IBM flight control computer imitation work that is at a critical moment will suffer a major setback. If that is the case, Qin Hongjun, who is devoted to the development of domestic flight control computers, will give up his work in ministries and agencies. Heart has it.

You know, Qin Hongjun, a returnee studying in France, is not easy. Otherwise, when other people in the ministries and commissions didn’t know that the fly-by-wire control was led by Guo Xiaobo’s Flight Machinery Research Institute, he foreseeably climbed Guo Xiaobo and helped the flight smoothly. Computer Research Institute won the sub-project of flight control computer imitation.

In a word, it is not simple behind others.

If such an uncomfortable person is desperate, who can stand it?

What's more, even if Qin Hongjun didn't work hard, if the Tengfei Factory was tossed down, the No. 10 project team would have to come to the tossing people to work hard.

Because the fly-by-wire flight control project of the Flight Machinery Research Institute has been recognized by the No. 10 project team, it has become the basic blueprint for the airborne fly-by-wire control system of the new generation of domestic fighters.

This is terrible. You must know that the significance of the No. 10 Project is not measurable by a few bad money. It is an important arms development project that really has the sky, and is concerned by the heads of the headquarters.

If the progress of this project is delayed for some reason, the consequences can be imagined.

What's more, the connection between the Ascendas Plant and the No. 10 Project is not just an indirect connection established through the Fetion Machinery Research Institute. Not long ago, the two sides broke the dimension wall and established a real direct connection.

The reason is simple. The original aircraft design software and supporting computers of Dassault Company of France obtained by Ascendas Plant from H Company allowed the No. 10 project team to completely let go of its reservations and directly swarmed Ascendas Plant into its arms.

As the last of the three big gift packages given by H Company to the Ascendas plant, the original aircraft design software of Dassault of France is simply an artifact in the aircraft design world. Before this software came out, aircraft design could only be used in a flat form. The drawing pen and slide rule are drawn line by line on the drawing, which is time-consuming and laborious. Many structures cannot be fully displayed, resulting in structural defects.

With Dassault’s aircraft design software, not only the aircraft design is separated from drawings and digitized, but the three-dimensional structure design of the aircraft also allows designers to fully grasp the structure of the aircraft and avoid structural defects.

All in all, this is a pretty good thing.

The only certainty is that the price is too expensive and the purchase conditions are too harsh.

No way, the French are very fond of putting on the profile of the Gallic nobility in areas where they have an advantage. Can things be sold? Of course it can be sold! But you must give the money in place; we have to negotiate the terms.

All in all, it is one sentence, the contract text should be thick, and the money should be thicker.

It’s just that the French Gaul noble genealogy can be displayed with anyone, but it’s not easy to use in front of Americans. You must know that the aircraft design software used by the United States is not worse than that of France, but for some reasons. , The United States banned the export of advanced aircraft design software, which made the Dassault Mountains in France without tigers and the monkey king.

If the French dare to barter their teeth with the Americans, Lao Mei can teach Lao Fa from the depths of his soul how to behave. Therefore, when Liszt bought this batch of French Dassault’s aircraft design software, it was like going to McDonald’s to buy a hamburger. It was easy and fast. ~~~ Chanted.

Since it's easy to get it, it doesn't hurt to throw it out. Although Tengfei Factory knows that this thing is very good, it didn't take much effort to bring it, so it didn't take it to heart.

Even Zhuang Jianye, who is knowledgeable, did not dare to show things up because of carbon fiber composite materials. If this thing is popularized by several major domestic research institutes through special channels, you can find it by yourself. It looks good, so be prepared to wait for a while.

On the contrary, after feeling the convenience of the aircraft design software, Lin Guanghua told his wife Tang Lili about getting the Ascendas factory to the original aircraft design software and supporting computer of Dassault in France after returning home. Again.

Tang Lili, who had just put the child to sleep, took Lin Guanghua out of the room without saying anything. After asking the details, she gave the child to the old man at home to watch. She and Lin Guanghua went to the Tengfei factory overnight and saw After Dassault’s original aircraft design software and the powerful functions of the supporting computer, they immediately reported to the No. 10 project team.

In the afternoon of the next day, several persons in charge of the No. 10 project team gathered at the Tengfei factory~www.ltnovel.com~. Because of the suddenness of the incident, Zhuang Jianye was taken aback. After watching the original Dassault aircraft of France design software

After the demonstration with the supporting computer, I was even more excited and shouted hello.

It’s no wonder that these people in charge would be like this. When I saw Northwestern using this software to design a fighter bomber, the No. 10 Project thought it was a good thing, and wanted to find a French to buy it for Project No. 10.

As a result, the French ask for a high price, and the additional conditions are even more terrible. Others are okay. The most unacceptable thing is that the French Dassault Company wants to back up the design data of the No. 10 project because it is theirs. International practice.

The No. 10 project is a key weapon of the country. It is related to the development of domestic air power in the next few decades. How can it be possible to give people the core design data? So you came and I talked with each other for more than a year and there was no result.

Just when the No. 10 project team was preparing to end this long marathon, and determined to use drawing pens and slide rules to make a new generation of fighter planes, they heard that the Ascendas plant suddenly obtained a batch without any additional conditions. Dassault’s original flight design software, the heads of the No. 10 project team are not excited. That’s the hell.

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