Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 248: 1 sent to soul

"Yes, sir, you should know that Zhuang's character is cautious, and he will not send this thing without certain results." Liszt said seriously after hearing the words.

   Lindemann nodded slightly, and then asked, "Is our technology okay?"

   Liszt smiled confidently: "No problem at all!"

   "Well, hehe, a certain southern African country, they are used to being a maverick, I believe this maverick thing suits their taste."

   Lindeman pulled the very uncomfortable tie at the talk, and the waiter behind him who was pushing the wheelchair met him, and he reminded him with a careful look: "Sir, you have to go to the party soon..."

"When I went to the TM party, I was the vice president of the Veterans Association, and the chairman of the board of H Company. I am not an arms dealer who bought and sold. I asked them to come and beg me." Before the voice was over, Lindeman tore off the tie, and then Unlocking the button on my neck, I breathed a sigh of relief, tilted my head and said to the waiter: "Tell them that I'm not feeling well, so I won't go."

After dismissing the waiter, Lindemann looked at Liszt again and ordered with a veteran's unique wisdom: "You can maximize your imagination and use this thing to create a variety of attack methods, um... According to this idea of ​​mine, you will catch it yourself, and let Zhuang send out two immediately, no... eight such drone platforms will come over. I will stage a firework show in two weeks."

   "Okay, sir, I will do it!" Liszt nodded, and immediately left Lindemann's New York residence with his bag.


   In a desert in central Colorado, on an interstate highway across the United States, a black Chevrolet station wagon passed through the dim next door at high speed, leaving a roar.

Plunvit looked at the endless wilderness scenery outside the window, and his water chestnut face could not help showing a rare touch of warmth, and then involuntarily said to Weisberg next to him: "Really, this reminds me of the Northern Cape. Dun, where is it like this, the sky is high and the cloudless desert makes me feel like going home."

   Weisberg, squinting at the side, shrugged nonchalantly: "The problem is that there is no gold here, so it is destined to only have sand here."

After speaking, he straightened up, sighed, and complained to Planvit: "But fortunately, we can go home after watching the effect demonstration of H Company. Seriously, the air in the United States is worse than in South Africa. It’s too far, even Angola is a hundred times fresher than here, no matter where there is war, I feel purer than here!"

Planvit, who was still a little bit literate, broke his face when he heard this. They should have returned to South Africa half a month ago, whether it was going to the frontline of Angola to participate in the civil war, or in Cape Town. It is better to enjoy the rare holiday sunshine on the coast than to stay in a place like the United States chasing fame and fortune.

But just before their departure, they suddenly received a notice from a U.S. non-governmental organization that secretly assisted them, hoping that they could stay in the U.S. for two more weeks. The reason was that Company H had developed a new weapon and was going to give them two weeks later Show.

   If another department informs them, Planvitt and Weisberg would not even care about it. As the descendants of the Boers who once dared to challenge the British Empire, they do not lack the courage of a hard-working superpower.

   Otherwise, I heard that the Soviet Union was hiding behind, disturbing the current situation in Angola, and preparing to expand its presence in southern Africa. The South African authorities plunged head-on and confronted the other pole of the world without compromising.

   However, people in Gang can inevitably have short mouths and short hands.

   South Africa is not lacking in courage, but due to its national strength, it is difficult to confront the Angolan tribal armed forces backed by the Soviet Union. Unfortunately, South Africa has been sanctioned by the international arms embargo because of its domestic ethnic policy, making South Africa even more unable to intervene in the Angolan civil war.

   At this time, a certain American non-governmental organization made its debut. As a private organization, they bypassed sanctions and secretly gave South Africa funds, weapons and even advanced technology support, thus quickly stabilizing South Africa’s decline in Angola.

Because of this, Plonvit and Weisberg can ignore others, but they have to consider the few foreign aid workers in South Africa. Even if this makes the two pure Boers uncomfortable, they still stay ignorant of their conscience. .

   It’s just that the sense of the instigator’s H Company is really bad.

Even the somewhat literate and optimistic Planvitt is like this, so after hearing what Weisberg said, he sank a face and said rudely: "I swear, even if they take out the atomic bomb, I will I don’t know how to buy it intentionally. Although I use American money, I have never seen such a despicable company."

"Don't worry, H company is relying on Lindeman's influence. Didn't that American NGO say that as long as we stay, we can see it. We decide whether to buy or not. They are just to return the forest. Deman is only a favor. There is no way that the old man’s connections are a bit scary."

   "What? Are you scared?" Plunvit heard this and turned to look at Weisberg.

   "Afraid?" Weisberg smiled unusually, but looked a little cold: "I once led the Angolan Union army to kill two battalions of the tribal army, killing more than 400 people, would I be afraid of an old man?

Besides, the Mike that you bought before is not talking about it. Company H is a flashy gimmick, what is called a poor man’s missile, my dear Mr. Pravet, the Republic of South Africa has its own military industry, and we have no shortage of production. In contrast to weapons and equipment, we need more technology. How do you think we will choose? "

   "Fortunately ~www.ltnovel.com~ The company can't hear us, otherwise they will be mad." Pravet smiled happily.

   Weisberg nodded: "Even if they can't hear it, they will feel it later. I really don't know how such an arrogant and arrogant company survived until now?"

"Okay, don't say anything, we're almost here... Huh? What is that? A tank? It's an M48. What does this mean? Don't they give up and want to accept these second-hand equipment eliminated by the US military from us?" Lavitt was about to enter the shooting range set up by H Company here, and quickly stopped Weisberg's complaints. After all, he had to show courtesy enthusiasm when meeting.

   But before he finished speaking, he found a moving tank outside the car, and he couldn't help but wonder.

   Weisberg took off his sunglasses when he heard the words, and shook his head after looking at it for a moment: "No!" Then he pointed to the sky: "Look, the aircraft on the tank."

Prawitt raised his eyes and found out that there was indeed a weird triangular aircraft circling the M48 tank directly above the moving M48 tank. Prawitt was about to stop the driver and wanted to take a closer look with the telescope. When the hovering aircraft suddenly swooped down, it plunged vertically towards the top armor of the M48 tank.

Just listening to the explosion of "Boom~~", a burst of black smoke erupted from the M48 tank that was still driving. Prawitt and Weisberg were frightened, and at this moment, a tweeter came from behind: " Dear sirs, what I just showed you is the exclusive skill of the attacker drone-one shot into the soul!"

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