Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 244: No one can build an airplane

As soon as the three words "poor quality" came out of Wang Song's mouth, Liu Aiguo's heart clicked, and when he quickly opened the file on his hand, his head buzzed and he felt like the sky was spinning.

   The hand holding the document trembles involuntarily: "This...this...how is this possible..."

It’s no wonder that Liu Paiguo is like this. The content on the document is really too horrible. One is that when a certain unit used an attack drone produced by the Shensong factory for adaptability training, it just got up before the plane took off, and it crashed. Fortunately, the two soldiers hid quickly and got into the bunker next to them ahead of time.

If the first one can barely be said to be an accident, the impact of the other is so great that the headquarters invites military attaches from several friendly countries to watch a military report on exercises. The force is to showcase its modernization in recent years. As a result, the drone produced by the Shensong factory was taken out to perform a collective raid.

   The content is nothing more than a replica of Zheng Quanli's red-blue confrontation exercise at the headquarters when five blue drones knocked out the Red Army artillery company.

The idea is really good, and the effect should be able to shock the audience. As a result, the unit reported that they did this on the day of the exercise. Well, the five attack drones crashed into each other as soon as they went to the sky. Before the surprise attack, they crashed into parts. .

That's all, one of them was intact enough to fly out, but when it reached the attack location, the attack drone that originally attacked vertically seemed to have been cursed. It disintegrated in the air, and the broken parts fell directly into the distance to observe. The area is less than two meters away.

   immediately scared the leader of the unit into a cold sweat. Fortunately, in order to report on the exercise, they removed the warhead equivalent to the power of 122mm shells, otherwise the two-meter distance was guaranteed to cause casualties to military officers from various countries in the observation area.

But this is the case, and it can't conceal the shame of the report exercise. So the headquarters was furious and suspended all unmanned attack aircraft training. At the same time, it sent a team of experts in the army to investigate the cause of the accident, and at the same time notified the production plant to stop the production of similar products. , Wait until the expert group enters the production plant to reach a conclusion.

   The documents in Liu Aiguo's hand are the notice of the entry of the expert group and the notification of the two training incidents attached to it.

   I almost hurt someone together, and lost face in another case abroad. Once this is done, Shensong Factory still wants to enter the key military insurance list? Whether the factory can be kept or not is unknown. Will Liu Aiguo not tremble.

But anyway, Liu Aiguo was also a person who rolled over in the storm. He could develop the Shensong Factory from a small military factory with no name to a large factory with an output value of 10 million. If Liu Aiguo had no ability, he would not be able to do so. Big thing.

So after the initial panic, I quickly calmed down and shook his head at Wang Song: "Impossible. What is the quality of the factory? You Xiao Wang still doesn't know. Every process is strictly in accordance with the production specifications. Last year The "Regulations on the Quality Management of Military Products" issued by the National Defense Science and Technology Commission has been vigorously implemented in the factory. Not only military products are produced according to this system, but civilian products are no exception. This is obvious to all."

"Yes, Director Wang, our craft room has clear quality requirements for the number of screws and threads. Some parts would be scrapped instead of improvised if there is a problem in the processing of some parts. If it weren't for our strict quality management, deep loosening It’s impossible for the factory’s products to be sold nationwide. I would never believe that we have quality problems."

   As soon as Liu Aiguo's words fell, the craftsman over there pledged to make sure that he was even more decisive than Liu Aiguo. It seems that Wang Song's questioning of the quality of Shensong Factory's products just now was an insult to him.

In fact, this is indeed the case. Although the Shensong factory imitates others, but the quality is very good, and some products are even better than the original factory. It is based on this low price and high quality method. Only the pine factory can be profitable in the civilian market.

   This is the case with civilian products, not to mention military products with higher quality requirements.

Wang Song's tense expression gradually eased when he heard this. In fact, after receiving the notice, he did not believe that there would be problems with the quality of the Shensong factory. Although he had worked at the Shensong factory for a few years, he was more honest about the quality of the Shensong factory. He had seen it with his own eyes, so he also felt that the two incidents in the report were more likely to be caused by improper training of the troops, and had nothing to do with the quality of the Shensong Factory.

So when Wang Song listened to Liu Aiguo and the director of craftsmanship, his tone was finally not hard: "As long as the quality is okay, but I can remind you that the specifications of the expert group are very high this time, and there is little chance. No need to drill."

"Look at what you said. The quality of our factory is Jinshan that can't be beaten by iron. There is nothing good to drill. I dare not say anything else. As far as quality is concerned, few factories in the country can compare to the subsonic factory. "Liu Aiguo didn't speak, the director of craftsmanship patted his chest and spoke directly.

Liu Aiguo did not comment on the words of the director of craftsmanship. He stretched out his hand and patted Wang Song on the shoulder: "Okay, the expert group will arrive tomorrow at the earliest. Let's drink first today. No matter how high the standard of the expert group is, we are still human. Is there any room for us tomorrow? Say it again."

   said that the triangle eyes narrowed into a slit, and he hugged Wang Song and walked outside the workshop.


I have to say that Liu Aiguo is really a good hand at the wine table. With both sides, Wang Song's last worries were thrown into naughty by the wine. When the expert team arrived at the Shensong factory the next day, he would He completely became a member of Liu Aiguo's side, and followed them to maximize the advantages of pretending to be grandchildren.

All kinds of flattery, all kinds of top hats, kept on the heads of several expert group members, and there is only one central idea, that is, the quality of the deep-song factory is absolutely no problem. Just look at it, let's talk in detail, let's go to the second session of the city guest house.

The panelists seem to be really confused by Liu Aiguo’s set of grandsons and the flattering combo boxing. Except for carefully checking the quality inspection report of the craftsmanship department, the rest of the investigation is just as perfunctory and perfunctory. Even Liu Aiguo felt a bit like a joke.

   It's just that his heart is full of joy in this way. The more perfunctory the expert group, the safer they are in the deep loose factory.

But without a clear statement from the expert group, his heart still couldn't let go, so when the expert group came out of the workshop, Liu Aiguo looked like a pug, licking his face and asked the leader of the expert group: "Leader, look at us. Can the factory resume production?"

   "Production? You are talking about unmanned attack aircraft!" The expert group leader asked in surprise~www.ltnovel.com~ Yes! "Liu Aiguo nodded.

   "In my opinion, you should stop completely, you can't make that thing!" The expert group leader said bluntly.

   Liu Aiguo didn't react for a while, and he grinned and argued: "Our factory can make it. Didn't you guys read the quality report of the craftsmanship department? Our quality is fine."

"Yes, your quality is very good," the expert group leader nodded and admitted, but immediately changed the conversation: "But your technology is not good enough, let alone other, the layout of the tailless delta is not a simple one. Just a triangle is over. How to deal with the overall stability is not something you can do with two carpenters; there are wing-body fusion, which can not be formed with a few hammers... Oh, yes, you guys Do you know the wing-body fusion?"

Liu Aiguo and Wang Song both shook their heads blankly, and the expert team leader smiled bitterly: "Well, let’s not talk about it yet. Your remote control device is also very problematic. I think the original drone of the airborne unit. However, an imported analog chip is used inside, which has a certain signal anti-interference ability, and yours is a simple model remote control, one is okay, and more signals will inevitably interfere with each other..."

Speaking of the expert team leader, he looked at his watch, and then said: "Okay, it's late, so I won't go to dinner. You still think about how to explain to the above. Airplanes...It's really not anyone can make it. of."

   Before the words were over, the members of the expert group got into the car and walked away in the dumb eyes of Liu Aiguo and others...

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