Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 1625: Too shocking

   Obviously, Hindustan Airlines has to pay tribute to China no matter what it does. It is still unknown whether China can take off.

There are many examples of Hindustan Airlines. Some have introduced a full set of process production lines and materials. Some simply handed over the finished product processing to China's Ascendas production. In short, they want to be committed to the manufacturer of this material of aluminum-lithium alloy. They are all the leeks in China's Tengfei vegetable garden, whether to cut or not, it all depends on the mood of China's take-off.

Of course, this is not the point. The point is that after the earthquake in the W area, China's Ascendas related product lines did not suffer losses as the outside world said. That's it.

Others may not know much, but Maralne, who is familiar with Evans, knows a little bit. Now that China takes off in raw materials, key aviation components, industrial products, and special processing equipment, it still maintains a strong production capacity and dominance. Under such circumstances, it is unbelievable to say that China’s take-off has been hit hard, and that it will be devastated from then on.

   However, China's major aircraft production plants are concentrated in the southwestern region adjacent to the W area. If the earthquake has no impact on this, Malarner is also suspicious.

  Since there are doubts on the left and right, it is better to take a look in person. After all, this may be the last hope of F&K Transmission System.

   "I've decided, I'd better take a trip in person. After all, the current F&K Transmission System Company can't get orders in Europe, so even if I don't go to Asia now, I will arrange a similar itinerary later this year!"

   As he said, Maralne looked at the administrative director in his arms: "Of course, you can stay with me so you don't have to worry about my wife."

"No, my dear, I heard that there are no refrigerators and air conditioners, and the roads are muddy. You know, my requirements for life are very exquisite. I am afraid I will go crazy when I go there!" Just refuse without thinking.

   There is nothing in Malal, but I sighed in my heart. I have to say that the public opinion in Europe and America is really strong. The country has already produced large civilian airliners comparable to Boeing and Airbus. How can the overall situation be worse?

   But the media still label a certain country as poor and backward every day, and I don’t know what those people’s heads are. Is Chengdu shit?

   Malal sneered in his heart, glanced at the executive in his arms, and made his final determination.


   "Sorry, sir, there are currently no flights to Jinguancheng, you can choose to land elsewhere!"

At Mordu Pudong International Airport, Malarne, who had just landed before the jet lag, came to the consultation window of the airport with an assistant to ask about the flight to Jinguancheng. It’s a pity that it’s not Jinguancheng. There are no recent flights to the neighboring Sin Chew.

   When inquiring about the specific situation, the airport only gave one sentence: "The flight was cancelled due to the adjustment of the route." Then...there was no more.

If others don’t think much about it, after all, there are many uncertainties about flights, but who is in Maralne, as a veteran who has dealt with major aviation manufacturers and airlines for many years, depends on the ambiguous words of the airport. , It is guessed that the aviation hubs in Jinguancheng and Sinzhou should be opened to earthquake rescue forces first.

But this speculation just came out of his head, and Malal was shocked in his heart. You must know that Jinguan City is the center of the southwest region and the hub of the aviation hub. The scale is no less than that of several core airports in Europe. It stands to reason that the carrying capacity is very large, and it is impossible to cancel all pure civil aviation unless the aviation force used for earthquake relief is to a certain extent, so that the airport has no extra energy to look after pure civil aviation.

To be honest, this idea of ​​Maralne just came out, and I think it is a bit absurd. If it is the United States, Maralne can still accept it. After all, the United States has a well-developed aviation industry and the number of aircraft is extremely high. It is really possible to squeeze the super large-scale hub airport.

   There is no way, but I played the Berlin crisis in 1948; in 1973, he led the existence of the "five cents" operation to support Israel.

  How can there be such a strong aviation strength in China?

But regardless of whether Malarnet believed it or not, the fact that the direct flight to Jinguancheng was cancelled was something he could not change, so he took the map from his assistant and found a core city closer to Jinguancheng. , Pointing to the location of the city and saying in English to the waiter at the information desk: "Here, are there any flights here?"

   "Chang'an?" The waiter took a look: "Wait a moment..."

   Immediately checked on the computer, and then looked up: "The nearest flight is at two in the afternoon, do you want to make a reservation?"

   "Yes!" Maralne nodded without hesitation.


When I arrived in Chang'an, it was almost dinner time. Malarne found a hotel and rested for the night. After preparing the necessary materials the next morning, he rented an off-road vehicle from the rental company and hired a guide by the way. Start to follow the high-speed south into Shu.

   Rescue teams from all over the country filled the lanes along the way. They had trucks to transport disaster relief materials, and there were professional rescue teams from various places, but more of them were temporary rescue teams spontaneously formed by the people.

   They either drove a pickup truck, or a private car, or simply drove an agricultural vehicle to gather in the W area without hesitation.

   Although every car is different and everyone’s face is different, the same Chinese red has the same background color.

   Not to mention others, the hired guide in Malar also posted the slogan and national flag on both sides of the vehicle at the first time. UU read www. uukanshu.com solemnly said to Maralne: "As long as I send me to the W area, I don't need a commission."

   Malalnai's assistant was a little puzzled, and asked the guide why this was the case.

   The guide smiled: "It's okay, one side is in trouble, all parties support it~~"

   Malarne seems to have a sense of understanding, but the assistant is even more confused, because in his ideological system, he can't count on anyone except himself at a critical moment.

In this way, the cars in Malarna were diverted into the tens of thousands of rescuers in the W area, and they arrived near Jinguan City within a short time. They were stunned by the sights in front of them, but it was not here that they gathered more. The spontaneous team, but the airport diagonally across this section of the road is so spectacular that it is hard to imagine not to be shocked.

   I saw a large transport plane roaring down from the sky, and the transport plane that had finished unloading cargo on the other runway quickly taxied straight to the sky.

   At the same time, a heavy-duty truck loaded with supplies immediately set off, while some urgently needed supplies were carried or hoisted by heavy helicopters and quickly delivered to the disaster area.

   On the farther runway, various types of drones frequently take off and land, and intensively perform scheduled tasks.

   Seeing this scene, Maralne's assistant couldn't help but widen his eyes, exclaiming: "My God, I won't be here at the air show, this place is really... too shocking!"


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