Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 1620: pattern

You must know that Luo Luolai sets up factories in China with shipments. If there is a problem with the -220 series passenger aircraft, it will inevitably affect the sales volume expected by Luo Luo. In this case, setting up factories again will not pay for the gains. NS.

   In fact, it is not only Rolls-Royce. Some other European and American high-end supporting suppliers who were optimistic about the market prospects of China's take-off 220 series passenger planes and are preparing to invest in domestic factories have also become ambiguous because of the severe losses of China's take-off caused by the earthquake.

   This is pretty good, some eagerly announced the cancellation of the cooperation agreement with the country and withdrew the initial investment.

   While this wave of cancellations and divestments surrounding China’s take-off is intensifying, Boeing announced a huge plan to invest in New Delhi.

That is, in the next 5 years, two new assembly plants and supporting maintenance plants for Boeing-737 series aircraft will be built in Bangalore and Mumbai, New Delhi, so as to build New Delhi into the largest production base and maintenance guarantee for Boeing-737 series aircraft in Asia. center.

  The total investment of the plan reaches an unprecedented 18 billion U.S. dollars. By then, it will create more than 50,000 jobs for New Delhi, and it will also generate more than 200 million U.S. dollars in tax revenue for New Delhi each year.

   Not only that, Boeing also called on its close European and American suppliers to join him in investing and setting up factories in New Delhi, so as to shorten the time consumed in the supply chain and improve the overall efficiency of collaboration.

   So many European and American companies that withdrew from China, many turned their heads and followed Boeing to New Delhi to open up a new battlefield.

No way. From the current point of view, Boeing's thighs are thicker after a century of ups and downs. Compared with this, the fledgling China is still too bad for its foundation. An earthquake will be tossed on the street, and it is really unable to withstand anything. storm.

Unlike Boeing’s aggressive investment, Airbus has become very conservative in its investment in New Delhi this time. Except for the establishment of a new textile product plant for aircraft seat fabrics, no other investment projects have been added. The focus is on Europe, especially those in Eastern Europe that have just been absorbed by the European Union.

   Although this is not in the interest of the French, who is the leader of the European aviation industry, there is no way. Who would let the previous three giants in the melee, Airbus, who held a stable win situation, was defeated at the last minute.

   Not only has the huge domestic market been lost, but even the North American market has also been eaten away. If it weren't for Europe, Airbus would have become a yellow flower yesterday.

   Therefore, even if the French are among the best in aviation technology in Europe, they have to bow their heads to Germany, the real engine of the European economy, in the face of a severe situation.

   The German approach is very simple, that is, to use Europe's cheap labor force, high-quality talent team and a vast market to form the inner circle of the German economy.

   By then, no matter how the outside world changes, Airbus will be able to stand still, relying on the Eastern European market and labor force, it can also become the world's first-class aviation manufacturing field.

So in just a few days, three different states have appeared in the world's aviation manufacturing field. Boeing is still expanding with leaps and bounds. Taking advantage of its massive investment in New Delhi as an opportunity, it has announced the official establishment of the latest Boeing-737MAX in a high-profile manner. Test flight around 2012, put into operation around 2015.

After the previous blow, Airbus began to shrink its strategy. Based on its European base camp, it began to lick its wounds. But after all, the camel is bigger than the horse. The Boeing-787 is about to fly for the first time under the Boeing Company's Boeing-737MAX project. Passengers are naturally unwilling to lag behind. They not only continue to promote the development of the world’s largest civil airliner, the Airbus A380, but also launch a new Airbus A350 that is benchmarked against the Boeing 787, and the Airbus A320neo that faces Boeing-737MAX. .

The take-off of China, which has just recently become a giant, is a bit silent, not to mention how it reacts to Boeing 787 and Airbus A350, even if it is the main model, there is no new model of Boeing-737MAX and Airbus A320neo. It seems that it was really tossed down by an earthquake.


"Hey~~ I said my dear, haven't you seen the various media reports? China is really not taking off. Why should you go there in person? Don't you believe the company's financial consultants and policy consultants? Their analysis report can be said to be the most rigorous in Europe. Listen to me. Taking advantage of the good weather these days, we are still sailing in the Aegean Sea on a yacht and doing some romantic things that are only for adults. You just have to wait for yours. My wife came back from a holiday in North Africa, so I can’t be with you~~~"

In a castle by the sea in Venice, Italy, the majority shareholder of F&K Transmission Systems, and also the company’s CEO, Maralne leaned his head on the bed and his arms are leaning against the bed. In his arms, his **** and enchanting executive is using The slender fingers drew circles on Maral's muscular chest, but the overall atmosphere was not romantic.

   "The report of the Orlando and Fatak gangs is still too superficial, but it is just copying the jokes of the people in the media." The corner of Maralne's mouth was upturned and laughed.

In his mouth, Orlando is the financial adviser of F&K Transmission Systems, and Fatak is the company’s policy adviser. The two submitted an assessment report to Maralne two days ago, bluntly saying that Maralne will be in The prospect of domestic investment in setting up factories is very bleak, and it is recommended that Maralne should withdraw from the country together with other foreign capital.

   Somewhat noncommittal about Malarnai.

  As one of the few manufacturers in the world that can produce special bearings for moving parts on large aircraft, F&K Transmission Systems has had a hard time in recent years. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

In the past, relying on its good relationship with the French, F&K Transmission Systems was able to obtain orders from Airbus, but with the expansion of the Germans’ right to speak, Airbus had to hand over a larger proportion of the supporting shares to German manufacturers for production. The profit margin of the F&K Transmission System Company whose share has been reduced can be said to be that Wang Xiaoer's New Year is not as good as one year.

   I thought about the relationship with the US military stationed in Italy, opening up Boeing’s channel joints, and entering the North American market.

   After being cut off by a Japanese manufacturer, they won the 5-year exclusive supply of Boeing-related products at a price 20% lower than that of F&K Transmission System. This resulted in the blockage of the sales of F&K Transmission System’s most profitable products.

  Of course, F&K Transmission System Company can strictly adhere to the low-end transmission system. The problem is that related manufacturers in South Korea, Japan and even the country are growing very fast. In their fierce competition, F&K Transmission System Company has no advantage at all.

   This also led to a serious loss for F&K Transmission System last year.

  In order to reverse the company's unfavorable situation, Maralne decided to set up a factory in China, and then deeply **** with China's take-off, relying on the 220 series passenger aircraft supply chain to keep F&K Transmission Systems' first line of life.

   As a result, as soon as he made the decision on this side, several old consultants over there told him that it couldn’t be done. Who could stand it?


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