Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 1609: SpaceXVSZTM-NB

However, whether it is a dream or a delusion, what the Russians want to do is the Russians’ own business. Zhuang Jianye can’t control it. What he can do is to ensure that the Sky Monkey-2C carrier rocket is used twice a month. Launch frequency, and strive to further increase the number of single satellite launches to 60 starting in 2009, thereby speeding up the deployment frequency.

   After all, canceling the roaming fee is still Zhuang Jianye's greatest ideal.

   Even some foreign aerospace industry insiders compared Zhuang Jianye’s "Roaming Terminator" project to the choice between chocolate-flavored **** and shit-flavored chocolate, suggesting that no matter what, it will make the world feel sick.

But Zhuang Jianye doesn’t care. A man who was born in the world needs to do things that tens of thousands of people are going to do. What’s more, whether it’s **** or not, as long as someone eats it, it means there is a market and it’s worth doing. To open up, even if it is criticized, how can it be?

   TM is not worth a lot of money!

Seeing that Zhuang Jianye wants to carry out this business to the end, some powerful entities are finally unable to sit still, such as the National Aeronautics and Space Administration of the United States, where low-orbit resources are so scarce, it has already demonstrated commercial value, and it is so wasteful of national money. For many years, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration finally saw the money back, so it was naturally happy.

Of course, this behemoth can't get off the court in person, otherwise it would be too ugly. I didn’t look at Zhuang Jianye. He opened his mouth for business interests and kept his heart in mind. It seems that he has a little bit of the side of the country or a powerful department. Children are just like sins, which makes the positioning of ZTM-NB very detached.

   If the National Aeronautics and Space Administration were to end in person, the meaning would be completely different. People’s first thought could not be that the space agency was trying to make money, but whether its approach was the will of freedom and beauty.

  This is bound to cause dissatisfaction and backlash in some countries.

   So NASA must also find a similar ZTM-NB vest to undertake this task.

   The best executor should be Boeing. Since 2000, Boeing has expanded its aerospace business dozens of times through large-scale mergers and acquisitions, even to the point where it can compete with the old Lockheed Martin Corporation.

The National Aeronautics and Space Administration also has high hopes for Boeing. After all, in the past many years, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration has been so miserable by Lockheed that a large amount of budget has been eaten by Lockheed as a profit, and the United States has long been eaten. The National Aeronautics and Space Administration is miserable.

   I very much hope that Boeing will come forward to check and balance Lockheed Martin, which is becoming increasingly incompetent.

But as a result, the ambitious Boeing seemed to be a king. In fact, even the bronze of TM was not counted. The new launch vehicle developed was tested three times and disintegrated in the air twice. Although it was successful once, the satellite on board was not sent in. Schedule a track.

   is equivalent to saying that it succeeded three times and two and a half times.

After investigation by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, it was discovered that Boeing had no technical problems. The matter was management. The sudden merger of a large number of related companies did strengthen Boeing’s aerospace business capabilities. However, Boeing did not have much to do with how to digest these companies. Pay more attention.

  So that the internal personnel struggle of Boeing's aerospace department is extremely fierce, and the grassroots employees are everywhere. It is a **** to be able to do good things under such circumstances.

   Don’t Boeing’s leadership know this?

  Of course they know, but they don’t care about it, because they care more about where Boeing’s stock price can go this year, how much dividends it can give to shareholders at the end of the year, and how much their executives are paid in reverse stock repurchase.

   As for the other side, those are small problems. After all, for a company that is really big and cannot fail, even if I am headstrong, what can you do?

   The National Aeronautics and Space Administration can't do anything. After all, he can't control Boeing, but he can't just watch and run away with money, right?

   There is no other way but to suspend the cooperation with Boeing. Lockheed Martin is also unreliable, so what should I do?

So Musk’s SpaceX entered the vision of NASA. It’s not because Musk is so powerful. The most important thing is that Musk is still very weak at this time. He is more obedient and can put the role of NASA in the vest. Do it well and implement the will of NASA to occupy low-orbit outer space resources.

Musk was originally worried about whether SpaceX could survive. NASA came to the door. Of course, he was so happy. Boeing doesn’t treat NASA as a dish. Musk is absolutely so insane. In this life, I will recognize the National Aeronautics and Space Administration as the big brother, and the big brother will do whatever he wants!

   The eldest brother patted the younger brother's shoulder with satisfaction. Soon SpaceX wanted technology and technology, talented people, and projects and projects. It almost became a leader in the commercial aerospace field overnight.

   And the "Starlink" plan proposed by Musk on social media before has quickly entered the substantive development stage, and it is expected to begin substantive deployment around 2015.

Although it is several years later than Zhuang Jianye’s "Roaming Terminator" plan, Musk’s plan is bolder and more efficient; because he will use recyclable and reusable rocket technology to further reduce satellite launch costs. It may be so late, after all, the development of recoverable rocket technology is not so easy.

However, relying on the technology and talents provided by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, as well as the GPS satellite navigation system it has established over the years; the global efficient satellite communication system; the star-link system for signal transmission between satellites and other outer space infrastructures. ,Combined with the development of manned space technology, it is almost recyclable. It is not difficult to achieve rocket launch, re-entry into the atmosphere, accurate ground\sea landing, and reuse. It mainly depends on how SpaceX realizes it.

   However, it is an undisputed fact that SpaceX has become the strongest competitor of ZTM-NB, which is the most beautiful today.

   In the future, the two companies will actively spray satellites into low orbits to seize valuable orbital resources, and countless fierce battles will inevitably be staged.

   At that time, it will be up to the two parties who can better control costs, who can seize the orbit faster, and who can deploy more satellites.

ZTM-NB, which is now one step ahead, has obvious advantages, but once SpaceX's recyclable rocket technology matures, with its 120 satellite deployment capability and more efficient launch frequency, the possibility of catching up from behind is also great. . UU Reading www.uukanshu.cOM

   It's really hard to say who the flower will fall.

But no matter who wins or loses, the battle for low-orbit space resources has begun. Whether it is for commercial interests or national security, it can be said to affect the nerves of countless people. However, on this truly top-level high-end track, except for a certain country and Apart from the free and beautiful rooms, other countries and entities are currently just spectators. Judging from the current general trend, there are almost no people who can enter the game.

   The Russians are very happy, but he can't solve the problem of low-cost launching, and can't come up with high-frequency launching methods. Although they can grab some resources with their old lives, the cost and benefit are obviously not proportional.

   Although Europe has also launched a similar plan, it is too complicated within Europe, so that it is not even clear whether the Galileo satellite navigation plan is to increase or reduce the budget, let alone vigorously support such a more complex project.

Of course, there are some high-profile ones, such as New Delhi, which claims to launch its own Starlink project within five years, but the outside world just laughed at it. If the launch vehicle of New Delhi does not explode, it will be thankful. Layer space resources? It is more practical to wash and sleep first.

   So the future aerospace pattern is still determined, that is SpaceXVSZTM-NB. As for whether one party wins or both sides rule together, it depends on the future development...


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