Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 1606: King Fried

   The international aerospace community who learned of this immediately fryed the pot.

   No way. For a long time in the past, space experts and economists around the world have been discussing the profit model of ZTM-NB Space Exploration Company.

You must know that the background of ZTM-NB space exploration company will never get rid of the shadow of China's take-off, and China's take-off is restricted by the XX Act, and it is difficult to make a big contribution in the field of aerospace technology in the international market, and the domestic aerospace market has been The industrial conglomerate is firmly in control.

   Even if the ZTM-NB space exploration company can make a difference, under the environment of internal and external attack, it is absolutely impossible to go anywhere.

   So after a period of fresh capital feast, it is inevitable that it will fade quickly. Even without the suppression of Airbus and Boeing, the high valuation of ZTM-NB space exploration company will not last long.

   It can be seen from the fact that the valuation of ZTM-NB Space Exploration Company continues to plummet after the big sales of -220, and the market lacks confidence in ZTM-NB Space Exploration Company.

   After all, the underlying logic of an enterprise is to continuously create value, not to hype with illusory concepts.

   But when the industry began to be less optimistic about the development of the ZTM-NB space exploration company, no one thought that Zhuang Jianye would have thrown out the king bomb!

   "Roaming Terminator" plan!

  Yes, this is Zhuang Jianye’s King Bomb!

   It’s just that what he bombs is not to expand the communication system, to really solve the problem of roaming charges, that is just a gimmick of Zhuang Jianye’s hype, what he really refers to is resources.

   Yes, it is resources.

   It's just that unlike mineral resources in the traditional sense, Zhuang Jianye occupies low-Earth orbit resources.

We must know that there are only a few orbital planes of the earth, especially low-Earth orbits. There is only one plane around the earth. Big is not big, and small is not small, but it is a carrot and a pit, and a small one is used. one.

   The result is such a precious orbital surface. Zhuang Jianye scored 30 of the "Drilling Sky Monkey" once it fired, and will further increase to a stable production value of 60 pieces of the "Drilling Sky Monkey" in the future.

   As for the final quantity, it will reach 50,000 to 80,000.

   In other words, Zhuang Jianye will use these 50,000 to 80,000 small satellites to completely cover the low-Earth orbit.

   In fact, it doesn’t have to be full. The 30 satellites just launched have already caused headaches for many people, especially the French, because a group of them happened to occupy the golden orbit of the French reconnaissance satellites.

   It’s not impossible to change the orbit, but the effect of the satellite will be greatly reduced. The most important thing is that the stay time in the key observation area will be greatly shortened.

   Of course, the French can use other methods to get this set of constellations down.

The problem is that this kind of obvious space militarization is too risky. You must know that a certain country has mastered the existence of anti-satellite weapons. France has not really played this thing yet. Just think about it. I really dare to move, outer space milk. The law is bound to be performed passionately.

What's more, even if you have this strength, it will cost a lot to do it. After all, this group of constellations consists of five small satellites of 15 kg, separated by 200 kilometers from each other. .

   The total cost is more than 400 million U.S. dollars, and the total cost of the five constellations of ZTM-NB Space Exploration Company is less than 500,000 U.S. dollars.

   It's like licking a dog and meeting a scumbag. You think that you can move the world with your heart, but people don't care at all!

   The disgusting thing is disgusting in this place, the existence of the ability to fight, how can it be considered that the gain is not worth the loss; the incapable can only look up to the sky and curse that Zhuang Jianye is not a thing.

Of course the French scolded even harder, but they couldn’t solve the problem at all. In the end, they had no choice but to find Zhuang Jianye. Zhuang Jianye didn’t embarrass the French. With 12 million U.S. dollars, that track will give you France. The price is absolutely fair. bully.

   The French have no choice but to pay 12 million U.S. dollars to purchase the orbit use rights of the ZTM-NB Space Exploration Company.

   Yes, there is only the right to use, not the ownership, because Zhuang Jianye did not let the five satellites occupying the orbit fall into the atmosphere, but adjusted one satellite to extend the distance from the previous four to 800 kilometers.

   The French will see the stitches, so he can jump into this gap.

As for whether the level of the French can be achieved, it is not a question for Zhuang Jianye, because 12 million US dollars can only do this step. It takes at least 200 million US dollars for five satellites to fall into the atmosphere. After all, These satellites exist for the big dream of canceling roaming fees. How can they fall easily?

However, this is nothing. What makes the French vomit blood the most is that the 19th finally successfully launched its own reconnaissance satellite. The ZTM-NB space exploration company once again used the Diamond Monkey-2C carrier rocket on the 22nd to "roam 30". The Terminator satellite was sent into a predetermined orbit.

   Coincidentally, another five satellites occupy the golden orbit of an optical satellite that France will launch in the second half of the year.

   It’s just that this time it’s not only the French who are depressed. Singapore, Indonesia, and Brazil all look up to the sky and use the traditional Zuan language for Zhuang Jianye.

   No way, this batch of satellites also occupied their orbits.

At that time, the French could still think about whether they used other means to get the ZTM-NB space exploration company satellites down. The French, Singapore and Indonesia did not even dare to even think about it, because they did not have the ability at all. As for the commissioned Russia is at this level, but the Russians would not take this matter at all.

   Then you can only spend money on tracks.

   Because of the deteriorating Russian aerospace technology, the flashing of a space clearly cannot meet the needs of the Russians. UU reading www.uukanshu.com can only helplessly damage the satellites and drop two small satellites each from the three-day orbit.

   For this, the French, Singapore, and Indonesia paid ZTM-NB Space Exploration Company a "special consulting fee" of US$100 million.

   In just over two months, ZTM-NB Space Exploration Company has achieved a break even from a huge loss of 312 million U.S. dollars, which not only filled the cost of two launches, but also filled the research and development costs invested in so many years.

The problem is that this is just the beginning. In the future, this kind of orbital trading can still be done for a long time, so that some keen market analysts directly took the ZTM-NB space exploration company to Saudi Aramco in space and rewritten it with their own efforts. Not to mention the definition of space resources, but also to creatively maximize the profits of commercial aerospace.

   So, the valuation of ZTM-NB Space Exploration Company began to rebound, and soon returned to the highest point of US$90 billion.

   But this is not the most influential. The most affected are Musk and Bezos.

   One who shouted that he could still play like this, he hurriedly launched his own Starlink project.

   Another bluntly said that he learned it, and then worked out a series of interstellar resource projects including the mining of the small star.

   But no matter what, the new era of commercial aerospace was torn apart by Zhuang Jianye abruptly!


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