Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 1600: The big devil in the heart of the airline

However, some people with high emotional intelligence believe that Zhuang Jianye's practice of not investigating is more cruel than investigating, because the actions that are condemned, ridiculed, insulted or even resorted to the law by the majority of netizens are more terrifying.

What is the People's War? This is the People's War!

The problem is that the broad masses of the people don't care about these at all. They only know that China's take-off is conscientious and the -220 passenger plane is easy to use. These two items are enough.

Of course, Zhuang Jianye, who understands the consumer's mentality best, cannot fail to do anything after seeing such a favorable public opinion background. So after signing a large sales order for 120-220 passenger aircraft worth 36 billion yuan with China Eastern Airlines, a blog Suddenly a high-quality veteran from, published a very down-to-earth essay, bluntly saying that we had misunderstood China's take-off in the past period of time, and that he suffered injustice in vain.

That's all. The key is that in the freezing natural disasters, China Ascendas not only invested all the 220 passenger planes to take passengers home for free, but also provided nearly 200 million yuan in donations to help the disaster-stricken areas alleviate the difficulties.

You know, at that time, China Ascendas’ stock price was cut in half, orders were cancelled, and the entire company was in an unprecedented predicament, but they did not say a single complaint, did not say a pitiful sentence, should take money for money, should do things and do things, is this kind of company? Shouldn't we support it?

As an ordinary consumer, of course, I cannot afford the price of China Ascendas’ high-value products, but I can start from me and make up the air ticket money owed to China Ascendas, take a trip on the 220 passenger plane, support Domestic brands, support conscientious enterprises!

This small essay has been published, and it was quickly forwarded by many prestigious online accounts. Soon the entry "Owes China to take off a plane ticket" became a hot search.

Originally, the personal design of the conscientious enterprises of China Ascendas has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. At this time, "Owing to China Ascendas a plane ticket money" can be described as the right time.

So many netizens and enthusiastic people began to consult major airlines about the possibility of taking the -220 passenger plane.

The other airlines were all dumbfounded, and asked what was going on. Why did you suddenly get on the -220 passenger plane?

The problem is that it has nothing to do with them because they don't even have a -220 passenger plane. How can they be able to catch up with this hot sales wave?

But some people couldn't catch it, but some people jumped on the ride. Seeing that the people are so enthusiastic, Eastern Airlines immediately announced in a high profile that the first batch of four -220 passenger planes ordered by Eastern Airlines on August 1 this year will be officially put into operation.

And take advantage of the trend to launch the 220 passenger plane, go to the capital to watch the Olympic promotion activities.

Originally, "Owing to China to take off a plane ticket" has been a mess. In the biggest prosperity of the year, the Beijing Olympics is superimposed, China Eastern Airlines can say that it has made a big deal on the road of marketing and directly stepped on two hot spots.

It's hard not to burst.

This is indeed the case. On the third day of the event, from August 1 to August 7, a total of 112 flights were sold out. The average ticket price was as high as RMB 1,200, and the total sales revenue A total of 2016 million yuan.

This is only a one-way performance, if you count the departure from the capital, the income will directly exceed 40 million.

Before the plane started, there were 30 million yuan in the account, and the leaders of Eastern Airlines were so happy that they didn't know how many nasal blisters had popped up.

However, China Eastern Airlines is happy, and other airlines are uncomfortable. The reason is simple. Most of the passenger resources captured by China Eastern Airlines are flowed from other airlines. In other words, China Eastern Airlines earns money. 40 million will be shared equally among the airlines, and everyone will get it.

汜 minus B   汜. Didn’t China Eastern Airlines order the 220 passenger plane? What's the big deal? We just need to spend money to buy it.

As a result, when the major airlines ran to China Takeoff with money to buy planes, they found that they couldn't buy them even if they had the money.

The reason is simple. China's Ascendas' production capacity has reached saturation, and it is no longer able to accept additional orders.

For this reason, China Ascendas specifically introduced the current production situation of the -220 passenger aircraft. In addition to the 120 ordered by Eastern Airlines, Ascendas has purchased an additional 24.

At the same time, a certain unit of the Air Force ordered 12 aircraft, mainly to replace the 200-200 advanced business jets that had been in service a few years ago, and became a new generation of special aircraft for senior leaders to travel.

Sacrifice such as bxwx.co sacrifice such as. As for the eliminated-200-200 high-level business jets, they were sent to the special aircraft manufacturing plant at the southern foot of the Qinling Mountains, where they were all converted into electronic warfare aircraft in accordance with the requirements of the Air Force.

In addition to this time, the Air Force has also ordered 6 improved aerial tankers based on the -220 passenger aircraft.

Lin Lin finally concluded that the total order volume of the -220 passenger aircraft reached 162, but China Ascendas' current annual output of the -220 passenger aircraft is only a mere 12, an average of one per month. With the current production capacity, it can only digest these 162 aircraft. It will take 13 and a half years.

Therefore, China Ascendas understands the urgency of major airlines to purchase the 220 passenger aircraft. However, the production capacity is limited. The major airlines have to wait. After 10 years, China Ascendas promises to give priority to the production of major airline orders...

As soon as I heard the explanation of China's take-off, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com these airlines immediately exploded. If you order the 220 passenger plane 10 years later, the TM is not daylily cold?

But even if it blows up, no airline has really turned its face.

If it were placed in the past, it would be unbelievable. If you don't sell airplanes, I will buy another one. Can't Airbus or Boeing?

The problem is that now, Boeing and Airbus are tearing up fiercely, basically giving up suppressing China Ascendas, which is tantamount to indirectly acknowledging China Ascendas' status in the domestic market.

So the three basically formed a tacit understanding, that is, China's take-off and peace of mind toss in the domestic market, as long as we don't go abroad, we are still the same, hello, me, hello, everyone.

This is equivalent to saying that China Ascendas has won a big victory in this game with the giants.

Mi He Mi. In this way, China Ascendas has an invincible presence in the domestic aviation industry. Do you need spare parts for various airlines? Can maintenance, maintenance and overhaul of each model be done?

These things even Boeing and Airbus have to rely on China to take off, not to mention these domestic airlines.

So instead of offending, you have to be careful about flattering, or it will make your running costs two or three times higher every minute, just like playing.

Don’t you see that a certain local airline does not believe in evil and insists on doing it. As a result, after China took off and cut off all supplies, the entire fleet was completely collapsed in less than two months. Finally, the company’s leadership was removed and the entire company was acquired by Eastern Airlines. Thus disappeared completely.

The living example is right there. Even if you feel dissatisfied, you have to bear it. There is no way. Who made China take off is no longer the former little white sheep, but the real big devil!

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